Xuzhou Mental Health Service Station: Is anyone around you feeling anxious because some habits or rituals are not completed or are not done well enough? Is this a disease or just a habit? How can we tell the difference between the two? 1. Understand Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Xuzhou Mental Health Service Station: Is anyone around you feeling anxious because some habits or rituals are not completed or are not done well enough? Is this a disease or just a habit? How can we tell the difference between the two?

1. Understanding obsessive-compulsive disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a neurological disease based on obsessive thoughts and behaviors. Some behaviors that are meaningless or even contradictory to personal opinions always appear in the patient's mind, and in serious cases will affect their work, study and life. Once patients have these irrational thoughts, they can't help but get checked out. Over time, it can form a neurological disease and make people around you feel weird. People with obsessive-compulsive disorder like to control their relationships, follow lists and rules, focus on their work, and stick to routines.

2. Understanding obsessive personality

Obsessive personality is caused by childhood experiences. Some parents are too strict when their children are growing up, causing their children to lack warmth. When children grow up, they develop obsessive-compulsive personalities. People with this personality lack a sense of security, are afraid of their surroundings, and cannot behave flexibly.

The main difference between people with OCD and people with OCD is that people with OCD have the ability to consciously control their thoughts in any given situation, even if these thought patterns are often incorrect. For example, people with obsessive-compulsive disorder may feel uncomfortable with their symptoms and may seek help. People with obsessive-compulsive personality believe that there is nothing wrong with their thinking patterns or rituals, they truly believe in what they are doing, and they firmly believe in it.

Although simple obsessive-compulsive disorder usually does not cause much harm, it is sometimes difficult for us ordinary people to distinguish between obsessive-compulsive disorder and obsessive-compulsive personality. It is recommended that you seek professional help from a doctor or psychiatrist as soon as you feel there is any possibility. Only with reliable diagnosis can powerful treatment plans be developed to control symptoms.