Author: Teacher Dou Kun The closed weight loss training is coming to an end. Lose weight every day, write a weight loss diary every day, and never stop. The weight loss has achieved results, and weight loss journal articles have been produced one after another. If you want to los

Author: Teacher Dou Kun

Closed weight loss training is coming to an end. Lose weight every day, write a weight loss diary every day, and never stop. The weight loss has achieved results, and weight loss journal articles have been produced one after another. If you want to lose weight, you should lose weight. Why do you need to write a weight loss diary every day? Today’s article is about writing an article, let’s make a summary.


Writing articles is a hobby for me.

You won’t feel tired if you do what you like.

When I was studying and going to school, I liked writing.

After working in a newspaper for thirteen years, I turned my interest into work, and my work became full of happiness. When I started my own business, no matter how busy I was, I always wrote.

I even think that writing is very helpful for my entrepreneurship.

promotion education is about building and promoting brands, and it is inseparable from writing.

​I have always loved writing and am grateful for writing. Nowadays, there are strict controls on all aspects. You can’t write about Mother in Chains, you can’t write about the Russia-Ukraine war, you can’t write about fighting corruption and upholding integrity. There are not many subjects that can be written about.

​It’s no problem to write about weight loss. Insights into world affairs are all knowledge, and writing about weight loss can be endless.


Good stuff to share.

I have personally experienced the training. I think it is good, and I want more people around me to know about it. Many people also need to lose weight and exercise. It can wake up one person. Even if it wakes up one person, it is helpful to others.

​For a while, I insisted on posting my weight loss notes to an alumni group, but one person criticized me and said that I posted random advertisements. Did he think that I was running a weight loss camp ? Or read soft advertisement from my article.

​I work in a newspaper office as a journalist, and I sometimes feel disgusted with advertisements. Since joining the industry, I no longer dislike advertisements. I like others to advertise to me, and I can't help but introduce good products and projects to others. I am willing to share whether I have benefited from it.

​Not everyone will think like me. I will not argue if I am not allowed to post, and quietly leave the group.

​Guess what next? The person who criticized me wanted to add me on WeChat again.

Let’s just resonate with people of the same frequency.


is made public to remind yourself to persevere and motivate yourself to work harder.

You must persist in losing weight, and you must persist in writing articles.

Persistence is not an easy thing and requires environment and atmosphere.

​Writing an article and publishing it to the public is also creating an atmosphere that accepts everyone's supervision. In the eyes of the public, it is difficult to take back the water that is thrown out. I have to bite the bullet and move forward. As I walk, I become someone else. In the eyes of people who can persevere.


Brain exercise, keep thinking.

The more you use your brain, the better it becomes. Writing articles can make you more thoughtful.

Not only passively accept weight loss, but also actively study weight loss.

​After research, I found that closed weight loss training is still necessary and effective. It is helpful for all-round health of the body. The disadvantage is that time is a bit wasted. If you make full use of your spare time and do something useful It's perfect for meaningful study and work.

​So, when more and more people asked me how to participate in a weight loss camp, I was thinking, if I were asked to hold a weight loss training camp, I would hold a weight loss and income-increasing secret training camp while losing weight. , while increasing income, losing weight and increasing income, wouldn’t it be the best of both worlds?

Secret training camp for losing weight and increasing income, the detailed plan has been formed in my mind. I also roughly know the time and place. I will compare and negotiate among many weight loss training camps and get the most cost-effective group purchase price. As for the embedded income-increasing courses, they are also the experiences that I think should be shared the most since I started my business for more than ten years.

​The next step is to resonate with people of the same frequency.

(written on March 29, 2022)

About the author: Dou Kun, a native of Hubei, a former senior editor and reporter of the provincial newspaper, went to Shanghai to found Jinjin Education in 2004, built China's first student trusteeship brand, and published many books He is the author of the student care industry monograph, the producer of the theatrical film "After School", and the producer of the care-themed cartoon "Little Eagle's Promotion" broadcast on CCTV Children's Channel.

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