Aging is a stage that everyone living in the world must go through! Especially after the age of 40, various organs of the human body will gradually age, and various functions of the body will be worse than before. In fact, this is a normal physiological phenomenon. Although today

Aging is a stage that everyone living in the world must go through! Especially after the age of 40, various organs of the human body will gradually age, and various functions of the body will be worse than before. In fact, this is a normal physiological phenomenon. Although today's cosmetics and skin care products can delay aging to a greater or lesser extent, these only treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

Especially female friends, especially after having children, their bodies will not be as good as before! In addition to paying attention to proper maintenance, you should also stay away from junk food. Today we will talk about 4 kinds of fruits that "make people age". Regular consumption will cause the skin to get worse and worse. Female stars will never touch them. If you also want to age slower, be sure to eat as little as possible!

1: Watermelon, especially in the current season, air conditioning, wifi, and watermelon are the three magic tools to relieve the heat in summer. Especially after sweating, eating a few pieces of iced watermelon can not only relieve the heat but also quench your thirst! Although watermelon contains a lot of water and is not high in calories, watermelon contains a lot of fructose . If eaten for a long time, the calories will continue to accumulate, eventually causing the body to produce a lot of fat. After the fructose is absorbed by the body, it will not be absorbed in time. If removed, it will adhere to the skin and cause glycation reaction, resulting in skin aging. It doesn’t mean that you can’t eat just one bite of watermelon. You should eat it sparingly. It’s okay to eat it once or twice occasionally.

2: Mango, living conditions are now better and logistics is becoming more and more developed. This southern fruit often appears in supermarkets in the north. Fresh mango has a fresh taste and a special fragrance. It can not only be eaten raw but also made into cakes and snacks! However, mango is a cold fruit . Eating it regularly can lead to excessive water content, dull skin, and even edema. Furthermore, mango contains allergenic proteins and and arabic gum , which can easily cause skin allergies. So girls must eat less.

3: Durian, as a magical fruit, due to its unique taste, durian is deeply loved by many foodies! It is said that one durian can beat three chickens, and it also has the honor of being the "King of Fruits"! In fact, although durian is delicious, I really don’t recommend that you eat more of it. Firstly, the sugar content will exceed the standard, and secondly, the calories will be very high. Eating too much will cause excessive obesity. Obesity will accelerate skin aging! It’s not that you can’t eat even one bite. It’s okay to eat it once in a while, but don’t eat too much. According to nutritionist , do not consume more than 100 grams per day. Therefore, babies who love to eat durian should avoid it appropriately!

4: Betel nut , although betel nut can produce a strong stimulation, it also has a refreshing effect, especially many boys in the south like to eat it very much! Everyone knows that eating too much betel nut has the risk of causing cancer. In addition, it will also accelerate the aging of the skin and make it worse. So whether you are a girl or a boy, you must eat less betel nut and quit if you can!

So, what fruits should girls eat that are good for their health? Cherry can effectively inhibit the production of melanin and make the skin more rosy. Apple, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away from me", everyone has heard of it, apples are very good. Then there is papaya, which can not only enlarge breasts, but also supplement the trace elements that the body lacks. kiwi has the effect of whitening skin. Grapes eliminate free radicals in the body and delay aging.

Okay, today’s article will be shared here. If it is helpful to you, please like, forward, and follow. If you have different opinions, please leave a message in the comment area, and Xiaojian will discuss it with you! Life is a desolate and lonely journey. You know yourself whether you are warm or cold, and you have joy and sorrow in your heart. Take good care of yourself...