In this article, I want to talk to you about the ideas of traditional Chinese medicine in treating diabetes. When talking about diabetes, many people will think of one word "thirsty". Many patients will even say that when the disease progresses to a certain level, it is not only

In this article, I want to talk to you about the ideas of traditional Chinese medicine in regulating diabetes .

When talking about diabetes, many people will think of the word "thirsty".

Many patients will even say that when the disease develops to a certain extent, it is not only thirsty, but also like having sand in the mouth, making it unbearably dry. What's going on with

? According to traditional Chinese medicine, this is mostly due to the syndrome of qi and yin deficiency and syndrome. This is a stage that many diabetic patients will go through. Why does

suffer from Qi and Yin deficiency?

Simply put, it is Yin deficiency , plus Qi deficiency. This is caused by the depletion of vitality and Yin essence after the disease develops.

Due to Qi deficiency, patients may suffer from fatigue, shortness of breath, palpitation, tendency to sweat, and soreness and weakness in the waist and knees. Because of yin deficiency, the patient may be thirsty, have a dry tongue, and especially want to drink water, and the stool may also be dry.

Such people often have tongue and pulse , and the pulse is often weak or heavy. The tongue is light or dark red, with tooth marks on the edges of the tongue, thin white coating or less coating, and little body fluid on the tongue surface. The state of

is that has both Qi and Yin hurting .

What should we do at this time? Traditional Chinese medicine often uses replenishing qi, nourishing yin, producing body fluid and quenching thirst.

Based on this idea, I have another medical case here, which I will share with you now.

There once was a patient, male, 58 years old.

He has been suffering from diabetes for more than 8 years and has a history of coronary heart disease . Regarding blood sugar, I have been taking hypoglycemic drugs to control blood sugar. Since last June, my blood sugar control has been unstable. My fasting blood sugar level has reached more than 10 mmol/L, and my blood sugar level 2 hours after a meal has reached more than 15 mmol/L.

Finally went to the Western Hospital for diagnosis and treatment. The doctor combined a variety of anti-diabetic drugs, so that the fasting blood sugar and the blood sugar 2 hours after a meal were reduced.

But during the Spring Festival last year, I didn’t keep my mouth shut and ate a lot of fish and meat, and my blood sugar started to rise again. Now the fasting blood sugar is 9~10 mmol/L, the blood sugar 2 hours after a meal is 13~14 mmol/L, and the glycosylated hemoglobin 7~8 mmol/L.

At this time, the patient also developed symptoms of itchy skin all over his body. After discussion with his family, the patient did not want to continue taking Western medicine, so he first came to see traditional Chinese medicine.

During the consultation, we found that the patient was thirsty all the time, wanted to drink water, felt tired, palpitation, and chest tightness often appeared. His diet was okay, his sleep quality was average, and his bowel movements were normal. The tongue is red, with less fur, a thin yellow greasy coating, and ecchymoses. The pulse is deep and is thin, stringy and slightly astringent.

Traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis : Diabetes disease , chest obstruction and heartache disease; the syndrome differentiation is insufficient Qi and Yin, and blood stasis blocks the heart pulse.

Treatment: Replenish qi and nourish yin, produce body fluids and quench thirst, remove blood stasis and unblock the meridians. Add and subtract basic prescriptions for diabetes. Prescription:

Stir-fried Scutellaria baicalensis, Stir-fried Sichuan Lianlian, Stir-fried Phellodendron , Atractylodes , Raw Astragalus , Ligustrum lucidum , White Peony Root, Pueraria lobata , Trichosanthes , Honeysuckle , Salvia miltiorrhiza, peach gum, North Adenophora , Scrophulariaceae , Turmeric , Citrus aurantium , Fallopianum , Sandalwood , White fresh bark , White Tribulus . 7 dose, 1 dose per day, decoction in water.

During the second consultation, the patient said that palpitation and chest tightness were relieved, skin itching was relieved, and thirst and excessive drinking were improved. The fasting blood sugar was measured at 8.5 mmol/L, and the postprandial hourly blood sugar was 12.6 mmol/L. There was no other discomfort.

I am eating and sleeping well, and my bowel movements are in order. The tongue is red, the coating is sparse, thin, yellow and greasy, with ecchymosis, and the pulse is deep, stringy and slightly astringent. I continue with the above additions: Dendrobium chuanshi , Ophiopogon japonicus, Schisandra chinensis. 14 doses, 1 dose per day, decoction in water.

Third diagnosis: The patient reported that palpitation and chest tightness only occurred occasionally, skin itching was significantly relieved, and thirst and excessive drinking were significantly improved. The fasting blood glucose was 7.3 mmol/L, and the 2-hour postprandial blood glucose was 11.8 mmol/L. Everything was fine. You can eat and sleep well, and take care of your bowel movements. The tongue is red, the fur is thin and yellow, there are ecchymosis, and the pulse is deep, stringy and slightly astringent.

I continue to add the following prescriptions for the initial diagnosis: Dendrobium chuanxi, Ophiopogon japonicus, Schisandra chinensis, and peach kernel. 14 doses, 1 dose per day, decoction in water.

After that, the patient had a follow-up visit every 2 weeks. During the period of taking traditional Chinese medicine, he took western medicine at the same time and asked the patient to control his diet reasonably. During the treatment period, the patient's fasting blood sugar and 2 hours after a meal were under stable control.

stopped taking traditional Chinese medicine after insisting on treatment for half a year. So far, his blood sugar has been under stable control. His fasting blood sugar does not exceed 7 mmol/L, and his blood sugar 2 hours after a meal does not exceed 12 mmol/L. His skin itching has disappeared, and his palpitation and chest tightness have not reoccurred.

Okay, I have finished explaining this medical case to you.

The patient above has a typical syndrome of Qi and Yin deficiency. The patient has been diabetic for 8 years. The course of the disease is too long. The disease consumes Qi and damages Yin for a long time, so Qi and Yin are insufficient.

In addition to poor dietary control during the Spring Festival, after western medicine treatment, blood sugar control is still unstable, and symptoms such as thirst and polydipsia, palpitation, chest tightness, and skin itching occur.

In view of this situation, the prescription is based on the basic prescription for diabetes plus Adenophora adenophora, Dendrobium chuanxien, Ophiopogon japonicus, and Schisandra chinensis to nourish qi and nourish the heart, nourish yin and promote fluid production, so as to improve the symptoms of diabetes with thirst and polydipsia.

Scrophulariaceae, turmeric, Citrus aurantium, sandalwood, peach kernel activates blood circulation and removes blood stasis , clears away heat and cools blood, improves symptoms of palpitation and chest tightness; white fresh bark and white tribulus clear heat and dispel wind, nourish yin and relieve itching, improve skin itching disease.

After insisting on treatment for half a year, the patient's fasting blood sugar and postprandial hour blood sugar were under stable control, and various symptoms were significantly improved and controlled.

Finally, what I want to say is that if you have a disease, then treating the disease is, after all, an attempt to remedy the situation before it is too late.

Diabetes is no longer a rare disease in our country. The root cause is actually changes in our daily eating habits.

Therefore, I still suggest that everyone should eat a light diet and occasionally improve their food and lifestyle, but they should also remember to walk a hundred steps after meals to nip problems in the bud.