When the temperature rises in summer, attention should be paid to preventing heat stroke and cooling down. When the temperature exceeds 37°C, the body's heat dissipation is mainly through the evaporation of sweat. When the surrounding environment is higher than the normal body te

2024/05/1902:43:32 regimen 1204

When the temperature rises in summer, attention should be paid to heatstroke prevention and cooling. When the temperature exceeds 37°C, the body's heat dissipation is mainly through the evaporation of sweat. When the surrounding environment is higher than the human body's normal body temperature , ventilation is poor and humidity is high. It is easy to suffer from heatstroke. So how to prevent heatstroke?

According to the severity of heatstroke symptoms, it can be divided into the following types:

When the temperature rises in summer, attention should be paid to preventing heat stroke and cooling down. When the temperature exceeds 37°C, the body's heat dissipation is mainly through the evaporation of sweat. When the surrounding environment is higher than the normal body te - DayDayNews

Premonitory heatstroke: refers to the occurrence of mild dizziness, headache, tinnitus, vertigo, and mouth after being in a high temperature environment for a period of time. Thirst, weakness and unsteady walking.

Mild heat stroke: In addition to the above symptoms, there is also an increase in body temperature, flushing, chest tightness, hot skin, or pallor, nausea, vomiting, sweating, decreased blood pressure, and weak pulse. and other symptoms.

When the temperature rises in summer, attention should be paid to preventing heat stroke and cooling down. When the temperature exceeds 37°C, the body's heat dissipation is mainly through the evaporation of sweat. When the surrounding environment is higher than the normal body te - DayDayNews

  • Severe heatstroke: In addition to the above symptoms, symptoms such as sudden fainting or convulsions after sweating, irritability, thirst, oliguria, and coma are common.

Tips for summer heatstroke prevention and cooling

. Drink water regularly. The most important thing to prevent summer heatstroke is to replenish water in time. To keep the body with enough water for consumption, it is recommended to drink more boiled water, lightly salted boiled water and tea, but drink less drinks. , because drinks contain a lot of saccharin and electrolytes, drinking too much will have adverse effects on the gastrointestinal tract.

. Do a good job in cooling down. If you encounter hot weather when you go out, remember to prepare a sun umbrella, sun hat. If you feel unwell, you should immediately find a cool and ventilated place (such as when traveling, you find When there are signs of heat stroke, you should first untie your front collar to let yourself feel cool and cool down, then find a cool place to rest, and drink some water if necessary to replenish water)

When the temperature rises in summer, attention should be paid to preventing heat stroke and cooling down. When the temperature exceeds 37°C, the body's heat dissipation is mainly through the evaporation of sweat. When the surrounding environment is higher than the normal body te - DayDayNews

. Prepare medicine to relieve heatstroke , you can carry hyacinth water, etc. with you to relieve heat stroke (you should be able to use it when you go out in hot weather)

When the temperature rises in summer, attention should be paid to preventing heat stroke and cooling down. When the temperature exceeds 37°C, the body's heat dissipation is mainly through the evaporation of sweat. When the surrounding environment is higher than the normal body te - DayDayNews. Get enough sleep to stay energetic and prevent heat stroke

When the temperature rises in summer, attention should be paid to preventing heat stroke and cooling down. When the temperature exceeds 37°C, the body's heat dissipation is mainly through the evaporation of sweat. When the surrounding environment is higher than the normal body te - DayDayNews. Scientific and reasonable diet, you can eat Some vegetables with high water content such as lettuce, yellow cabbage, and tomatoes, and you can also eat more fruits such as peaches, apricots, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes, which have high water content. In addition, dairy products can Replenishing water can meet the nutritional needs of the body. Only by replenishing the physical energy consumed by these foods and having reasonable eating habits can you have a healthy body

When the temperature rises in summer, attention should be paid to preventing heat stroke and cooling down. When the temperature exceeds 37°C, the body's heat dissipation is mainly through the evaporation of sweat. When the surrounding environment is higher than the normal body te - DayDayNews

6. The temperature difference between indoor and outdoor should not be too large

Keep indoor and outdoor temperature The temperature difference should not be too large. It is most suitable to be within 5 degrees, because the human body itself has the function of regulating temperature. If you stay under the air conditioner for a long time, and the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is too large, the contrast between sudden cold and sudden heat will be great, which will cause the human body's regulatory function to be disordered. .

After reading the above, I believe everyone knows the tips for preventing heatstroke and cooling down in summer. Although summer is very hot, everyone should protect their bodies. They should not eat cold food or stay in air-conditioned rooms for too long.

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