Panax notoginseng powder is a star medicinal material, which is mainly used as a hemostatic agent and a blood stasis-removing and hemostatic agent. Because it has the effect of activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, it also has many derived effects, such as beaut

Panax notoginseng powder is a medicinal star, which is mainly hemostatic drug and blood stasis-removing hemostatic drug . Because it has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, it also has many derived effects, such as beauty treatment, freckle removal, delaying aging, reducing swelling and pain, and so on.

However, although Panax notoginseng powder is good, it cannot be eaten anytime you want.

There are 8 taboos for taking Panax notoginseng powder!

, "Not well absorbed" do not drink

Panax notoginseng should not be eaten with broad beans, fish and cold and sour foods, because these foods will greatly reduce the body's absorption of nutrients in Panax notoginseng, so it is recommended to eat Panax notoginseng. If you have seven powders, don’t eat the above foods.

2, Do not drink it if you have a cold.

People with a cold should not take Panax notoginseng. Panax notoginseng powder is warm in nature. If a person suffering from wind-heat and cold eats Panax notoginseng powder, it will aggravate the heat , so it should not be taken. If wind-cold cold users can use it.

3, Do not drink when you are sick.

Long-term use of Panax notoginseng powder can soften blood vessels, promote blood health, and effectively prevent various cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. As we age, all aspects of our body's functions decline, so don't wait until you are sick to eat Panax notoginseng powder.

4, Don’t drink too much Panax notoginseng powder

Don’t eat too much Panax notoginseng, 6-9 grams per day, taken in divided doses.

5, Do not drink during menstruation

Female friends should not consume Panax notoginseng powder during menstruation. Panax notoginseng powder has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and is called the first holy medicine. If taken during menstruation, it may easily lead to excessive bleeding, but if If you have irregular menstruation due to blood stasis, you can use Panax notoginseng powder to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis to regulate menstruation.

6, Do not drink during pregnancy

Women should not consume Panax notoginseng powder during pregnancy. Because Panax notoginseng has powerful functions of promoting blood circulation and lowering blood pressure, it is not good for the health of pregnant women and fetuses.

But if there is a lot of blood loss after childbirth, it is best to use Panax notoginseng to replenish blood, because Panax notoginseng has the effect of stopping bleeding and removing blood stasis, and can also be used to improve the physical condition of the mother.

7, Do not drink if you are allergic

Before taking Panax notoginseng powder, we need to understand our body to see if there will be any allergies. If an allergy occurs, it must be stopped in time. However, there are relatively few people allergic to Panax notoginseng, so there is no need to worry.

8, Panax notoginseng cannot be "drinked sometimes but not"

Taking Panax notoginseng powder must be sustained for a long time. Taking Panax notoginseng powder in the style of "fishing for three days and drying the net for two days" will not achieve the desired health care. Effect.

Therefore, if you plan to take Panax notoginseng powder, we recommend taking it regularly: long-term use of Panax notoginseng powder can activate blood circulation and unblock meridians, soften blood vessels, lower blood pressure, lower blood lipids, treat liver fibrosis, beautify the skin, and delay aging and other effects.

In today's society, there are many people with blood stasis and constitution. Many common diseases are caused by blood stasis. So what is blood stasis constitution? What are the characteristics of blood stasis constitution? How to use Panax notoginseng to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis?

Picture source: Visual China

What is congestion constitution?

Blood stasis constitution: A person’s blood circulation is not in good condition and there is blood stasis .For example, blood circulation is slow, or it stagnates in certain locations, or causes some blockages, causing diseases.

Blood stasis can cause various diseases, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular blockage, varicose veins, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, breast hyperplasia, etc. At the same time, many diseases can also cause blood stasis, such as acronecrosis in patients with diabetes and so on.

Therefore, everyone must not ignore the dangers of blood stasis and take countermeasures in advance.

What are the symptoms of blood stasis?

Now famous experts are here to teach you how to tongue diagnosis determine blood stasis constitution!

There are two common and easy-to-diagnose tongue signs of blood stasis:

, Petechiae and petechiae : People with blood stasis in the body, petechiae and petechiae are prone to appear on the edges and tips of the tongue. This condition occurs more often in women.

