Nowadays, many people have joined the ranks of losing weight. We often hear people around us clamoring to lose weight and not to eat this or that. Some people even refuse to eat staple foods. In fact, it is unscientific to lose weight by skipping staple food. Therefore, if you wa

Nowadays, many people have joined the ranks of losing weight. I often hear people around me clamoring to lose weight and not to eat this or that. Some people even refuse to eat staple foods.

In fact, it is unscientific to lose weight by not eating staple food. Therefore, if you want to lose weight successfully, don’t imitate others who don’t eat staple food. If you refuse staple food for a long time, you may face three hazards!

The first hazard: malnutrition

As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for the people, and people are like iron rice and steel. If you don't eat one meal, you will feel hungry. But for us Chinese, staple food is indispensable. Skipping staple food for one or two meals may not have any impact on the body, but if you skip staple food for a long time, it will lead to a decrease in carbohydrates in the body and a lack of nutrients, resulting in malnutrition. The body will become thinner, but it is just weight loss. It will be accompanied by palpitation and fatigue.

The second hazard: gastrointestinal problems

If you don’t eat staple food for a long time, the gastrointestinal tract will also be affected. Gastric acid secretion will increase, which will irritate the gastric mucosa and cause stomach pain. If it lasts for a long time, it will also May cause gastric ulcer and gastric bleeding.

The third hazard: Decreased immunity

If a person does not eat staple food for a long time, the body will lack the nutrients in the staple food, resulting in nutritional imbalance, protein may decompose, various body functions will be affected, immunity will slowly decline, and people will Easy to get sick.

In fact, during the weight loss period, if you can choose the right staple food, then your weight loss career will be half successful!

So how to choose the staple food? It is recommended to grasp the following three principles:

No. 1: Choose more foods with high dietary fiber content, because such foods have a low glycemic index and are not easy to gain weight.

No. 2: Don’t eat too much staple food at each meal, just the right amount. There is a scientific basis for maintaining 7 points of fullness at each meal, so the amount of staple food at each meal must also be controlled. Just eat a fistful of staple food at each meal. .

No. 3: The main thing is to choose several kinds of food and eat them frequently. The nutrients are more comprehensive and balanced, which is conducive to weight loss. The ratio of coarse grains to fine grains in the staple food is maintained at 4:6.

Next, I will share with you some staple foods that are not easy to get fat. People who are losing weight can eat them instead of rice:


Corn is a common coarse grain in life. It contains more plant fiber and flavonoids. Contains nutrients such as fatty acids. Corn has a strong feeling of satiety. Eating a stick of corn can achieve the purpose of fullness, which is stronger than eating rice.

Now is the season when fresh corn is on the market. You can often buy some and eat it home. Of course, in addition to being eaten boiled or steamed, corn can also be squeezed into juice to drink, which tastes sweet.


Yam is one of the common foods in life, but most people usually eat it as a side dish, such as stewing it with pork ribs, stir-fried yam, vinegared yam, shredded yam, etc. It tastes good and many people like it.

However, for people who want to lose weight, yam is not a side dish, it should be a staple food. If you want to lose weight successfully, it is recommended to steam yam as a staple food.

Brown rice

Brown rice sounds like it has a rough texture, so a large number of people are not used to eating it. However, the original nutrition in brown rice has not been destroyed, and it is rich in dietary fiber. It is the most suitable for those who want to lose weight. Ideal as a main meal.

If you are really not used to eating it, it is recommended to eat it with brown rice and rice. This can neutralize the taste and make it easier for people to accept.


Oatmeal can be said to be a staple food that many people who want to lose weight like because it is high in dietary fiber and has a strong feeling of satiety. If you have 50 grams of oatmeal for breakfast, plus some vegetables and a hard-boiled egg, you won't feel hungry all morning.

However, I would like to remind everyone that if you want to lose weight, you should not pay too much attention to the taste. Do not choose oatmeal with added sugar. Choose pure oatmeal without added sugar or additives. The taste is not as good, but it is very beneficial to weight loss.

◎Buckwheat instant noodles

During weight loss, you should eat less refined white noodles and can be replaced by buckwheat noodles. Because buckwheat is a kind of whole grain, compared with white rice and white rice noodles, buckwheat contains higher plant fiber and plant protein content. It also contains niacin and rutin, which are also beneficial ingredients to the body.

Eat 60 grams of buckwheat noodles for breakfast to keep you feeling full all morning. However, buckwheat instant noodles should be non-fried, contain no additives, have zero fat and low calories. They do not need to be cooked for a long time and can be eaten after being brewed with boiling water. You can also eat it with eggs and green cabbage leaves for a richer taste.

Therefore, during weight loss, it is not that you cannot eat staple foods, but you must choose the correct staple foods, avoid fried, high-sugar and high-salt foods, and cooperate with exercise methods that suit you to lose weight healthily and happily.

Note: The picture comes from the Internet