In the dog days of summer, "eat cold food instead of cold food". Eat 2 less melons and 4 more vegetables. It will be refreshing and relieve the heat. You can successfully pass the midsummer and enter July. The temperature is getting higher and higher. It rained for a week in the

2024/05/1823:28:33 regimen 1438

In the dog days of summer, "eat cold food instead of cold food", eat 2 less melons and 4 more vegetables, refreshing and relieving the heat, successfully passing the midsummer

Entering July, the temperature is getting higher and higher. It rained continuously for a week in the past few days. , it feels a little cooler, and the high temperature has been close to 40 degrees these days. In more than ten days, it will be the Dog Days of Summer. No wonder it is so hot. Dog Days of Summer is the hottest period of the year.

In the dog days of summer,

Speaking of Dog Days, many people may have to take their children to post " Dog Days Post ". In fact, in addition, we should also pay great attention to our diet. There is such a saying in Dog Days, It's called "eat cold but not cold".

I suggest you to "eat 2 less melons and 4 more vegetables" during the dog days of summer to cool down and get through the summer smoothly.

In the dog days of summer,

[Eat less melons]

Type 1: Watermelon

Watermelon is a seasonal fruit in summer. Most families eat watermelon in summer, even one a day. Watermelon has a high water content. A bite of it when the weather is hot is particularly refreshing and thirst-quenching. However, not everyone can eat watermelon. For people with weak spleen and stomach and unstable blood sugar, especially middle-aged and elderly people, It's a taboo.

In the dog days of summer,

The second type: bitter melon

Many people have seen this and have doubts. Can't you eat bitter melon in the dog days of summer? Isn’t bitter melon a seasonal vegetable in summer? It has high nutritional value and can also relieve summer heat. In fact, bitter melon is relatively cold in nature. If eaten regularly, it is not good for the body and can easily cause burden. You can eat it, but try to eat it as little as possible.

In the dog days of summer,

[Eat 5 more vegetables]

The first one: High-calcium vegetables

The dog days of summer are considered by many to be the best time to “treat winter diseases in summer ”. Of course, it is also the best time to supplement nutrition. Eat more. Order something with high calcium content, which has many benefits for the body, especially for children and the elderly. Remember to eat it often.

What are the high-calcium vegetables? Pickles, beans, kelp, edamame, fennel, rapeseed, etc. are all suitable for eating.

In the dog days of summer,

The second type: high-potassium vegetables

Especially in the dog days of summer, when the weather is hot, sweating will naturally increase. At this time, in addition to the loss of water, the loss of potassium is also very serious, so eat more high-potassium vegetables. There are many benefits to the body.

What are the high potassium vegetables? Winter melon, seaweed, soybeans, mushrooms , eggplant, corn, etc. are all suitable for eating.

In the dog days of summer,

The third type: high-protein vegetables

Protein must be supplemented at ordinary times. This is an essential nutrient for the human body, and it is not to be missed in the dog days of summer. If you always feel tired, it is better to eat more high-protein dishes.

What are the high-protein dishes? In fact, there are many types. All kinds of soy products, fish, shrimp, etc. are suitable for eating.

In the dog days of summer,

The fourth type: high-speed iron dishes

Iron element, also known as " life element ", although it is a trace element, it is also essential for the human body. You can eat more in summer, especially when the dog days are approaching and the temperature is getting higher and higher, and the human body cannot bear it.

What are the high-speed vegetables? For example, animal liver, spinach, lean meat, corn, egg yolk, etc. are all acceptable.

In the dog days of summer,

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