If there are ecchymoses on a woman's tongue, or even petechiae connected into a patch, it is likely to be a manifestation of blood stasis-related diseases , such as uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, etc.

2, Sublingual veins are black and blue: This tongue image is the most important. The sublingual veins, these two veins in normal people, should be faint and looming.

If these two veins become black and thick, black and blue in color, swollen, and grow like coral , it probably means there is blood stasis in the body.

At this time, it is recommended to go to the hospital for examination. People with this kind of tongue usually have internal problems.

Two uncommon tongue signs of blood stasis:

3, Tongue color is blue and purple: The whole tongue is blue and purple, The tongue coating The uncovered part, the tongue color is blue and purple, this kind of people generally have more severe blood stasis.

4, The tip of the tongue is tilted to one side: part Such people may have blood stasis, but this situation must be distinguished specifically.

Other symptoms of blood stasis constitution

, memory loss .

2, Dry throat.

3, The lips and eye sockets are dim in color, the face is dull, and dark spots are prone to appear on the face.

4, have dry skin, and red or cyan blood streaks are particularly prone to appear on the surface of the skin, and bruises are prone to occur when the skin is touched.

5, There are fixed pain points in the body. The pain is severe at night and lighter during the day.

If you find that your sublingual veins are distended and you have all the above symptoms, you should take the blood stasis problem seriously!

How to regulate blood stasis constitution?

First of all, it is recommended that you find a nearby Chinese medicine doctor to prescribe appropriate treatment. At the same time, you can use to take Panax notoginseng powder to assist conditioning.

suggests that the elderly should insist on taking Panax notoginseng powder to keep their blood vessels smooth if conditions permit.

How to take Panax notoginseng?

, Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: Take Panax notoginseng powder and American ginseng together.

For health care usage, take 1 gram of Panax notoginseng powder and 1 gram of American ginseng powder every day. American ginseng powder, preferably produced in Canada, should be taken once a day for health care. If you have heart stasis and need to treat blood stasis, take it twice a day with warm water and after meals.

2, Conditioning bone-related problems

For joint problems, you can take it by stewing chicken leg bones. Generally, take 1 to 3 grams of Panax notoginseng powder and five or six chicken leg bones. For mild cases, use 1 gram of Panax notoginseng powder. For heavier ones, use 3 grams of Panax notoginseng powder, pound the chicken leg bones with the back of a knife, and then cook the soup with the Panax notoginseng powder, usually for about half an hour.

3, Stasis

While taking Panax notoginseng powder, you can use Panax notoginseng powder mixed with water or vinegar for external application.

4, Improve local skin condition

Women love beauty the most. If you want to improve local skin condition, you can use a small amount of Panax notoginseng powder for external application and oral administration.

If you are interested in other usages, you can also leave a message at the end of the article, which can be explained in detail in the following articles.

Is it better to eat it raw or cooked?

Eat it raw to activate blood; eat it cooked to nourish blood.

There are two main ways to eat panax notoginseng powder, raw and cooked. The main function of raw food is to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, while the main function of cooked food is to replenish blood.

, How to eat it raw

Panax notoginseng powder should be eaten raw. Experts recommend: 3 to 5 grams per day. You can choose milk or warm water to take it twice. It is best to take 2 to 3 grams at one time.

2, How to eat cooked

stewed chicken, stewed pork ribs , after the chicken or ribs are cooked, add 10-20 grams of Panax notoginseng powder and simmer for ten minutes; Panax notoginseng powder can also be fried and eaten directly, or directly It can be taken with boiling water, but fried Panax notoginseng powder is rarely soaked in water and eaten.

Taking time of Panax notoginseng powder

  • Take it in the morning: to enhance immunity and anti-aging

Take about 3 grams of Panax notoginseng powder when you wake up in the morning, and take it with warm water. It can enhance immunity, anti-aging and other functions.

  • Taking it at night: helps sleep

Taking Panax notoginseng powder is best taken before meals, which helps improve sleep. If you take it after meals, please take a small amount, preferably no more than 3 grams. If you take it in excess at night, it will have a stimulant effect.

It is best not to take Panax notoginseng powder before going to bed, because taking Panax notoginseng powder will make you thirsty