Targeted drugs can generally eliminate tumors. Targeted drugs are a new type of tumor treatment drugs that have emerged in recent years. They target the signaling pathways of cancer cells or have therapeutic effects based on the comprehensive effect of the cell microenvironment.

Targeted drugs can generally eliminate tumors.

Targeted drugs are a new type of tumor treatment drugs that have emerged in recent years. They target the signaling pathways of cancer cells, or drugs that have a therapeutic effect based on the comprehensive effect of the cell microenvironment. . Currently, targeted drugs are roughly divided into two types.

1. A drug that acts on the tumor signaling pathway.

2. Drugs that are used to treat tumor neovascularization. Targeted therapy drugs are a new and advanced treatment method for treating cancer . It is necessary to do gene testing first, and select targeted therapy drugs based on the results. Stronger and more efficient. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a better treatment method during the clinical process and control the tumor in a targeted manner based on the results of genetic testing to achieve better treatment effects. Targeted drugs treat malignant tumors from the genetic and molecular levels. They have the advantages of good effects and minimal side effects. Tumors can usually shrink or even disappear completely after targeted therapy. For patients with advanced malignant tumors, taking targeted drug therapy can prolong the time of disease progression and survival time. However, some patients with advanced and malignant tumors cannot be completely cured through targeted therapy. Because after taking targeted drugs for a period of time, some cancer cells that are resistant to targeted drugs will appear in the body. If the cancer cells become dominant and the patient's disease progresses again, doctors will usually recommend that the patient further improve their genetic testing and seek new targets for treatment.

Cancer patients can choose a high-quality protein diet, such as eggs and milk, and eat more fruits and vegetables. Patients should eat less fat-rich foods, limit red meat, fried and moldy foods, limit sugary drinks, limit drinking and smoking, ensure adequate nutrition, and maintain a balanced diet.