Flustered and trembling hands, are you too tired? Want to eat quickly? In fact, it is neither. It may be a sign of disease. Don’t be careless. Let’s take a look at two cases. magic! The woman was flustered, her hands were trembling, and she had no strength. She felt good once she

2024/05/1602:01:33 regimen 1038

Flustered and shaking hands, are you too tired? Want to eat quickly? In fact, it is neither. It may be a sign of disease. Don’t be careless. Let’s take a look at two cases.

is magical! The woman is flustered, her hands are shaking, and she has no energy. She feels better after drinking Coke.

Ms. Lin has a hobby, which is drinking drinks. Every time a business holds an event, she will stock up on several boxes of Coke, save it and drink it slowly when she has nothing to do. Basically, she drinks it every day. Grab a few bottles and be sure to take one with you when you go out. This habit has been going on for several years and has had no effect. However, in the past six months, Ms. Lin found that something was wrong with herself.

Flustered and trembling hands, are you too tired? Want to eat quickly? In fact, it is neither. It may be a sign of disease. Don’t be careless. Let’s take a look at two cases. magic! The woman was flustered, her hands were trembling, and she had no strength. She felt good once she - DayDayNews

She found that she always had palpitations, trembling hands, and was always thirsty. She thought she had hypoglycemia, so she drank a bottle of Coke every time she felt uncomfortable. It was amazing. She waited a few seconds after each drink. Within minutes, the symptoms of palpitations and trembling hands were relieved.

dragged on like this for half a year, until one day she fainted during exercise and was sent to the hospital by a kind person. She didn't know that she was not hypoglycemic but diabetic .

The doctor explained to Ms. Lin that she must have had diabetes for several years, but she did not have the symptoms of "three more and one less", so Ms. Lin did not pay attention to it. Instead, she mistakenly thought she had hypoglycemia because of panic and trembling hands , and then blindly supplemented with sugar, which made the condition more and more serious.

Ms. Lin was undergoing strenuous exercise before the onset of the disease. She exercised on an empty stomach, her blood sugar was consumed too quickly , and she fainted due to hypoglycemia. In addition, Ms. Lin was unaware of her illness for many years and did not take any treatment measures. Her nerve function suffered from dysregulation and she also experienced symptoms of hypoglycemia such as panic and hand tremors.

Flustered and trembling hands, are you too tired? Want to eat quickly? In fact, it is neither. It may be a sign of disease. Don’t be careless. Let’s take a look at two cases. magic! The woman was flustered, her hands were trembling, and she had no strength. She felt good once she - DayDayNews

Feeling flustered and shaking when you are hungry may not necessarily mean hypoglycemia, but may also be "pre-sugar". Don't blindly supplement sugar

Under normal circumstances, the human body will secrete insulin after eating to lower blood sugar as soon as possible, but if If the number of pancreatic islet cells is insufficient, blood sugar will be "ineffective" in lowering blood sugar, resulting in high blood sugar levels after meals.

When enough insulin is secreted, it’s time for the next meal, but at this time I haven’t eaten yet, and my blood sugar level is very low, so I have panic attacks and trembling hands.

If you conclude that you have hypoglycemia based on symptoms alone and blindly supplement sugar, you will harm yourself. If you are really hungry, you can eat low-sugar and high-protein foods. You cannot drink a lot of carbonated drinks like Ms. Lin did, and wait until the symptoms are relieved. Postprandial blood sugar, fasting blood sugar should be checked as soon as possible, and treatment should not be delayed.

Flustered and trembling hands, are you too tired? Want to eat quickly? In fact, it is neither. It may be a sign of disease. Don’t be careless. Let’s take a look at two cases. magic! The woman was flustered, her hands were trembling, and she had no strength. She felt good once she - DayDayNews

A young man has palpitation and trembling hands. He did not expect to get this disease.

Mr. Zhou is 35 years old. He has been experiencing palpitation, trembling hands, hot flashes, and excessive sweating for four or five years. He also found that he was getting thinner and thinner. I have lost 30 pounds compared to my previous weight. My temper has become more and more irritable, and I always feel very upset inside.

