Hello everyone, I am Liu Xingyin, a Chinese medicine practitioner. Today I will share with you some women’s topics, namely menopause and anxiety. In fact, when it comes to anxiety disorders, they are very common in clinical practice. The main symptoms of anxiety disorders are res

Hello everyone, I am Liu Xingyin, a Chinese medicine practitioner. Today I will share with you some women’s topics, which are menopause and anxiety disorders.

In fact, when it comes to anxiety disorder, it is very common in clinical practice. The main symptoms of anxiety disorder are restlessness, irritability, and panic. In clinical practice, it is often accompanied by autonomic nervous system symptoms such as palpitations , hand shaking, and sweating. , frequent urination , etc. The main clinical syndromes are irritability, panic, insomnia, etc., which belong to the category of emotional abnormality diseases in traditional Chinese medicine, such as "visceral irritability", " madness", "depression syndrome", " insomnia" and other categories.

I once treated a 52-year-old patient who was in a trance, flustered, and had trembling fingers for 2 years when he came to the clinic. This patient had a history of Hashimoto's disease and nodular goiter on the right side. He had undergone thyroid nodule surgery 2 years ago. He took Euthyrox tablets regularly after the operation. No abnormalities were found in regular thyroid function reviews.

However, after the operation, the patient was depressed, in a daze, and flustered. He was often worried about thyroid cancer and other lesions. He was restless, accompanied by slight trembling of his fingers and unsteady grip on objects. One year ago, the patient was in the menopausal stage, and her fear became more obvious. She sought medical treatment everywhere but found no obvious results. She even believed that she had an incurable disease. She was often high in the morning and depressed in the afternoon, sad and ready to cry.

Check the patient's tongue and pulse . The patient's tongue is red, the coating is slightly yellow and greasy, and the pulse is stringy and is slippery. Western medicine diagnosed it as moderate anxiety, and I diagnosed it as viscera-dryness syndrome, which is caused by insufficient yin and blood, deficiency and fire, which disturbs the mind. The patient himself is frightened due to his thyroid history. Coupled with the menopausal period, the yin essence is depleted, the liver is sparse, the muscles and veins are not nourished, and the internal movement of the deficiency wind causes hand tremors ; the essence and blood cannot nourish the five internal organs, yin and yang Loss of balance, false fire will disturb the mind, causing palpitations and sadness.

In treatment, it should nourish yin and reduce fire, dispel wind and dispel evil, calm the mind and calm the mind. The main prescription is Fangji Dihuang Decoction, which should nourish the liver and kidneys, nourish yin and reduce fire, and combine with Bupleurum Guizhi Longgu Oyster Decoction to To treat panic and palpitations, raw rehmannia nourishes the kidneys and water clears away stagnant heat, cinnamon twig unblocks the heart and yang, communicates with the heart and kidneys, and evenly regulates yin and yang to cure the root cause. Fangfeng "searches for liver qi" without damaging yin. Guizhi calms the liver to regulate liver qi, prevents dampness and diuresis, and cuts off the path of phlegm and . licorice harmonizes various medicines. Among them, raw rehmannia cools the blood, and cooked rehmannia nourishes the blood. The two are combined and used repeatedly to prevent the former from being cool and stagnating the spleen and the latter from being greasy and hindering the stomach. floating wheat and jujube are added to nourish the heart and calm the mind.

After taking the medicine, the patient felt better than before and the trembling of his fingers was relieved than before, but he was unable to hold things and was still worried about potential cancer. The tongue coating was lighter and less coated than before, and the pulse was stringy. The patient was advised not to worry too much about his condition and to divert his attention. Don’t always think about his illness. Go out for a walk more and exercise more, and his mood will naturally improve. The patient continued with the original prescription. When he came back for a follow-up visit one month later, he was in a more cheerful mood and his hands no longer trembled. Obviously, the hands are stronger than the front. Only with a high degree of patient cooperation and a combination of treatment and maintenance can the curative effect be significant.

In addition, Hashimoto’s disease is related to abnormalities in the human immune system. Abnormalities in the immune system increase the risk of anxiety or anxiety-like behaviors. This is not only related to changes in psychological factors caused by the disease, but more importantly, is caused by the activation of the immune system. Changes in the biochemistry of the central nervous system, thereby improving the patient's immune function, can also effectively reduce or delay the occurrence and development of anxiety disorders.

Well, I will share it with you today. If you have any questions, you can leave a message in the comment area or send me a private message.