"Wine is the essence of grain. The more you drink, the younger you will be." Wine is brewed from grain and is naturally beneficial to health and longevity. When Uncle Zhang was young, it was because he believed this sentence that he was now in poor health. Uncle Wang and Uncle Zh

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" Wine is the essence of grain . The more you drink, the younger you will be." Wine is brewed from grain, which is naturally beneficial to health and longevity. When Uncle Zhang was young, it was because he believed this sentence that he was now in poor health.

Uncle Wang and Uncle Zhang grew up in the same village. They were together in elementary and junior high school, but after graduating from high school, their life trajectories deviated. Uncle Zhang started drinking a little wine every day because his job was quite hard. Uncle Wang didn't like this tone.

For more than 20 years, Uncle Wang has always tried to persuade him that wine is not a good thing and he must drink less. Even if you can't give up drinking completely, you should still drink in moderation. But Uncle Zhang never took these words to heart and still went his own way.

What is the physical difference between one person who drinks and one person who does not?

. Different health conditions of liver organs

Uncle Zhang has suffered from hepatitis from time to time since he was 30 years old. After reaching the age of forty, I even suffered from fatty liver . After the last examination, the doctor warned him: If the liver disease continues to worsen, it may deteriorate into cirrhosis.

This is because alcohol damages the most important organ, the liver. The liver also continues to accumulate damage during the process of breaking down alcohol. If long-term drinking reaches a certain level, the liver will completely lose its function and cirrhosis will occur.

. Harmonious family relationship

Uncle Zhang has to bear the blame from his wife every time he drinks, which makes him feel very depressed. The more depressed he becomes, the more he wants to drink to drown his sorrows, forming a vicious circle. Every night I fall asleep to the sound of quarrels.

Although Uncle Wang also has quarrels, he is more considerate of his family because he does not smoke or drink. Therefore, the family relationship is relatively harmonious, and it is rare that cups or plates are thrown.

. Intestinal digestion capabilities are different

Uncle Zhang will have minor gastrointestinal problems from time to time due to his long-term drinking. For example, today I have gastritis , and tomorrow I will indigestion . In short, I have constant gastrointestinal diseases. Although these minor ailments do not seriously damage health, if they occur seven or eight times a year, the medical expenses are still a lot of money.

Although Uncle Wang is old, he also has indigestion problems. But since I don’t drink, I rarely go to the hospital to prescribe medication. Her appetite for eating is also much better than his.

The two are similar in age and have similar family conditions. However, the physical health status and the relationship between family members are very different. All thanks to the " drinking " habit.

But everyone can reason, but it is difficult to implement it in practice. As a drinking buddy like Uncle Zhang, why does refuse to quit drinking?

Why does Uncle Zhang refuse to quit drinking? What are the reasons behind it?

. The burden of life makes him breathless

In fact, Uncle Zhang is not I want to drink every day. But when he was young, he had to start preparing for work as soon as he opened his eyes every day. From drying the fishing nets to weaving, he almost did it all by himself. I usually get up at 4:30 and go fishing before 6:00.

Whether it is summer or winter, there are no days of rest. When I get home every night, there are no entertainment activities. I can only drink a little wine to masturbate.Over the years, drinking has long been his way to relieve his worries , so how can he give it up so easily?

. Drinking can gain entertainment time

I believe many men have had this experience. After get off work, they suddenly don’t want to go home. Whether it's the children's noise or the wife's nagging, they all seem so annoying. At this time, a phone call and an appointment to have a drink seem to be the best way to relax.

Make an appointment with three or five friends and have a drink together to separate yourself from the family and experience the joy of life again. Many people like to drink at night, often just to find a free time.

. Drinking wine can make people feel happy.

There was once a picture like this circulating on the Internet, talking about consumption power. Children, women, old men, men often need to bear more family responsibilities and social responsibilities, and naturally face greater pressure. In addition to playing games, you can only get a little happiness when you drink.

Although these people know that drinking alcohol will harm their health, it is difficult for anyone to refuse this temptation when faced with the happiness that is within reach.

Drinking is of course harmful to health, but the difficulty of quitting drinking reflects the hardship of life. Behind every person who is unwilling to quit drinking, there must be a bitter past.

For many people who cannot quit drinking, but find that their health is damaged, how can they achieve a balance between the two? In fact, the most important thing is " moderate drinking ", how to drink moderately?

In summer, does drinking two bottles of beer every night count as moderate drinking?

" Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents " stipulates that men should not exceed

5g and women should not exceed 5g. Within this range, drinking is considered moderate.

Based on this amount of alcohol, if you drink two bottles of beer every night, is it considered moderate drinking?

Generally speaking, the alcohol content of beer is about 4 degrees. To calculate the amount of alcohol contained in it, it takes approximately 625ml of beer. to reach 25g.

As for the bottled beer on the market in my country, one bottle is about 330 ml, and the volume of two bottles is about 660 ml. Although it is slightly exceeded, the impact is very small. Therefore, drinking one or two bottles of beer every night is not only not harmful to the body, but also beneficial.

Moreover, it is hot in summer. After running around for a day, people inevitably need to replenish water. Keep the beer in the refrigerator until you get home in the evening and drink a bottle or two with your meal. It can not only clear away heat and quench thirst, but also replenish the body's missing water. Drinking a bottle of beer at this time is definitely the most relaxing moment of the day.

Drinking alcohol is certainly harmful to health. Everyone knows this. But it would be a bit unkind to just chase and intercept people and ask them not to drink alcohol. As long as you control the amount of alcohol you drink within a appropriate range, drink in moderation. Drinking two bottles of beer every night does very little harm to the body.

[Reference Materials]

1. Drinking, Things You Must Know·Science and Technology Daily·2015.2.13

2. Eight Tips to Minimize the Harm of Drinking·Life Times·2017.7.9

3.3.18 National Liver Love Day: Quit for Love of Liver A day of drinking · China News Network · 2013.3.18

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