The scientific methods of observation, discrimination, experimentation, and induction developed with the industrial revolution have given people new cognitive and thinking tools for psychological activities. Hume: “Beauty is that order and structure among the parts of an object,

Curved column, full moon, running script and Zhu Wenyin


Beauty is inseparably related to psychological activities. Beauty itself is a kind of physical and mental perception. The scientific methods of observation, discrimination, experimentation, and induction developed with the industrial revolution have given people new cognitive and thinking tools for psychological activities. Empiricism believes that all human thoughts originate from feelings. Neo-Platonists have even touched upon the deep psychology of beauty and the physiological basis of the brain and nervous system.

Hume: "Beauty is that order and structure between the parts of an object, which by the original constitution of human nature, by custom, or by accidental mood, is adapted to give pleasure and satisfaction to the mind. This is the characteristic of beauty." Bock incorporated real observation and perception of physiological instincts and psychological activities into the study of aesthetics and aesthetic processes.

arrived at Croce The value of psychological activities in aesthetics has been one-sided and extreme, and beauty has been simplified to more basic instincts and intuitions. "Beauty is the successful intuitive expression of emotion", "intuition is expression", "intuition is "Art" is completely separated from the objective world and real society beyond psychology and intuition, and has become the self-madness and dream talk of the spiritual world.




Beauty is inseparable from psychology, but it is by no means limited to psychology. Psychological activities do not arise out of thin air. There is still an objective world as the object and source of feeling and cognition. Studying the psychological phenomena and principles of beauty and aesthetic feeling is of great significance and can reveal the essence of beauty and aesthetic feeling. However, we cannot ignore the facts and study the real world separately, nor can we forcibly combine them in order to take into account different perspectives, and use the excuse that there is nothing or that the existence of is reasonable as an excuse to smooth things over and act like a good gentleman.

The research value of psychology is not limited to aesthetics. It also plays a decisive role in discovering the fundamental differences between idealism and materialism in philosophy. Relying on the study of psychology and spiritual consciousness to reveal the material origin of psychological activities and spiritual consciousness is a fundamental denial of idealism. The scientific research of psychology is an important foundation for materialist philosophy and world view.

"What makes the worst architect better than the most dexterous bee from the beginning is that before he builds the hive with beeswax, he has already built it in his own mind." Many people think that there is already an accurate Scientific cognition, why do we still need vague philosophical thinking. Generally speaking, such people have never set their sights on unknown areas, but only stay within the known scope, following the trajectory that has been followed since ancient times or set by others, and they are immersed in life, old age, illness, death, eating, drinking and diarrhea. Although this is a kind of happiness, it cannot promote the progress of human civilization.




Be able to form a cognition of things and future actions in your mind from the beginning, do purposeful and planned practices, avoid problems and difficulties that may arise in action, and summarize experience and learn lessons. This is The speed of human civilization progress can far exceed the fundamental reason for the elimination of the speed of evolution in nature. If we abandon the powerful tool of thought and cognition, humans will lose the most fundamental differences and advantages between them and animals.

The practice of artistic creation and appreciation is the same. Without asking what, why, and where to go, creation and appreciation will lose their value, goals, and motivation for development and progress. Creators are not necessarily pioneers. In fact, there are very few pioneers among humans, including those in artistic creation. Most of the one-sided words of many creators are academic and one-sided words that lack a pioneering spirit.

is afraid of broken beautiful illusions, just like a baby is afraid of losing a pacifier. Even the deceptive comfort of nothingness is a sacred and inviolable spiritual support in the minds of ignorant people. They can be so impassioned and hoarse that they will never be burned at the stake. vague.There are also some smart people who have tasted the benefits of speculation and think they are getting their own tricks. Like a lost dog guarding its food, they will be wary of all words and actions that may reveal their true colors.





"Moonlight Night Pregnancy"

Tang · Chen Zi'ang


The beauty holds Zhao Se, and the moonlight is in Xixuan.

How long is the lonely night? Diligent jade fingers are complicated.

Qingguang is sitting on a quilt pillow, thinking of the distance that belongs to Xiangyuan.

The empty curtain separates the stars, and the soul feels like a dream.




Welcome to follow the public account: Zhongliu Zhiyin and get free seal design.

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