In 2010, a covered female patient came to the Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou. The female patient's name is Wu Xiaoyan. She turned into a horse-like face due to the disease and has been living with her face covered for 13 years.

In 2010, a covered female patient came to the Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou. The moment the hijab was lifted, the doctor was shocked.

The female patient’s name is Wu Xiaoyan. She turned into a horse-like face due to the disease and has been living with her face covered for 13 years. Her story is particularly heartbreaking.

When Wu Xiaoyan was a child, she was no different from an ordinary girl. She looked very cute and her parents loved her very much.

htmlWhen she was 09 years old, Xiaoyan suddenly felt that her eyesight was getting worse and worse. The teachers originally thought that she was just short-sighted and asked her to accompany her family to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible.

When her parents took Xiaoyan to see an ophthalmologist, the doctor told them that there was nothing wrong with Xiaoyan’s eyes and suggested that she go back for observation for a while.

No one thought that Xiaoyan's condition would worsen so seriously. Her face began to deform and turned into a horse face, which looked extremely terrifying.

The parents were very scared and hurriedly took their daughter to a large hospital for examination. The doctor told Xiaoyan's parents that their child had optic neuroma, and the father immediately asked the doctor. How to treat this disease and whether it can be operated?

The doctor replied. The chance of curing this disease is only one in 100,000, and it will cost at least several hundred thousand.

Xiaoyan's father was stunned when he heard this number. Their family really didn't have that much money. Even if they wanted to treat Xiaoyan, they couldn't afford the medical expenses. The doctor noticed Xiaoyan's father's difficulties and suggested that they go home for conservative treatment.

After that, Xiaoyan's condition became more and more serious. She was often ridiculed because of her facial abnormalities.

Xiaoyan, who was originally cheerful and lively, became depressed. She didn't want to meet others anymore and hid at home all day. Her parents understood her feelings and were unwilling to force her to go out.

Later, something happened to Xiaoyan's family. Her mother suddenly fell down and was sent to the hospital for examination. It was found that she had a cerebral hemorrhage. After treatment, Xiaoyan's mother barely managed to save her life, but became paralyzed.

In order to treat her illness, her father spent all the family's savings and owed a large debt. My father worked hard to provide for his family. He would get up early and stay late every day, and would not come back until late at night. Xiaoyan knew that it was not easy for her parents, so she took the initiative to take on housework and help her father reduce the pressure.

One day, when Xiaoyan was cooking for her mother and father, she accidentally touched a stool because of her poor eyesight. After losing his balance, he hit his face on the corner of the table. He suddenly started bleeding and passed out.

Xiaoyan's father found out that his daughter was in trouble and rushed her to the hospital for rescue. The doctor told Xiaoyan's father that the child had hit the facial mucosa, which is the most fragile part of the human face. If something like this happens again, it is very likely that the child will die.

The father knew that the child's condition was very dangerous, and he was particularly eager to help her undergo surgery, but he couldn't afford so much money and didn't know what to do.

The doctor suggested that Xiaoyan’s father seek help from the media to see if he could raise medical expenses through public donations.

Xiaoyan's father didn't want to trouble others, but at this time she was forced to have no choice but to go to the media for help.

After Xiaoyan's case was reported, it attracted the attention of many enthusiastic citizens. Everyone donated money and materials, raising 80,000 yuan for Xiaoyan's surgery fee.

At the same time, a director of Guangzhou Zhongshan Affiliated Hospital also saw what happened to Xiaoyan because of news reports.

He took the initiative to express his willingness to perform surgery on Xiaoyan. Later, Xiaoyan went to Guangzhou under the guidance of her father. After the operation, Xiaoyan's face took on a new look and was obviously half smaller than before.

The moment Xiaoyan was sent out of the operating room, her father cried with joy. He was particularly grateful to the doctors for their help and hoped that his daughter could recover as soon as possible and live like a normal person.