# unusual case# Gujing Decoction, a family-prescribed prescription, has the following effects: clears away heat and dampness, strengthens sperm and stops spermatorrhea. Indications: nocturnal emission, premature ejaculation. Note: This prescription is prepared by Xian Weng Fu Sha

Family’s prescription of Gujing Decoction

Efficacy: Clearing away heat and promoting dampness , Gujingjing and stopping the disease Indications: Nocturnal emission, Premature ejaculation

Note: This prescription is prepared by Xian Weng Fushan (Qingzhu) Yihuang Decoction ( Chinese yam 530 grams (fried) Gorgon fruit 30 grams (fried) Phellodendron 6 grams (fried with salt water) Plantago 3 grams (fried with wine) Ginkgo 10 pieces (crushed)). Yihuang decoction is mainly used to treat women’s damp-heat syndrome. Note , The kidney qi is not solid The pulse is out of date, leucorrhea is caused by . My grandfather inherited his knowledge and added dodder raspberry Shayuanzi to the original prescription to nourish the kidney and strengthen essence to form the Gujing decoction, which is mainly used to treat dampness and heat, but also the syndrome of Jing Guan not solidifying. It has been used in clinical practice and has repeatedly achieved miraculous effects. , now it is disclosed to the public to benefit all living beings.

Effective prescriptions for gallbladder disease

In the Mid-Autumn Festival of 2006, a young man in our village who was working in the economy went home to visit relatives. Cholecystitis broke out. He asked me to give penicillin and asked about his cholecystitis. , Cholelithiasis has been recurring for three years (according to B ultrasound in a hospital in Jinan) and has been relieved by penicillin every time. Because of his long-term use of penicillin, I persuaded him to switch to cefoperazone and sulbactam + levofluoride, and also told him to take additional Chinese medicine. He happily followed it. was infused with html for 55 days, and the symptoms were relieved. I returned to Jinan with one month's supply of Chinese medicine. After taking it, I felt good, and asked for another six months' supply of Chinese medicine. Since I didn't know the effect, I only gave him three months' supply and asked him to take it. I'll check again after I'm done to see how the effect is. The patient went home during the Spring Festival of 2007, saying that his symptoms were completely under control, and he brought three months of medication with him. On February 2 of the lunar calendar, the patient came home with B-ultrasound results: no stones were found.

On September 6, 2007, another patient with cholecystitis came to the clinic and asked for penicillin. Because he was informed of the above cases, he was advised to take traditional Chinese medicine for treatment. Because the patient’s family was poor, he did not use western medicine. His symptoms were relieved after taking only traditional Chinese medicine. On October 20 , the patient suffered minor injuries due to a car accident. He went to the hospital to check the injury and did a hepatobiliary B-ultrasound. Everything was normal. The attached Chinese medicine prescription is as follows: fish brain stone 20 sea gold sand 20 chicken gizzard 10 yuan Hu 10 turmeric 6 Citrus aurantium 6 rhubarb 3 Bupleurum 10, a total of coarse powder, made into bags of tea , 10 grams per bag, soak it , two bags a day.

Special recipe for enuresis in children

- [Drug composition] 10 grams of sulfur, 7 sections of green onion.

[Preparation and usage] Pound the medicine into mud, apply it on Shenque point before going to bed, take it off the next morning, and the 18th day is a course of treatment.

[Combined treatment] Sang Yi Zhen Silk Powder: Mulberry octopus and dodder seed 30 grams each, Yizhiren , Ligustrum lucidum 50 grams each, a total of very fine powder, packed in capsules, 6 grams / day , 3 times orally.

【Therapeutic effect】Treated 5 cases of enuresis in children. Results: All patients were cured, and no recurrence occurred during half-year follow-up.

Recipe 2

[Drug composition] 50 grams of sulfur, 515 grams of gallnuts, 5 scallions.

[Preparation and Usage] Apply the medicine and mash it into mud and apply it to the navel. Change the dressing once a day.

[Therapeutic effect] It is used to treat enuresis in children. Generally, it will be cured after 1-2 treatments.

Clinical prescription - Paixuefenqingyin

This prescription is mainly used to treat damp-heat and white turbidity, cloudy urine, residual urine, yellow and greasy tongue coating, etc. I have been treating non-gonococcal urethritis , prostatitis , or white turbid urine for many years.

The main syndrome of this prescription is exactly opposite to that of Paixue Fenqing Drink (9 grams each of Paixue, Yizhiren, Shichangpu, Wuyao) in "Danxi Heart Method". It is used for lower Jiao with cold dampness and dampness and turbidity. Note, the cream is white and turbid. It can be seen that the urination is frequent, turbid and unclear, white as rice swill, thick as paste, pale tongue with white coating, and deep pulse .

For the treatment of non-gonococcal urethritis, use 30 grams of Acorus, 10 grams each of Acorus, Phellodendron, Atractylodes, Plantago, Poria , Cuscuta , Salvia , Sichuan Achyranthes 15 grams each, Scutellaria barbata, 20 grams each of , Smilax , and are commonly used basic formulas, which can be slightly modified according to the symptoms, and have been used frequently in clinical practice.

Ruzhi Li Moumou, male, 41 years old, was diagnosed on May 29, 2010. In the past six months, his urine smelled fishy, ​​and his underwear had white turbid impregnation. He also likes to drink alcohol. When he feels that the fire is severe, his urine smells fishy and his tongue is red. The fur is slightly yellow, and the pulse is smooth.Damp and hot bet on the Jiao, and use the 膆薢袁 clear drink. Additions and subtractions: 20 grams of 膆袢, 12 grams of Phellodendron cypress, 10 grams of Achyranthes bidentata, 10 grams of Plantago Seed, 15 grams of Smilax, 10 grams of Salvia Miltiorrhizae, 10 grams of Acorus Cortex, 510 grams of Pulsatilla html and 3 grams of Coptis chinensis (both are non-fried Chinese medicine pieces). 5 doses.

I went to the hospital again on November 23. The symptoms disappeared after taking the medicine out for the last time. Recently, the previous symptoms reappeared due to excessive drinking, but they were milder than before. The following symptoms were: 20 grams of phlegm, 12 grams of Phellodendron, Sichuan beef. 10 grams of kneecap, 10 grams of Plantago seed, 15 grams of Smilax cocos, 30 grams of Sophora chinensis, 10 grams of Acorus calamus, 10 grams of Pulsatilla, Alisma 10 grams. 5 doses.

The old lady’s prescription

html In the spring of 1998, a young man from the east of the village came to the clinic and stated his prescription: three qian of ephedra, three qian of rhubarb, three qian of mint, three qian of licorice. I was very surprised when I saw the combination of ephedra and rhubarb. What disease should I treat? He said that his mother-in-law often suffered from toothache. Later, someone passed on this prescription. Take three doses each time, one dose will relieve the pain, and three doses can last for about half a year. I have been taking this prescription for thirty years and the effect is very good. Later, I mixed it into powder and made it into teabags, which was very convenient and effective for toothache caused by wind and fire.

Warm reminder : The various prescriptions and prescriptions involved in this article are only for reference and study by professional Chinese medicine practitioners and cannot be used as prescriptions. Please do not blindly test medicines. This platform does not assume any responsibility arising therefrom!

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