As the saying goes: You can't wake up in the first thirty years, and you can't sleep in the next thirty years. When people reach middle age, the most distressing thing is lack of sleep and poor sleep quality, which leads to listlessness and dizziness when they wake up the next da

As the saying goes: You can’t wake up in the first thirty years, and you can’t sleep in the next thirty years.

When people reach middle age, the most distressing thing is lack of sleep and poor sleep quality, which leads to listlessness and dizziness when they wake up the next day, which seriously affects work and social interaction.

In the long term, it is easy to develop anxiety, irritability, irritability, depression and other emotions, which can lead to mental illness.

will also affect the function of important organs, especially the liver. Generally, the liver needs to excrete toxins produced in the body during sleep at night. Long-term poor sleep can reduce liver function and easily lead to liver disease.

If women who love beauty do not sleep well, they are prone to stains , eye bags, and dark circles on their faces. Their eyes will be dull and their face will be dull, which will seriously affect their beauty and energy.

Everyone needs different sleep time due to their different physiques. Some people need four or five hours of sleep, while others need seven or eight hours.

However, it is recognized that the best sleep time is from 10:30 pm to around 6 pm the next day. Sleeping deeply during this period is very beneficial to the human body.

In order to fall asleep easily and achieve healthy sleep, we need to do the following steps:

Step one: Eat less dinner. Don't eat too much at dinner. Accumulation of food in the stomach can easily affect sleep.

Step 2: Exercise early. It is not advisable to do strenuous exercise before going to bed, as it will make people excited. For those who like exercise and fitness, it is best to schedule your time before 9 pm.

Step 3: Go to bed early. Avoid too rich night life, it is best to go to bed around 10:30.

Step 4: The light should be dark. It is best to choose blackout curtains for to block outdoor light and then turn off all light sources in the room.

Step 5: Put down the phone. The light from the mobile phone screen will stimulate people's nerves and make it difficult to fall asleep.

I wonder if you have this experience: if you read a paper book before going to bed, most people will fall asleep without even noticing after reading a few pages.

But if you switch to watching it on your mobile phone, you will basically become more and more excited as you watch it.

Therefore, be sure to put down your phone before going to bed. Don’t expect to fall asleep just by looking at it. The probability of this is relatively small, unless you are particularly sleepy or seriously sleep-deprived.

The sixth step is to relax mentally. Be sure to think about some relaxing and pleasant things before going to bed to relax your nerves. Close your eyes and imagine that you are running happily on the endless grassland, with the breeze blowing and the fragrance of flowers...

The seventh step is to adjust your breathing. Before falling asleep, we can take a few deep breaths and adjust our breathing to make our breathing slow and deep, which will help us fall asleep as soon as possible.

Finally, if you have tried many methods and still have not improved within a short period of time, please do not be anxious.

Don’t worry about this or that just because you don’t sleep well, as this will give yourself bad psychological hints. This will only increase the burden and make your mental state worse.

Give yourself a positive psychological massage: It doesn’t matter if you don’t sleep well, I just need less sleep time than others! I've had four hours of sleep, which is already good. I feel energetic and can still cope with work and life easily!