As we all know, diabetes is a "disease of wealth" among many chronic diseases. Once you suffer from diabetes, you must control your blood sugar for a long time. Uncle Zhang's company organized an employee physical examination half a year ago. During that physical examination, Unc

2024/05/2603:49:32 regimen 1365

We all know that diabetes is the "disease of wealth" among many chronic diseases. Once you suffer from diabetes, you must control your blood sugar for a long time. Uncle Zhang organized an employee physical examination half a year ago. In that physical examination, Zhang When my uncle measured his blood sugar, he found that his blood sugar was significantly elevated.

After the examination, the doctor told Uncle Zhang that in order to prevent the emergence of diabetes caused by elevated blood sugar, it was recommended that intervention be carried out through diet in life. After returning home, Uncle Zhang listened to the doctor's advice and paid special attention to his daily routine in order to control blood sugar. In my diet, I replaced my favorite staple food with sweet potatoes.

As we all know, diabetes is a

In this way, Uncle Zhang ate sweet potatoes for nearly half a year. When he went to the hospital for a follow-up visit, he found that his blood sugar had been in a relatively stable state. He believed that eating more sweet potatoes had the effect of lowering blood sugar. After that, he began to eat more sweet potatoes every day. One sweet potato, increased to two.

But recently he suddenly fainted at home. After being sent to the hospital by his family, the doctor performed glycosylated hemoglobin test and blood sugar monitoring tests on Uncle Zhang. After the test results came out, it was found that his blood sugar was much higher than before. After some research, it was discovered that Uncle Zhang’s elevated blood sugar was closely related to his long-term consumption of large amounts of sweet potatoes.

was confused after listening to it. He thought that after eating sweet potatoes for half a year, his blood sugar had been in a stable state. Why did his blood sugar start to rise after increasing the amount? With your questions below, let’s take a closer look.

As we all know, diabetes is a

As we all know, diabetes is a 1

What complications can be caused by elevated blood sugar?

As we all know, diabetes is a , Diabetic foot: Diabetic foot is the most common diabetic complication. There are many reasons for this complication, such as diabetic vasculopathy, neuropathy, and even disease infection. , is a disease that causes lesions in diabetic feet or lower limbs. This complication is the most serious. If not treated in time, it can range from amputation to life-threatening.

As we all know, diabetes is a , Diabetic nephropathy: Diabetic nephropathy is a complication of diabetes, a type of diabetic nephropathy that leads to a relatively high mortality rate. A common symptom in the early stages is a relatively high level of urinary albumin. Once this phenomenon occurs , indicating an irreversible decline in glomerular function, so it must be controlled, otherwise it may lead to renal failure.

As we all know, diabetes is a

As we all know, diabetes is a . Diabetes and cardiovascular disease: Diabetes is a disease of abnormal glucose metabolism. At the same time, protein and fat metabolism may occur, which may lead to an imbalance in the internal environment. If blood sugar is not well controlled, may cause internal environment disorders. Will cause coronary heart disease .

As we all know, diabetes is a . Cataract: Data show that 30% of cataract patients are diabetic. This is because the glucose concentration in the blood of diabetic patients is significantly elevated.

As we all know, diabetes is a

Glucose metabolism in the eye waterproof will be converted into sorbitol substances, which will accumulate in the lens. Later, the lens fiber will also swell, and in severe cases, it may break and disintegrate. will cause turbidity over time. The patient's vision will eventually lead to blindness over time.

5. Infection: hyperglycemia persists in the blood of diabetic patients. This environment is very suitable for bacterial growth and reproduction. At the same time, high blood sugar will also inhibit the ability of white blood cells to phagocytose bacteria. This A two-pronged approach from both aspects will reduce the ability to resist infection and increase the possibility of infection.

As we all know, diabetes is a

As we all know, diabetes is a 2

Does eating sweet potatoes raise or lower blood sugar? Can diabetics eat sweet potatoes? An article explains

Sweet potatoes have relatively high nutritional value. Eating sweet potatoes can supplement the body with various vitamins, trace elements, amino acids and other ingredients. It can also avoid malnutrition and nutritional imbalances. Although sweet potatoes are The food tastes sweet but contains very little sugar.

However, the content of carbohydrates, and starch is relatively high. After these substances enter the body, they may be converted into sugar and affect the stability of blood sugar. Studies have shown that diabetic patients have eaten extracts from white-skinned sweet potatoes. After taking the drug, it improves the sensitivity and activity of insulin and plays a role in lowering blood sugar. Therefore, many people think that eating sweet potatoes can lower blood sugar.

As we all know, diabetes is a

Many people often use sweet potatoes instead of staple food, but this approach is not advisable. Because ordinary sweet potatoes do not contain extracts, they will not directly lower blood sugar. Even if you eat more sweet potatoes, It's useless. If you eat too much, it will cause carbohydrates and starch to enter the body.

There is no definite answer to the question of whether eating sweet potatoes raises or lowers blood sugar. In short, eating too much may cause blood sugar to rise. If you are diagnosed with hyperglycemia, even if you like to eat sweet potatoes, you will not be able to eat sweet potatoes. Control your intake and never eat too much at one time.

As we all know, diabetes is a

As we all know, diabetes is a 3

Can diabetics eat sweet potatoes?

Sweet potatoes contain a large amount of polysaccharides and starch, which makes many diabetic patients afraid to eat sweet potatoes. After a large number of experimental studies, it was found that moderate consumption of sweet potatoes by diabetic patients not only helps patients control their blood sugar levels , but also has a negative impact on the patient's body. There are great benefits to recovery and cancer fighting abilities.

As we all know, diabetes is a . Sweet potatoes help control blood sugar levels: In order to understand the impact of sweet potatoes on diabetic patients, some researchers conducted relevant experiments on rats and found that sweet potatoes can effectively control blood sugar levels in rats. This also means that sweet potatoes can effectively control blood sugar levels in rats. It has certain anti-diabetic effects.

As we all know, diabetes is a

In other studies, it was found that certain extracts from sweet potatoes, , have a good effect on improving the insulin sensitivity of patients with type 2 diabetes and can help patients better control blood sugar levels in the body.

As we all know, diabetes is a . Improve the disease resistance of diabetic patients: In addition to starch and sugar, sweet potatoes also contain a large amount of vitamin A and vitamin C, folic acid , carotene , dietary fiber and other beneficial substances.

These substances can not only provide the nutrients needed by the patient's body, can also improve the patient's gastrointestinal motility and anti-cancer ability. If you insist on eating sweet potatoes, you can better excrete toxins from the body and improve the body's anti-cancer ability.

As we all know, diabetes is a

Warm reminder: As long as diabetic patients adapt to sweet potatoes in appropriate amounts in their daily lives, it will also have certain benefits for the body. However, we need to remind everyone that if you have indigestion, elevated blood sugar, or weak spleen and stomach while eating sweet potatoes, you must try to reduce your intake of sweet potatoes in order to avoid physical discomfort.

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