We looked at using open questions and reactive listening to communicate feedback earlier, but in addition, there is another way to give feedback, and that is the technique of standardizing questions. It does not just mean special treatment, but equal treatment. We must adopt the

We have previously learned about using open questions and reactive listening to communicate feedback, but in addition, there is another way to conduct feedback, which is the technique of standardizing questions. It does not just mean special treatment, but equal treatment. We must adopt the communication skills of adopting a neutral attitude and expressing our calm views on the problem to the other party calmly and objectively. Preventing us from getting too emotional allows us to re-examine the current situation calmly.

just finished reading the related content in "Weird Psychology": Standardizing Questions. The author cited an example at the beginning of this chapter. There was a child who was unwilling to go to school and was violently treated by his mother. Because the mother's depression was so severe, no matter how much empathy the mother showed, she could only can prevent the problem from being solved. Because when the mother gets too involved in the problem itself, she cannot make the problem develop in the direction of solving the problem. Why not simply tell her: "It is common for parents to violently treat children who are unwilling to go to school" to show our empathy. Showing it that we don’t pay too much attention to time itself will make it easier to switch to the mother’s perspective and look at the problem.

When the mother is surprised by our response, we have to quickly say: "No matter how much we lament, things will not progress. It is better for us to think about how to solve this problem together." Passed Saying this can further encourage the other party to change their perspective on the problem.

By studying the content of this chapter, we learned that another major feedback skill in communication is the skill of standardizing problems. We must look at the other party's problems calmly and objectively, without making any judgments or showing empathy, and By adopting a neutral attitude, re-examining the current problem, and combining it with the speaking skills provided by the author of this chapter, we will be able to handle similar problems with ease in future communications.