99% of blood clots have no signs! Remember one word, stay away from blood clots!

2020/04/2320:45:15 regimen 2306

Original title: 99% of blood clots have no signs! Remember one word, stay away from blood clots!

According to statistics, 80% of people will experience low back pain in their lifetime, and some patients will have back pain recurring, which seriously affects life and work. Low back pain is so common, what are the common causes of low back pain?

99% of blood clots have no signs! Remember one word, stay away from blood clots! - DayDayNews

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01、Lumbar muscle strain

Symptoms are repeated episodes of pain and soreness. Hammering or massaging the painful area can relieve the pain. The waist muscles are painful and occasionally radiate to the buttocks. Pain worsens after exercise, rest can relieve pain.

99% of blood clots have no signs! Remember one word, stay away from blood clots! - DayDayNews

02、 Lumbar disc degeneration, protrusion

Standing and sitting pain worsens, often accompanied by unilateral or bilateral lower extremity pain and numbness. In mild cases, it may be similar to lumbar muscle strain. In severe cases, it may be accompanied by leg pain.

99% of blood clots have no signs! Remember one word, stay away from blood clots! - DayDayNews

03、Lumbar spinal canal stenosis

Leg pain is more severe than low back pain, often bilateral leg pain, walking downhill is more painful than uphill, standing or walking aggravated, bending or squatting relieved.

99% of blood clots have no signs! Remember one word, stay away from blood clots! - DayDayNews

04、Lumbar spondylolisthesis

It is most comfortable when lying flat, and the pain is aggravated when the waist is moving. After standing up, the pain increased regardless of flexion and extension.

99% of blood clots have no signs! Remember one word, stay away from blood clots! - DayDayNews

05、 Lumbar muscle fasciitis

The site of psoas fasciitis is in the small joints of the lumbar spine and the muscles of the back and back. There is local pain and no distant radiating pain. The pain is relieved when resting, especially when changing the posture. The pain is obvious when pressing. Sometimes an obvious trigger point can be found.

99% of blood clots have no signs! Remember one word, stay away from blood clots! - DayDayNews

06、Ankylosing Spondylitis

Low back pain is also the main manifestation of ankylosing spondylitis, which occurs in young men aged 20-30. Low back pain runs through the entire process of the occurrence and development of the disease. The initial symptoms of pain are not obvious, but the pain intensifies in the later stage. To understand ankylosing spondylitis, you can check this article → (Young people get worse back pain? Be careful of this disease, don’t ignore it!)

99% of blood clots have no signs! Remember one word, stay away from blood clots! - DayDayNews


Osteoporosis is more common in the elderly, more common in elderly women over 60 years old. It is related to endocrine disorders, calcium metabolism disorders, drugs and other factors. The patient's body is tired and sore, especially the pain in the waist, which can spread through the waist and lower limbs.

99% of blood clots have no signs! Remember one word, stay away from blood clots! - DayDayNews

08、Spine tumor

Spinal tumors are mainly manifested as low back pain, local masses, spinal deformities and neurological dysfunction. Generally, the pain is more obvious at night and can be relieved by activities during the day.

99% of blood clots have no signs! Remember one word, stay away from blood clots! - DayDayNews

09、 Visceral diseases

Only about 2% of low back pain is related to visceral diseases:

  • Pelvic organ diseases: accompanied by lower abdominal discomfort. Should go to gynecology, urology.
  • Kidney disease: Sudden knife-like pain, downward radiation, accompanied by hematuria, frequent urination, and urgency. You should go to the urology department and nephrology department.
  • Digestive system diseases: with abdominal discomfort, nausea, and vomiting, which are related to eating. Should go to general surgery, digestive medicine.
  • Vascular disease: with upper abdominal pain, pulsating abdomenBale. Should go to vascular surgery.

99% of blood clots have no signs! Remember one word, stay away from blood clots! - DayDayNews

In short, if you find low back pain, don't be patient, go to the hospital for treatment in time.

How to prevent back pain in daily life?

01、Strengthen the back muscles and exercise

The strong back muscles can increase the stability, balance and coordination of the lumbar spine, and the muscles are less prone to strain and the symptoms of back pain are less likely to occur.

Exercise method: Lie on your back, go to the pillow to bend your knees, stick your elbows to the bed, flex your elbows 60 degrees to lift your back and hips for 3-5 seconds.

99% of blood clots have no signs! Remember one word, stay away from blood clots! - DayDayNews

can be done 5-8 times each time. Exercise 2-3 times a day. The frequency and intensity of exercises vary from person to person, so it should be done step by step, and the amount of exercise can be gradually increased every day.

If you feel waist pain, discomfort, stiffness, etc. the next day after exercising, you should appropriately reduce the intensity and frequency of the exercise, or stop exercising to avoid aggravating the symptoms.

99% of blood clots have no signs! Remember one word, stay away from blood clots! - DayDayNews

02, change life habits

Sitting for a long time will cause the muscles of the lower back and back to relax, thereby affecting the stability of the intervertebral disc, and sitting for a long time will also accumulate fat and increase the burden on the intervertebral disc, which will induce low back pain.

It is recommended to get up for activities every 40-60 minutes. You can get up and exercise at any time after work. The action "飞燕展翼":

Feiyan spreads its wings

Standing position, cross your hands behind your back, stretch your waist back, and chest forward, feel the tension of chest expansion and back contraction, hold for 10 seconds, slowly return to the initial position, and repeat 10-15 times in sequence after a short stay. I feel comfortable in the waist.

99% of blood clots have no signs! Remember one word, stay away from blood clots! - DayDayNews

And the wrong posture will increase the pressure on the lumbar spine, and the lumbar muscle strain will be more serious.

The force diagram of the lumbar spine in different postures

99% of blood clots have no signs! Remember one word, stay away from blood clots! - DayDayNews

So, keep a correct posture, low back pain will not easily find you.

99% of blood clots have no signs! Remember one word, stay away from blood clots! - DayDayNewsSitting posture: wrong vs correct

99% of blood clots have no signs! Remember one word, stay away from blood clots! - DayDayNews Driving posture: wrong vs correct

99% of blood clots have no signs! Remember one word, stay away from blood clots! - DayDayNewsSleeping posture: wrong vs correct

99% of blood clots have no signs! Remember one word, stay away from blood clots! - DayDayNews The posture of moving heavy objects: wrong vs correct

Reference material:

  1. Changzheng Hospital Affiliated to Naval Military Medical University Shi Jiangang Popular Science Book "Spine: Structure, Function and Disease"
  2. Department of Spine Orthopedics, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, "Neck, waist and back muscle exercise exercises, keep doing it, effective! 》Fc4d7#
  3. Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Wang Fengxian "Where did all the muscles go"

Source: Orthopedic Doctor

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