"As a human being, the most important thing is to be happy." It seems like a common line, but it is the true meaning of health care. When you are depressed or angry, the qi that is initially generated is invisible. After the qi accumulates over time and takes shape, it blocks the

2024/05/1621:47:32 regimen 1559

"The most important thing in life is to be happy" , it seems like an ordinary line, but it is the true meaning of health preservation. When you are depressed or angry, the qi that is initially generated is invisible. After the qi accumulates over time and takes shape, it blocks the meridians and causes disease.

Many people suffer from liver qi stagnation and insomnia. The main reason is that they are in a bad mood and are often depressed or angry, which can easily lead to sluggish liver qi. If qi stagnation lasts for a long time, it can easily lead to The mind is affected, eventually leading to insomnia.

Jiang, 34 years old. Two years ago, I suffered from mental stress and insomnia due to illness. I had been taking Diazepam for a while, but I didn’t want to rely on drugs to help me sleep, and I was looking for a cure.

Nowadays, I have severe insomnia. I often feel palpitations palpitation, chest tightness, depression, and mental stress. Although I have improved after treatment with traditional Chinese medicine before, I can only sleep for about four hours, accompanied by dizziness, fatigue, and inability to eat. fragrant. Red tongue, thin coating, thin and weak pulse.

Dialectical: Liver Qi stagnation, restlessness

Treatment: Soothe the liver and relieve stagnation, clear the heart and calm the nerves

Prescription: saffron, Guizhi, Ophiopogon japonicus, Coptis chinensis, Raw Rehmannia , Poria , Yu Golden , Codonopsis , ginger, jujube, licorice

Second diagnosis: After taking seven doses of medicine, the sleep time increased compared with before, and the mental aspect improved slightly. The medicine was not changed, so I continued to take fourteen doses. My sleep time returned to seven or eight hours, and my mental state returned to normal.

The saffron in the prescription can activate blood circulation, regulate blood circulation, calm and calm the nerves. It is a good medicine for treating neurasthenia, depression, panic and mental diseases. It can relieve depression and calm the nerves.

Guizhi warms the meridians and unblocks the meridians, harmonizes nutrition and health; turmeric and poria cocos clear the heart and soothe the mind, while poria also has the effect of strengthening the spleen; Ophiopogon japonicus and raw rehmannia nourish yin and moisturize, clear the heart and relieve troubles; Codonopsis pilosula nourishes the middle and replenishes qi.

Ginger is pungent and good for the stomach; the combination of licorice and jujube can play a role in strengthening the body and replenishing the Qi, relieving the body's weakness.

The liver is the internal organ of wind and wood . Liver qi rises, bringing joy and depression. Depressed mood, poor Qi, and poor blood flow will lead to disease.

If you want to treat this situation, you can first improve it by combining traditional Chinese medicine, and secondly, you can often use rose tea.

In addition, always maintain a happy mood and exercise appropriately. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. You can also soak your feet in warm water before going to bed to help you sleep.

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