He didn't pay attention at first, and would eat desperately every time he was hungry. But after he found out that he had lost so much weight, he became a little scared and worried that he had cancer , so he came to the hospital for examination. When he went to the doctor, the doctor measured his temperature and found that it had reached 39 degrees.

The examination showed that Mr. Zhou's had II-degree thyroid enlargement. Except for the decrease in 's serum thyroid-stimulating hormone mark, all other indicators showed "↑" arrows. The doctor determined that he had hyperthyroidism based on his symptoms and indicators, and a large amount of thyroid hormone had already entered the blood, making the situation quite critical.

Mr. Zhou didn’t understand, how could he have hyperthyroidism despite being fine? The doctor told him that most of them were related to infection, but there were also factors such as overwork and high fever. After a series of treatments such as antithyroid drugs, glucocorticoids , and plasma exchange, Mr. Zhou's symptoms gradually alleviated.

Doctors remind you that if you find that you have an excessive appetite, are prone to hunger, sweating, palpitation and other symptoms, or even have abnormally protruding eyes, you should pay attention to it and find out the cause in time. It may be abnormal thyroid function.

Flustered and trembling hands, are you too tired? Want to eat quickly? In fact, it is neither. It may be a sign of disease. Don’t be careless. Let’s take a look at two cases. magic! The woman was flustered, her hands were trembling, and she had no strength. She felt good once she - DayDayNews

In addition to hypoglycemia, prediabetes, and hyperthyroidism, what other possible causes are there?

Gastrointestinal diseases

Such patients have more gastric acid secretion, digest food quickly, and will feel hungry soon. Moreover, gastrointestinal diseases can cause general discomfort, including weakness, trembling hands, and may also feel stomach pain and even diarrhea. , black stool.

The body is too weak

This kind of situation usually occurs in women after giving birth. They consume too much energy and blood, have no strength in their limbs, shake their hands when moving, and have no strength to speak. It will take a few days of conditioning to heal. Back to normal. In addition, eating too little, eating too late, insufficient nutritional intake, and congenital frailty may affect the body's operation.

For example, deficiency of heart qi is usually related to the body lack of nutrients, overwork, and long-term illness. has problems. The whole person is like a leaky rubber ball with no elasticity. It is necessary to supplement nutrition, increase rest time, and worry less. It is suitable to use traditional Chinese medicine to replenish qi and consolidate the surface.

Deficiency of spleen will cause symptoms such as fatigue, palpitation, dizziness, etc. If not treated in time, it will also affect mood, excretion, and body sensation, causing depression and inactivity, loose stools, and aversion to cold. You should warm the spleen and strengthen the spleen, and increase the amount appropriately. sports.

Flustered and trembling hands, are you too tired? Want to eat quickly? In fact, it is neither. It may be a sign of disease. Don’t be careless. Let’s take a look at two cases. magic! The woman was flustered, her hands were trembling, and she had no strength. She felt good once she - DayDayNews

What to eat when you are hungry?

If you are not sure whether it is hypoglycemia, it is not recommended to blindly eat "sugar". You can eat relatively safe foods, such as eggs, milk, nuts, apples, yogurt, beans, peanuts, etc. Friends who are prone to hunger can Pack some snacks in your bag and eat them when necessary.

The reason why you are prone to hunger may be that your diet does not support hunger. In comparison, solid food is more resistant to hunger than liquid drinks, and whole grain foods are more resistant to hunger than refined rice and noodles. They can be eaten with lean meat, eggs, and vegetables.

Generally speaking, when you are hungry and you feel uncomfortable, you should not only think about how to relieve hunger, but also pay attention to observe the symptoms and find out the cause as soon as possible. In the case, Ms. Lin and Mr. Zhou both had been ill for many years and had not been checked. No treatment was given, and I hope everyone can take this as a warning.


[1] Young patient palpitations, trembling hands, excessive sweating... Do you think it is this disease? · Medical Pediatrics Channel. 2021-10-04

[2] Woman has palpitations, trembling hands, and no symptoms. The strength is gone as soon as I drink Coke! What's going on? · Guangming.com .2021-09-10

[3] Diabetes friends, hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia must be prevented·Health News.2018-02-26

[ 4] Help "sugar friends" ask: "Why should we beware of dangerous hypoglycemia? What can we do to stay away from it?" · Healthy China.2021-11-15

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