As the body's cleaners, the kidneys must remove a large amount of garbage every day and are important organs of the human body. Xiao Li is a taxi driver and rarely drinks water while driving. The reason is that as soon as Xiao Li drinks water, he wants to go to the toilet.

2024/06/0803:44:33 regimen 1901

As the cleaners of the human body, the kidneys have to remove a large amount of garbage every day and are important organs of the human body.

Many people are also worried about their poor kidneys, kidney deficiency, kidney deficiency...

Xiao Li is a taxi driver and rarely drinks water when driving. The reason is that when Xiao Li drinks water, he feels like... To the restroom. And it took a lot of time to find the toilet every time, so I had to try my best not to drink water.

Unexpectedly, after a period of time, Xiao Li started to go to the bathroom more frequently at night, which seriously affected his sleep quality. His wife asked Xiao Li to go to the hospital to see if there was a kidney problem.

Does frequent urination and frequent nocturia after drinking water mean that the kidneys are not in good condition?

As the body's cleaners, the kidneys must remove a large amount of garbage every day and are important organs of the human body. Xiao Li is a taxi driver and rarely drinks water while driving. The reason is that as soon as Xiao Li drinks water, he wants to go to the toilet. - DayDayNews

1. I urinate more when I drink water. Is there a kidney problem?

Urine is produced by the kidneys, and then stored and emptied by the bladder. The emptying process will be affected by factors such as nerves and bladder detrusor.

Under normal circumstances, when the urine in the bladder reaches a certain amount, people will have the urge to urinate. However, in the case of nerve or muscle lesions, even if the urine output is small, the bladder may be stimulated and contract, and the urge to urinate may occur after just drinking a little water.

And the size of the bladder also varies from person to person. Some people are born with smaller bladders, and the bladder's capacity to store urine will also be smaller. In addition, if there is already urine in the bladder, if you drink water at this time, you will be particularly likely to have the urge to urinate even if you don't drink much. Especially when you are in a hurry to drink water, the urge to urinate will occur faster.

When you are accustomed to lack of water, your bladder may be easily stimulated by the sudden influx of water and produce the urge to urinate.

When people are nervous , due to faster blood circulation and changes in hormones in the body, the secretion of antidiuretic hormone will be reduced, which will also make people want to go to the toilet frequently.

In addition, people with high blood sugar levels often have the problem of glucose metabolism disorder . Due to the poor absorption ability of glucose , some sugar will enter the urine, and some sugar will enter the urine. liquid. Once the urine sugar level rises, the urine output will increase under the action of osmotic pressure . Even if you drink a little water, it will easily cause the urge to urinate, resulting in frequent urination and excessive urination.

Therefore, you cannot think that having the urge to urinate as soon as you drink water means there is a kidney problem.

As the body's cleaners, the kidneys must remove a large amount of garbage every day and are important organs of the human body. Xiao Li is a taxi driver and rarely drinks water while driving. The reason is that as soon as Xiao Li drinks water, he wants to go to the toilet. - DayDayNews

2. Frequent nocturia is not only caused by drinking too much water

Under normal circumstances, healthy people urinate 5-7 times a day (including 4-6 times during the day and 0-1 times at night). The total daily urination is about 1-2 liters, mainly concentrated during the day, and the urine output at night is only half of that during the day.

If the number of nocturia is 2 or more times, the urine output at night is greater than during the day, or the urine output at night reaches more than 750 ml, these are cases of increased nocturia.

Among them, the increase in physiological nocturia is mainly caused by drinking too much water during the day, such as drinking too much coffee, strong tea, or eating too much fruit or food with high water content.

As the body's cleaners, the kidneys must remove a large amount of garbage every day and are important organs of the human body. Xiao Li is a taxi driver and rarely drinks water while driving. The reason is that as soon as Xiao Li drinks water, he wants to go to the toilet. - DayDayNews

However, increased nocturia may also be caused by disease. You need to be alert to the following 4 diseases:

Male prostate disease : Patients with prostatic hyperplasia often have symptoms of increased nocturia. This is because the hyperplasia will cause the bladder capacity to decrease and the bladder to stabilize. Decreased libido, resulting in increased nocturia.

In addition, once prostatic hyperplasia blocks the bladder outlet, the residual urine volume of the bladder will significantly increase, reducing the effective capacity of the bladder and increasing nocturia.

Female Urinary tract infection or pelvic floor muscle relaxation : Urinary tract infection is a common cause of increased nocturia in women. This is because when the bladder and urethra are stimulated by bacterial infection, it may lead to frequent urination.

In addition, as women age, they are prone to pelvic floor muscle relaxation or bladder overactivity, resulting in low bladder compliance, which may also lead to increased nocturia.

As the body's cleaners, the kidneys must remove a large amount of garbage every day and are important organs of the human body. Xiao Li is a taxi driver and rarely drinks water while driving. The reason is that as soon as Xiao Li drinks water, he wants to go to the toilet. - DayDayNews

Diabetes insipidus : When the secretion, release or transport of antidiuretic hormone in the body is abnormal, it will lead to diabetes insipidus. The patient will have frequent urination and uncontrollable urination. In severe cases, the patient may urinate once in less than half an hour, and the urine volume will increase. Large (up to 4-10 liters or more per day).

Patients with diabetes insipidus will increase the burden on their kidneys due to excessive urination, which can even lead to fatal dehydration of the body.

Diabetes : Diabetic patients often experience symptoms of dry mouth , polydipsia and polyuria due to metabolic disorders, which may also cause increased nocturia.

