On the afternoon of June 30, the Henan Provincial Health Commission held a meeting to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. It reviewed the glorious history of the party over the past century, commended and learned from advanced models,

News from this newspaper (Reporter Chang Juan, intern reporter An Xiaoyan) On the afternoon of June 30, the Henan Provincial Health Commission held a meeting to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, review the glorious history of the party over the past century, commend advanced models, and learn from the advanced A role model to guide and inspire party members and cadres in the health system to keep in mind their original mission and actively participate in the construction of a healthy China. Kan, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Provincial Health Commission, delivered a special party class report. Zhang Ruoshi, deputy director of the Provincial Health Commission and first-level inspector, presided over the meeting. Leading cadres from the Zheng Committee attended the meeting.

The world today is undergoing major changes unseen in a century. This is a profound conclusion made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, using the broad vision and methodology of Marxism to observe the general trend of the world. How should understand the main manifestations of "great changes unseen in a century", how should the health system respond to "great changes unseen in a century", prevent risks and challenges, and respond to emergencies. Regarding these issues, Kan communicated with the participants throughout the process experience.

Kan Quancheng said that planning health work in the "big changes unseen in a century" must be closely linked to comprehensively strengthening party building, carrying out strict and detailed epidemic prevention and control, and continuing to build a strong public health safety defense line. Work. Comprehensively strengthen party building. We must adhere to the party's political construction as the guide, integrate party construction into the work of the health center, and continuously improve the level of party management and governance. It is necessary to give full play to the leading role of party building, solidly carry out the establishment of party building demonstration units in public hospitals, adhere to strengthening the foundation, make up for shortcomings, create highlights, promote improvement, set benchmarks, lead the whole, and promote the comprehensive improvement of the quality of party building in public hospitals across the province. We must continue to strictly govern the Party in an all-round way and conscientiously fulfill our political responsibilities of strictly governing the Party in an all-round way. We must also maintain our ideological position, implement the responsibility system for ideological work, improve the public opinion monitoring, collection, analysis and judgment system, and further enhance our ideological work. Leadership and cohesion. We must be strict, careful, detailed and practical to prevent and control the epidemic. It is necessary not only to build a strong prevention and control barrier and do a good job in normalized prevention and control, but also to strengthen sentinel monitoring and early warning, consolidate the "four parties' responsibilities", improve the public opinion research and judgment mechanism, and strengthen big data support. continues to build a strong line of defense for public health and safety. It is necessary to not only improve disease prevention and control capabilities, but also strengthen the management of basic public health services, improve major disease prevention and control strategies, deepen special management of occupational disease hazards, ensure 100% reporting rate of occupational disease hazards by employers, and build 200 healthy enterprises.

has carried out the "Capacity and Style Building Year" activities in a down-to-earth manner. Kan emphasized throughout the process that it is necessary to strengthen political responsibility, insist on being political in everything, accurately grasp the major deployments of the provincial party committee on epidemic prevention and control, and medical science and technology innovation, and combine it with the actual situation of the health department Carry out work creatively to promote the implementation of various decisions and arrangements of the central and provincial committees, implement them one by one, and achieve results in everything. To improve professional quality. Carry out extensive study, training, training and promotion, study business intensively, practice skills hard, and strive to be an expert, so that thoughts, abilities, and actions can truly keep up with the needs of the times and career development. We must temper our pragmatic style. We must carry forward the great anti-epidemic spirit and lofty professionalism, resolutely overcome problems of bureaucracy and formalism at work, and implement the work with a nail-biting spirit. We must optimize the legal environment. Actively promote local legislation, fully implement the "Eighth Five-Year Plan" for legal popularization, deepen the reform of "delegating power, delegating power and improving efficiency", do a good job of "ten thousand people helping ten thousand enterprises", and further optimize the business environment.

In order to comprehensively deepen reform and development, Kan requires the whole process to strengthen the grassroots and lay the foundation. Promote the construction of "four hospitals" at the municipal level and "three hospitals" at the county level to meet the standards and build a compact county medical community. We must focus on innovation and build high ground. Taking the re-establishment of the Provincial Academy of Medical Sciences as an opportunity to coordinate scientific and technological innovation resources in the province's medical field and build a complete medical scientific and technological innovation system. It is necessary to promote health, improve literacy, value inheritance and seek breakthroughs. Establish 25 provincial TCM specialty diagnosis and treatment centers and 30 provincial and regional TCM specialty diagnosis and treatment centers, build a number of nationally competitive and influential key TCM specialty diagnosis and treatment centers, and implement TCM in general hospitals and maternal and child health hospitals at or above the county level. Department standardization construction. It is necessary to serve all people and provide excellent services.We will implement the "three-child" fertility policy in accordance with the law, focus on strengthening the service supply of "one elder and one child", and continue to implement the action of combining medical care and nursing care to improve the quality of institutional services, so as to continuously improve the quality of the birth population and the health level of mothers and children.

Kan also made clear requirements for starting flood prevention and disaster relief as early as possible, comprehensively investigating and resolving potential safety hazards, and making every effort to maintain the stability of petitions. He said that 2022 is the year of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It is a critical year for the province to anchor the "two guarantees" and implement the "ten major strategies". It is also the province's "capacity and style building year". The province's health system must anchor the "two guarantees" and implement the "ten strategies", vigorously carry forward the great spirit of party building, dare to take responsibility, be brave enough to act, overcome difficulties, forge ahead with determination, and always be prepared to deal with more severe risks Challenge, continue to create a new situation in the construction of a healthy Central Plains, strive to write a more brilliant chapter for the Central Plains in the new era, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding results.

The meeting commended outstanding Communist Party members in 2021. Participants watched the display of outstanding contestants in the theme propaganda event of "Welcoming the 20th National Congress and Endeavor for a New Era", from Henan Provincial People's Hospital , Henan Provincial Cancer Hospital , Henan Provincial Chest Six contestants from the Henan Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Luoyang Orthopedics Hospital of Henan Province, and the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine gave wonderful performances.

Liu Lejia from Henan Provincial People's Hospital "One Thousand Eight Hundred Kilometers: The Retrograde Journey of Thirty Anti-epidemic Veterans"