There are many causes of benign gastric tumors, such as colds, drinking, smoking, cold diet, hunger, overeating, taking foods and drugs that stimulate the stomach, emotional excitement, excessive fatigue, etc. The following points should be noted in the diet: 1. First, correct ba

2024/05/1621:38:33 regimen 1555

There are many reasons for benign gastric tumors , such as cold, drinking, smoking, cold diet, hunger, overeating, taking food and drugs that stimulate the stomach, emotional excitement, excessive fatigue, etc. The following points should be noted in the diet:

1. First of all, bad eating habits must be corrected. Eat more light foods, and eat less fatty and spicy foods, such as foods containing alcohol and spices. Beware of food that is too sour, too sweet, too salty, too bitter, or too pungent, and do not have a preference for the five flavors. Patients with a smoking habit should quit smoking.

2. Eat a regular and quantitative diet. Patients with long-term benign gastric tumors should eat three or more meals regularly every day with reasonable intervals. Patients with acute benign gastric tumors should try to eat less frequent meals and less or no snacks to reduce the burden on the stomach.

3. Pay attention to nutritional balance. An average diet should provide vitamin-rich foods to protect the gastric mucosa, improve its defense capabilities, and promote the repair of local lesions.

4. Food should be soft, warm and warm. Steaming, boiling, stewing, and stewing should be used for cooking, and hard and rough foods should be eaten less. Don't be impatient when eating. Chew the food fully in the mouth, mix it with saliva and swallow slowly, which is beneficial to digestion and repair after illness. Attention should be paid to the adjustment of food temperature in the four seasons. People with spleen and stomach deficiency and colds should especially avoid eating raw and cold foods. Patients with liver stagnation and qi stagnation should not eat immediately after getting angry.

There are many causes of benign gastric tumors, such as colds, drinking, smoking, cold diet, hunger, overeating, taking foods and drugs that stimulate the stomach, emotional excitement, excessive fatigue, etc. The following points should be noted in the diet: 1. First, correct ba - DayDayNews

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