As the body's cleaners, the kidneys must remove a large amount of garbage every day and are important organs of the human body. Xiao Li is a taxi driver and rarely drinks water while driving. The reason is that as soon as Xiao Li drinks water, he wants to go to the toilet. - DayDayNews

3. Smell in 2 parts of the body may indicate kidney failure.

If you want to know whether your kidneys are healthy, you can judge by smell. If you notice these two odors in your body, it may mean there is a problem with your kidneys.

As the body's cleaners, the kidneys must remove a large amount of garbage every day and are important organs of the human body. Xiao Li is a taxi driver and rarely drinks water while driving. The reason is that as soon as Xiao Li drinks water, he wants to go to the toilet. - DayDayNews, there is a smell of ammonia in the mouth Ammonia smell

If the exhaled breath smells like ammonia, that is, it smells like urine or ammonia, it may be related to kidney failure.

In patients with renal failure, the kidneys cannot remove waste from the body, which causes urea nitrogen to accumulate in the body, which is then decomposed into ammonia by bacteria in the body, causing an ammonia smell when breathing.

As the body's cleaners, the kidneys must remove a large amount of garbage every day and are important organs of the human body. Xiao Li is a taxi driver and rarely drinks water while driving. The reason is that as soon as Xiao Li drinks water, he wants to go to the toilet. - DayDayNews, urine has a fishy smell

kidneys filter urine, excretes toxins in body. When urine has an abnormal smell, it may be related to abnormal kidney function, more than infection or kidney stones .

Symptoms of kidney infection include difficulty urinating , hematuria , low back pain, etc.

As the body's cleaners, the kidneys must remove a large amount of garbage every day and are important organs of the human body. Xiao Li is a taxi driver and rarely drinks water while driving. The reason is that as soon as Xiao Li drinks water, he wants to go to the toilet. - DayDayNews

4. Protect the kidneys, start from 4 o'clock

Once the function of the kidneys is lost, it is irreversible, and we need to take good care of it. In fact, it is not difficult to protect the kidneys. Remember the following four points:

As the body's cleaners, the kidneys must remove a large amount of garbage every day and are important organs of the human body. Xiao Li is a taxi driver and rarely drinks water while driving. The reason is that as soon as Xiao Li drinks water, he wants to go to the toilet. - DayDayNews. Eat less heavy-flavored foods

Heavy-flavored foods contain a large amount of sodium, acid and electrolytes. Most of these ingredients need to be excreted through the kidneys. If you eat too much More will increase the pressure on the kidneys.

As the body's cleaners, the kidneys must remove a large amount of garbage every day and are important organs of the human body. Xiao Li is a taxi driver and rarely drinks water while driving. The reason is that as soon as Xiao Li drinks water, he wants to go to the toilet. - DayDayNews. Drinking more water depends on the situation.

For people with healthy kidneys, drinking more water is good for the kidneys. If the kidneys are damaged, drinking too much water can easily put a burden on the kidneys. It is recommended that the amount of water consumed should be controlled under the guidance of a doctor.

As the body's cleaners, the kidneys must remove a large amount of garbage every day and are important organs of the human body. Xiao Li is a taxi driver and rarely drinks water while driving. The reason is that as soon as Xiao Li drinks water, he wants to go to the toilet. - DayDayNews. Do not use drugs indiscriminately.

As the saying goes, "medicines are three parts poison". Drugs are excreted through the kidneys and may cause harm to them. Common drugs such as analgesics, aminonitrogen antibiotics and some proprietary Chinese medicines can cause varying degrees of damage to the kidneys. Medication should be carefully followed according to the doctor’s instructions and used scientifically.

As the body's cleaners, the kidneys must remove a large amount of garbage every day and are important organs of the human body. Xiao Li is a taxi driver and rarely drinks water while driving. The reason is that as soon as Xiao Li drinks water, he wants to go to the toilet. - DayDayNews. Don’t sit for long periods of time or stay up late

Sitting for long periods of time or staying up late will affect the blood flow back to the kidneys. You should try to avoid sitting for long periods of time and staying up late on a daily basis, especially people with poor kidneys.

As the body's cleaners, the kidneys must remove a large amount of garbage every day and are important organs of the human body. Xiao Li is a taxi driver and rarely drinks water while driving. The reason is that as soon as Xiao Li drinks water, he wants to go to the toilet. - DayDayNews

Excessive urination at night does not necessarily mean a kidney problem, nor does wanting to go to the toilet as soon as you drink water. There is no need to be too nervous. If you have symptoms, seek medical advice as soon as possible to find the cause and protect your health.

As the body's cleaners, the kidneys must remove a large amount of garbage every day and are important organs of the human body. Xiao Li is a taxi driver and rarely drinks water while driving. The reason is that as soon as Xiao Li drinks water, he wants to go to the toilet. - DayDayNews


[1] Why do some people want to pee as soon as they drink water, and some people drink a lot but don’t feel the urge to pee? Is there a kidney problem? The truth is... Popular Science China, 2021-07-10

[2] Excessive urination at night is not a trivial matter! You need to be wary of 4 diseases. Jingyi Tong , 2021-12-01

[3] Don’t be careless if these strong odors appear in your body, it may be a precursor to the disease! .China Medical Tribune, 2019-08-27

[4] Whether the kidneys are good or not depends on this indicator! Once it rises, it means there is a problem with the kidneys! . Health Times , 2021-07-23

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