According to reports from the health department, in recent years, the number of reports of microbial food poisoning and the number of people poisoned have been relatively large, accounting for about 50% of the total. It is reported that in a kindergarten in Xi'an, more than a hun

2024/05/1905:40:32 regimen 1727

According to reports from the health department, in recent years, the number of reports of microbial food poisoning and the number of people poisoned have been relatively large, accounting for about 50% of the total. Among them, Salmonella infection accounts for 70% to 80% of bacterial food poisoning , ranking among the "top causes".

Recently, food poisoning incidents caused by Salmonella have occurred frequently in China. It is reported that in a kindergarten in Xi'an, more than a hundred children collectively developed symptoms such as blood in the stool, nausea, and high fever. The local Center for Disease Control and Prevention initially determined that the patient was infected with Salmonella, a food-borne disease.

According to reports from the health department, in recent years, the number of reports of microbial food poisoning and the number of people poisoned have been relatively large, accounting for about 50% of the total. It is reported that in a kindergarten in Xi'an, more than a hun - DayDayNews

What is "Salmonella"?

Where does it like to hide? What are the symptoms of infection?

Let’s take a look at what the doctor says!

According to reports from the health department, in recent years, the number of reports of microbial food poisoning and the number of people poisoned have been relatively large, accounting for about 50% of the total. It is reported that in a kindergarten in Xi'an, more than a hun - DayDayNews

When summer comes, salmonella comes to join in the fun again. Salmonella is a very common bacterium that can easily invade the body and cause diarrhea, which is especially unfriendly to children.

What are the symptoms of salmonella? The onset of salmonella food poisoning is relatively rapid, with initial abdominal discomfort, followed by abdominal cramps. The cramps can be persistent and worsen in paroxysms. Symptoms such as vicious vomiting may also occur, with vomiting of stomach contents followed by watery stools. Increased frequency of bowel movements.

If your child has any of the following symptoms, take him to the hospital immediately.

1, diarrhea and high fever exceeding 38.9 degrees Celsius.

2. Diarrhea for more than three days and symptoms have not improved.

3. In severe cases, bloody stools.

Four, vomiting for a long time.

5. If there are signs of dehydration, such as decreased urination, dry lips, dizziness when standing, etc., you should seek medical attention immediately.

According to reports from the health department, in recent years, the number of reports of microbial food poisoning and the number of people poisoned have been relatively large, accounting for about 50% of the total. It is reported that in a kindergarten in Xi'an, more than a hun - DayDayNews

How to prevent it?

First, purchase quarantine-qualified poultry, livestock, and egg foods to ensure food safety.

2. Store food correctly to prevent salmonella from multiplying.

3. Food should be cooked thoroughly.

4. Pay attention to kitchen hygiene. Use and store raw and cooked cutting boards and knives separately to avoid cross-contamination.

5. Wash your hands before meals and after using the toilet to develop good hygiene habits.

According to reports from the health department, in recent years, the number of reports of microbial food poisoning and the number of people poisoned have been relatively large, accounting for about 50% of the total. It is reported that in a kindergarten in Xi'an, more than a hun - DayDayNews

Daily preventive measures

  1. Purchase quarantine-qualified poultry, livestock, and egg foods, and use safe drinking water and food ingredients to reduce the possibility of salmonella in the food;
  2. Store food correctly, and do not store cooked food at room temperature for longer than 2 hours, especially in hot and humid weather; leftovers are recommended to be stored in refrigerated conditions (2-8°C) and eaten as soon as possible to prevent the proliferation of salmonella;
  3. food must be cooked thoroughly (especially poultry, livestock, meat and eggs );
  4. Pay attention to kitchen hygiene, use and store raw and cooked chopping boards and knives separately to avoid cross-contamination;
  5. Wash your hands before meals and after using the toilet to prevent carrier infection or repeated infection yourself.

Do the above carefully and

ensure food safety in summer!

According to reports from the health department, in recent years, the number of reports of microbial food poisoning and the number of people poisoned have been relatively large, accounting for about 50% of the total. It is reported that in a kindergarten in Xi'an, more than a hun - DayDayNews

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