Although sinusitis is relatively common, if you want to completely solve the problem, you need to know the ins and outs of this disease. "Sinusitis", according to Chinese medicine, belongs to the middle sinusitis. The ancient medical book "Suwen" records: "The gallbladder transfe

2024/05/2302:28:32 regimen 1133

Although sinusitis is relatively common, if you want to completely solve the problem, you must know the ins and outs of this disease.

"Sinusitis", according to traditional Chinese medicine, belongs to the middle sinusitis. The ancient medical book "Su Wen" records: "The gallbladder transfers heat to the brain... People with nasal sinuses will have turbid discharge." Doctors in the Ming and Qing Dynasties mostly used the theory of gallbladder heat . After the Ming and Qing Dynasties, they believed that sinusitis was caused by exogenous evil spirits, leading to damage to the spleen and stomach.

Although sinusitis is relatively common, if you want to completely solve the problem, you need to know the ins and outs of this disease.

Let me give you an example. A patient with sinusitis found me.

I have had rhinitis for almost 8 years. I have seen Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine before, but they didn't seem to have much effect.

Usually runny nose is yellow and pus-like, the nose is blocked, the nose is very sour, there is always a fishy smell in the nose, and I often have headaches.

Upon diagnosis, had a red tongue and thin white coating.

Although sinusitis is relatively common, if you want to completely solve the problem, you need to know the ins and outs of this disease.

After understanding these symptoms in detail, use medicine after dialectical diagnosis: Bupleurum , skullcap, Pueraria lobata , Pinellia , Codonopsis , ginger, licorice , jujube. (varies from person to person, needs dialectical compatibility, cannot be used blindly)

After one month of taking the medicine, feedback said that the original headache symptoms were significantly reduced. My nose has started to breathe better, and my nose is not so sore anymore, but there is still some mucus.

Sinusitis has been deep-rooted for so many years, and it takes time and patience to treat it.

How is this adjustment dialectical?

In the final analysis, the main reason is- liver depression .

Although sinusitis is relatively common, if you want to completely solve the problem, you need to know the ins and outs of this disease.

Take these symptoms as an example, red tongue, angry temper, and anxiety. It is a typical liver stagnation transforming into fire .

Red tongue, mainly heat, with fire. Some people may want to ask, "What is the relationship between liver stagnation turning into fire and sinusitis?"

The two are closely related. The nose is the gateway to the lungs. If the normal circulation and descent of lung qi is affected, it will naturally be difficult for the nose orifice to be unobstructed. "The lungs belong to metal, the liver belongs to wood, and metal overcomes wood ." From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, when the body is in the state of liver stagnation turning into fire, liver wood must counteract lung metal, which is called wood overcoming metal.

Lung qi is unbalanced, and heat evil approaches the lungs. As the nose plays the role of the gateway to the lungs, it must be inseparable from this influence.

Although sinusitis is relatively common, if you want to completely solve the problem, you need to know the ins and outs of this disease.

As a result, many sinusitis symptoms such as yellow purulent nasal discharge, nasal congestion, headache, etc. all appear. Therefore, the core of conditioning is still "soothing the liver + relieving depression". In this way,

takes into account both the symptoms and root causes of the problem. After all, no matter what kind of rhinitis it is, the biggest problem is that it keeps recurring. The key is to grasp the lesions tightly.

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