It is said that "eat buds in spring, melons in summer, fruits in autumn, and roots in winter." Now is a good time to eat melons. Melons can help the body replenish water in the hot summer, clear away heat and prevent heatstroke, so there is a saying that "eat melons often in summ

They all say, "Eat buds in spring, melons in summer, fruits in autumn, and roots in winter." Now is a good time to eat melons. Melons can help the body replenish water in the hot summer, clear away heat and prevent heatstroke, so there is a saying that "eat melons often in summer, and you don't need to take Chinese medicine." However, melons are mostly cool in nature, so many parents worry about whether their children can eat melons. What kind of melon is suitable for children to eat in summer? How to eat? Today I will bring you a guide to eating melon in summer.

Winter melon is a good product for relieving summer heat by removing dampness and diuresis

Winter melon is sweet and light in taste, slightly cold in nature, and returns to the lungs, large intestine, small intestine, and bladder meridian. It has the effects of reducing heat, diuresis, and swelling. " Suixiju Diet Spectrum" records that winter melon "nourishes the stomach and promotes body fluids, cleanses filth and annoyances, eliminates carbuncle and circulates water. It can cure fullness, diarrhea, cholera, and relieve poisons such as fish and wine. It is not taboo for all diseases. Both meat and vegetables are suitable.” The biggest effect of winter melon is to remove dampness, and it mainly removes lower Jiao dampness. When a child has yellow urine, frequent but not large amounts, pain when urinating, loose stools with fishy smell, sticky texture, or secret knots that are difficult to resolve, it means that the child's spleen and stomach have heavy moisture, and the moisture enters and turns into heat. , damp heat bet , affecting the lower focus. At this time, it is very appropriate to give your children some winter melon.

In addition to winter melon meat, winter melon peel and winter melon kernels also have medicinal value. Winter melon peel is a diuretic and reduces swelling, while winter melon kernels can moisten the lungs, resolve phlegm, eliminate carbuncle, and diuretic. When parents cook winter melon soup for their children, it is recommended to cook it with the seeds, which will have a better effect of relieving heat and diuresis.

The weather is hot. When the child has good digestion and no pain, you can give the child some steamed lean meat with winter melon and wolfberry. The following is an introduction to the method and effect of this therapeutic formula.

Ingredients: 60g winter melon, 20g minced pork, 5~10 wolfberries, appropriate amount of oil and salt.

Method: Wash the winter melon and slice it, wash the wolfberry and set aside. Put the winter melon slices into steaming bowl , put minced pork in the middle, then put wolfberry, season with a small amount of oil and salt. Add water to the steamer, put in the steaming bowl, and steam over high heat for 10 to 20 minutes until the ingredients are cooked.

Effect: Clear away heat and reduce fire, nourish the spleen and stomach.

Applicable age: 2 years old and above. When digestion is good and there is no pain, take a small amount and multiple times according to the symptoms.

Melon The "little winter melon" that is gentle and beneficial to the stomach

Melon is sweet, light, and neutral in nature. It belongs to the lung, stomach, and bladder meridians. It has the effects of clearing away heat, clearing heat, detoxifying, diuresis, and reducing swelling. The zucchini is a variant of the winter melon genus of the Cucurbitaceae family. The fruit is small, so it is also called "small winter melon". If parents want to give their children some winter melon to relieve the heat, but are afraid of the cold, they might as well try "little winter melon". "Materia Medica Qiuyuan" says: "The benefits of knotted melon are the same as those of winter melon, without the risk of cold benefit. It is sweet, light, beneficial to the stomach, and is better than lowering qi and eliminating water." This means that the effects of zucchini and winter melon are similar, but they are more gentle and can benefit the stomach. " Compendium of Materia Medica Supplement " says: "The knotted melon is a small type of winter melon... it absorbs the most water vapor, so it can relieve heat poisoning. It quenches thirst and produces fluid, drives away heat and strengthens the spleen, and benefits the large and small intestines."

The knotted melon itself has no The taste is obvious, so it is best to choose some fresh ingredients to match it. Zucchini, oyster and black bean lean meat soup is a good choice. Here is the recipe and effect of this soup.

Ingredients: 500g zucchini, 50g oysters, 500g lean meat, 10g ginger, backbone 400g, appropriate amount of salt.

Method: Soak the oysters in water for 2 hours, wash them, cut the zucchini into pieces, peel the ginger, cut the lean meat and backbone into pieces, and blanch them. Put the ingredients into the pot, add about 8 bowls of water, simmer for 2 hours and season to taste.

Effect: Supplement zinc and calcium to enhance physical fitness.

Applicable age: 3 years old and above. When digestion is good and there is no pain, take a small amount and multiple times according to the symptoms.

Watermelon "Natural White Tiger Soup" that clears away heat and relieves troubles

In the hot summer, the happiest thing is to eat watermelon in an air-conditioned room.However, many parents report that their children are prone to abdominal pain, diarrhea and even coughing after eating watermelon. What is going on?

Watermelon is sweet in taste and cold in nature. It is directed to the heart, stomach and bladder meridian. It has the effects of clearing away heat and relieving heat, relieving irritability and quenching thirst, and promoting urination. It is similar to the effect of Baihu Decoction in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" and is known as "Natural Baihu Decoction". say. Because of its cold nature, children with the following conditions should eat it with caution: babies under 10 months old should not eat it, and do not add watermelon juice to complementary foods; children with weak spleen and stomach , diarrhea, loose stools should not eat it; Children with allergies should eat it with caution; children with heavy moisture should not eat it; children with diabetes and children with renal insufficiency should not eat it. If the above situation does not apply, can children eat watermelon freely? Of course not, but you also have to pay attention to how you eat it.

The first thing is to have the right amount. If your child has good digestion and no pain, you can eat watermelon 1 to 2 times a week. Babies aged 1 to 3 years old can eat 3 to 5 spoons; babies over 3 years old can eat 6 to 10 spoons; children over 10 years old can eat more as their digestive system has become more mature.

The second is to be timely. Watermelon contains a lot of water. Eating it before or after meals may dilute gastric acid and affect digestion, so it is best to eat it between meals and rinse your mouth with water after eating to prevent dental caries .

In addition, there are cases of illness caused by eating improperly stored overnight watermelons every year, so we should also pay attention to the following points: First, when parents buy, it is best to buy fresh and complete watermelons, not already cut ones. Good watermelon. Secondly, when cutting watermelon, it is best to use a special fruit knife. Make sure to clean the cutting board and knife before cutting. Third, it is best to cut the watermelon and eat it now. If you can't finish it, cover it with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator as soon as possible, but it is best not to keep it refrigerated for more than 24 hours. Before taking it out and eating it again, it is best to cut off about 2cm of the skin and soak it in hot water before giving it to your child.

Many people throw away the watermelon rind after eating it, but they don’t know that it is also a medicine. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is called watermelon green clothing . Watermelon green clothing has the effects of relieving heat, promoting body fluids, and calming heart fire. It is not as cold as watermelon meat, so it is more suitable for children. When the weather is hot, parents can cook Cuiyi Jieshu spleen-strengthening porridge to relieve summer heat and promote fluid production for their children. The following is an introduction to the cooking method and efficacy of this porridge.

Ingredients: 25g watermelon green clothes, 50g japonica rice, 15g white lentils, 215g yam.

Method: Put the ingredients into the pot, add about 5 bowls of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and cook for 30 minutes.

Efficacy: relieve summer heat, promote fluid production, strengthen the spleen and appetizer.

Applicable age: 3 years old and above for verification, small amount and multiple doses.