Chapter 6 Group Working Methods 1. Glossary 1 Interactive Therapy [Researched by the Academy of Social Sciences in 2011] Answer: Interactive therapy is derived from the social symbolic interaction theory, which refers to treating the group as a therapeutic environment or tool and

Chapter 6 Group work methods 1. Explanation of terms 1 Interactive therapy [ Academy of Social Sciences 2011 research] Answer: Interactive therapy comes from the social symbolic interaction theory, which refers to treating the group as a therapeutic environment or tool. A group work model that emphasizes treating individual psychological problems through group interaction, or preventing the adverse effects of certain factors on individuals, or correcting individual deviant behaviors. 2 Social group work [ Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2013 research] Answer: Social group work refers to social work practice that treats the group as both a process and a means. It improves their attitudes, interpersonal relationships and their relationships through the support of group members. The ability to cope with actual living conditions. This method emphasizes influencing clients' attitudes and behaviors through group processes and group dynamics. The problem-solving abilities and potential of group members are brought into play through sharing, mutual sharing and mutual support among members. Of course, this also requires group workers to conduct and guide according to the established goals. The characteristics of group work include: ① A group is a relationship system composed of group members and workers. In this complex relationship system, there are interactions between workers and team members, and more importantly, interactions between team members. ②Group work is a process of interaction that brings about changes in the attitudes and behaviors of group members through group dynamics such as mutual sharing, sharing, support, education, and treatment. Therefore, groups generate momentum and bring about changes in the interactive process. ③Group work is not only a process, but also a method and means for team members to change. ④Group work has clear goals. The goals of group work under different modes are very different. 3 Values ​​of group work Answer: The values ​​of group work refer to the embodiment of social work values ​​ in group work, which mainly include: ① respect for the rights and abilities of group members; ② democratic participation and decision-making; ③ the principle of empowerment; ④The principle of individualization; ⑤The principle of mutual benefit. 4 Group cohesion Answer: Group cohesion refers to the result of all the force actions that attract members to stay in the group, and is closely related to the group effect. The more cohesive a group is, the greater its influence on its members. Cohesion is about members and group workers. 5 Social Learning Theory [ Northwest Normal University 2022 Research] Answer: The theory of social learning believes that behavior is learned in the process of observing and evaluating the behavior of others. When a member is praised for a certain behavior, other members will expect to receive the same praise in the future and learn this behavior. On the contrary, in order to avoid negative results, group members will not use the same behavior to a certain extent.

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