Nothing is more important to a person than health. You are welcome to "follow" me and chat about health topics together! Uncle Wang is 57 years old this year and is an enthusiastic old drinking buddy. He has been drinking since he was in his twenties and has drank countless liquo

2024/05/1615:07:32 regimen 1962

Nothing is more important to a person than health. You are welcome to "follow" me and chat about health topics together!

Uncle Wang is 57 years old this year and is an enthusiastic old drinking buddy. He has been drinking since he was in his twenties and has drank countless liquors along the way. Because Uncle Wang is popular and has a good temper, he is also well-known in the drinking circle. He often forms a game and has a drink. Since last year, I have developed soreness and swelling in my lower limbs for unknown reasons. I feel extremely tired every day. Even though I have a relatively easy job, I feel unbearably tired at the end of the day. Sometimes folliculitis often appears on the chest and back, and small pustules form in a few days. Although there are no typical "three more and one less" symptoms of diabetes , the blistering in the urine is particularly serious.

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This made Uncle Wang feel a little uneasy, so he rushed to the hospital for examination. The test results really shocked Uncle Wang: fasting blood sugar 11.5mmol/L, and urine sugar 3+. It is estimated that diabetes will take at least 2-3 years, but I am not paying attention to it and have not been diagnosed. However, since he was diagnosed with diabetes, Uncle Wang has indeed paid a lot of attention. He strictly controls his diet, takes metformin sustained-release tablets on time to lower his blood sugar, and has significantly controlled his drinking, and his blood sugar has gradually stabilized.

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However, the good times did not last long. Three months later, Uncle Wang began to experience obvious nausea, abdominal discomfort, and occasionally diarrhea. His appetite was significantly reduced. Sometimes he would also experience palpitation, trembling hands, fatigue, blurred vision and other symptoms. Blood sugar symptoms. This made Uncle Wang, who was originally full of confidence, suddenly lose confidence and hurriedly came to the outpatient clinic for treatment. 57-year-old diabetic uncle took metformin and experienced a lot of side effects. It turned out that 4 details were not done well:

1. Chew the metformin sustained-release tablets and then take them

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It turned out that Uncle Wang was a little anxious when he saw that his blood sugar occasionally did not reach the standard. I don’t know who told me that after chewing the tablets, they are better absorbed and the hypoglycemic effect is more obvious, so I chewed the good metformin sustained-release tablets and took them. sustained-release tablets are a specific preparation that stabilizes the effective drug concentration by slowly and stably releasing the active ingredients of the drug, thereby increasing the hypoglycemic effect of metformin. Uncle Wang's practice of pushing the seedlings to encourage growth caused the originally slow-release drug ingredients to be released all at once, affecting the balance of effective drug concentrations and causing obvious gastrointestinal side effects and hypoglycemic reactions.

2. Not strictly avoiding alcohol

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After Uncle Wang was diagnosed with diabetes, he did avoid alcohol for a period of time. However, as his condition improved significantly, Uncle Wang's old habit of drinking alcohol returned. started by drinking a glass and a half when he was out attending events, and later he drank it when he was alone at home. In principle, alcoholism is a contraindication to taking metformin, and alcohol must be avoided while taking metformin. Uncle Wang's illness was mainly caused by years of alcoholism, and he should absolutely avoid alcohol. After this incident, Uncle Wang also realized his mistake and said that he must strictly avoid alcohol in the future and control his blood sugar stably.

3. Failure to supplement vitamin B12

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Metformin has the effect of reducing glucose absorption in the intestine. This effect also inhibits the intrinsic factor to promote the absorption of vitamin B12. Long-term use of metformin can cause vitamin B12 deficiency and induce celiac disease. RBC anemia. Therefore, when taking metformin for a long time, attention should be paid to timely supplementation of vitamin B12. Uncle Wang ignored this point and stopped taking vitamin B12 tablets without following the doctor's advice.

4. Failure to start taking the medicine at a low dose

Nothing is more important to a person than health. You are welcome to

Adverse gastrointestinal reactions are the most common side effects of taking metformin. Therefore, when taking metformin, you should start taking the medicine at a low dose and then gradually increase the dose. Uncle Wang is an impatient person. He privately increased the dosage from 0.25 to 0.5, doubling the dosage at once. Only then did relatively serious gastrointestinal side effects appear.

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Metformin inhibits glucose absorption in the intestine, inhibits hepatic glycogen output, improves the sensitivity of peripheral tissues to insulin , increases the uptake and utilization of glucose by peripheral tissues, and inhibits gluconeogenesis and glucagon. releases a series of effects such as lowering blood sugar and is one of the first-choice drugs for treating diabetes. Although metformin is a relatively safe drug, its main side effects are gastrointestinal reactions and hypoglycemia. However, when taking the medicine, you should also pay attention to starting with a small dose and gradually increasing the dose, and do not rush for success. While taking the medicine, you should also pay attention to avoiding alcohol, supplementing with vitamin B12, and taking the medicine on time. Some sustained-release preparations must not be chewed or broken before taking.

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