Longevity is not just something you think about, it’s something you follow the rules and practice. If you don’t believe it, take a look at the 6 types of people with the longest lifespan. Are there any around you? - 01 - It’s best to keep a healthy body and keep a moderate figure

2024/06/0906:52:32 regimen 1757

Longevity is not just what you think

It’s not just what you say

It’s what you follow the rules

plus what you do

If you don’t believe it

Take a look at The 6 types of people with the longest lifespan

Do you have one around you

Longevity is not just something you think about, it’s something you follow the rules and practice. If you don’t believe it, take a look at the 6 types of people with the longest lifespan. Are there any around you? - 01 - It’s best to keep a healthy body and keep a moderate figure - DayDayNews


body Strong

It is best to maintain a moderate figure

Although it is difficult to be thin when you have money

But the so-called thinness is where you should be thin

This kind of thinness does not mean thin

but strong

It is the muscles accumulated through years of exercise

The body is strong

It is one of the foundations of health

You might as well look at the elderly around you

If they are too fat

Are they also suffering from diseases


Love to use their brains

Slow response is usually a sign of old age

People who love to use their brains

Even if he is Being old is also more rational

Don't take things for granted and don't feel sad for oneself

Almost all problems

can be easily solved with him

If you always use your brain

It may be Alzheimer's disease

Therefore, many people who live long lives

have more active thinking

For example, the people around you who love to play mahjong

Longevity is not just something you think about, it’s something you follow the rules and practice. If you don’t believe it, take a look at the 6 types of people with the longest lifespan. Are there any around you? - 01 - It’s best to keep a healthy body and keep a moderate figure - DayDayNews


have a cheerful and optimistic personality

There is a saying that

people who love to laugh will not have bad luck.

The life span will not be too short

People are under the influence of negative emotions

easy Endocrine disorders

damage the body

Cheerful people

Keep a happy mood

The body is naturally healthy

Longevity is not just something you think about, it’s something you follow the rules and practice. If you don’t believe it, take a look at the 6 types of people with the longest lifespan. Are there any around you? - 01 - It’s best to keep a healthy body and keep a moderate figure - DayDayNews


A regular work and rest life

Irregular work and rest can easily make people angry

People suffering from anxiety, anxiety and other mental problems

healthy and long-lived people

Pay attention to them and you will find that

never overeat when eating

sleep when it is time to sleep

eat when it is time to eat

on the contrary

there will always be various problems in the body


control emotions

discovered clinically Many diseases

are closely related to bad habits in our lives

Bad mood is a very common inducement

Being in a bad mood for a long time

will lead to a decrease in the body's immunity

Give cancer cells an opportunity to take advantage

So you see those people who live longer

will not show anxiety when encountering problems

Longevity is not just something you think about, it’s something you follow the rules and practice. If you don’t believe it, take a look at the 6 types of people with the longest lifespan. Are there any around you? - 01 - It’s best to keep a healthy body and keep a moderate figure - DayDayNews


stick to exercise

As the saying goes, life lies in exercise

Exercise and life complement each other,

Our life span is inseparable from exercise,

Some Although long-lived elderly people do not exercise deliberately

, they all have one thing in common

maintaining good daily activities

such as doing housework and farming

This is also a kind of exercise

Longevity is conditional,

is composed of sections,

want Longevity,

should start from everything now.


I wish everyone:

good luck as the East China Sea water,

as long as the southern mountain pine!

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