Text | Jingma's "White Paper on Hematological Diseases in Chinese Children 2020" mentioned that the incidence rate of leukemia among infants and children aged 0 to 14 is 34.3 per million, which means that 34 out of 1 million children will have leukemia. 3 out of 100,000 children.

article | Jingma

"China's Children's Blood Diseases 2020 White Paper" mentioned that the incidence rate of leukemia among infants and children aged 0 to 14 is 34.3 per million, which is 34 out of 1 million children. There will be leukemia, 3 in 100,000 children.

Leukemia is a malignant tumor. The treatment process is extremely expensive, and it may not be curable.

Why is the probability of children getting leukemia so high now? One of the "culprits" is formaldehyde .

Formaldehyde is a Class 1 poison according to the International Cancer Society and is closely related to the incidence of leukemia!

Our daily food may also contain formaldehyde, especially these four types of food. Parents must carefully identify them and never let their children eat them.

3 Category foods may contain formaldehyde, which can cause children to suffer from leukemia. Parents should pay attention when choosing.

Category 1: Inferior vermicelli, noodles, dumpling skins

Some unscrupulous businesses will make food last longer and have better colors. , formaldehyde is added in the process of making vermicelli noodles and dumpling wrappers, so that the finished rice or flour products look good in color and can be stored longer.

How to check if formaldehyde is added to vermicelli, noodles and dumpling wrappers? Mainly from three points:

Point 1, color

Normal vermicelli color will not look very uniform. For example, if it is made of sweet potato, it will be like the color of sweet potato, and if it is made of rice, it will be a little white and a little yellow. The noodles will also be a little yellower.

Vermicelli or noodles soaked in formaldehyde will be whiter in color and not very good-looking.

Point 2, brittleness

When we buy vermicelli or noodles, we hope that they will not stick to the pan and have some toughness when cooking. Such demands can be achieved by adding formaldehyde.

So when we look at those rice noodles or noodles that cannot be boiled, we should be wary that formaldehyde may be added.

Point 3. Taste

When buying vermicelli or noodles, you can smell them with your nose. If formaldehyde is added, it will have a pungent smell.

If you didn't smell it when you bought it, but you smell the pungent smell when cooking it, throw it away quickly, because it is very likely to contain formaldehyde.

In addition to the above three points, formaldehyde is added. Wet noodles and wet noodles will not go bad if left for a few days. Under normal circumstances, they will go bad if left outside for a day.

Category 2: Frozen seafood

Frozen seafood, because there may not be a way to maintain a continuous low temperature during transportation, the color of the seafood will change.

In order to make the color of the seafood look fresher, some unscrupulous businesses will add diluted formalin water to soak the seafood, and formalin water is a preservative, which is formaldehyde water.

For example, squid soaked in formaldehyde water will be crispier and more delicious when cooked.

If you can buy fresh seafood, if you buy frozen seafood, you should use the "three-word rule" to select:

Look: If the color of the frozen seafood looks very bright and beautiful, you should be wary that it may contain formaldehyde. .

smell: When you smell , you can smell a pungent smell, so don’t buy it.

Touch: Pinch the seafood with your hands. If it looks crispy and can even be crushed, it may contain formaldehyde.

When buying seafood, try to buy it in regular large supermarkets. When you buy it, soak it first and then cook it for your children.

The third category: fresh vegetables and fruits

The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University received a case of formaldehyde poisoning. The mother of the child bought baby cabbage at a stall because she thought baby cabbage looked particularly clean. , so it was cooked without proper cleaning, which eventually led to poisoning.

A small vegetable vendor said that as long as the roots of the baby cabbage are soaked in a preservative containing formaldehyde water, the baby cabbage can be stored for several days and will look very fresh.

When parents buy vegetables, don't just choose beautiful ones. Any kind of vegetables, whether they look clean or unclean, must be soaked and washed before cooking.

The best food to choose for your children is fresh local seasonal fruits and vegetables. If possible, it would be better to buy fresh seafood, meat, and various noodles and noodles and consider making them yourself.

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