There are different classifications of epilepsy, some are mild and some are more severe. For milder ones, such as the most common motor seizures and partial seizures, the patient may only show twitching of the corner of the mouth on one side, or twitching of the hands and feet on

Epilepsy has different classifications, some are mild, and some are more severe. Relatively mild ones, such as the most common motor seizure and partial seizure, the patient may only show twitching of the corner of the mouth on one side, or twitching of the hands and feet on one side. The consciousness can be clear and the duration is short, unless the attack occurs Very frequent and generally does not have much impact on patients. There is also an absence seizure, which is relatively common in children.

manifests itself as sudden confusion for 1-2 seconds. It can occur dozens to hundreds of times a day, and the impact on the patient is not too great. Severe epilepsy, such as generalized tonic-clonic seizures, can cause severe ischemia and hypoxia in the brain as long as the convulsion exceeds five minutes, leading to cerebral edema , and may induce brain herniation and cause respiratory and circulatory failure. In addition, it will also bring serious complications, such as lung infection, electrolyte imbalance, and high fever. This kind of epilepsy is very serious. It is one of the four critical illnesses in neurology and can lead to death of the patient at any time.