In the fascinating online world, what are the characteristics of the Internet that attract children? The following three directions will help parents understand the reasons why teenagers are obsessed with the Internet and their psychological state. Paper books are getting further

In the fascinating online world, what features of the Internet attract children? The following three directions will help parents understand the reasons why teenagers are obsessed with the Internet and their psychological state.

Paper books are getting further and further away from teenagers

First of all, it is the "anonymity" of the Internet, which allows people not to worry about their status, age, education, role, and can even create and play another reality. No identity. Take online games as an example. Children can race on the battlefield and perform various role plays in the game. In the game, they can watch the continuous improvement of level and status, the continuous accumulation of game coins, and the pleasure of killing enemies and completing role tasks. , such a fun and fulfilling function will indeed make people forget to leave. A student who is inconspicuous in reality may be a big hero in the online world. Many netizens have to ask him for advice. Such a sense of superiority may be difficult to taste in reality. The importance of the Internet to him It’s also indescribable.

  Secondly, it is the "satisfaction of identity" . As far as teenagers are concerned, they are in the stage of self-positioning and self-identity. Interaction and sense of identity with classmates are very important to teenagers. However, in the reality full of competition, it is easy for teenagers to feel frustrated. If difficulties arise in interpersonal relationships, it will make them start to doubt themselves. But in the online world, you don't have to worry too much. You can easily find companions as long as you are in a chat room or playing online games.

Children can set up various identities, chat with different people, or perform game tasks together. They can even make friends on the Internet, call themselves brothers, and form their own family. Such a phenomenon may make teenagers feel more accepted and recognized by the group online than in real life. They can occupy a place in the online community. Even if there are many setbacks and dissatisfaction in reality, as long as they enter the online world, they can realize their own importance.

Finally, it can "provide information to satisfy curiosity" . The convenience of the Internet and the immediacy of information provided are one of the most commendable features of the Internet. However, for teenagers, it is difficult to talk about information and issues related to "sex" in daily life, and they do not know how to learn relevant information, so they easily turn to the Internet to find it. Just enter keywords on the search website, and many pornographic stickers, stories, chat room websites and web pages will be listed immediately. With video software and equipment, the presentation of sexual information becomes more realistic and interactive. However, this is a situation that worries many parents and teachers. If you do not choose the website carefully, some distorted sexual concepts and sexual culture can easily penetrate into the children's ideas, making the children think that it is normal, and therefore make some Things that harm others or break the law. In addition, if children make undesirable friends online without alertness, they can easily fall into danger.

We can see from the social news pages that many crimes are related to online dating, such as online paid dating, one-night stands, sexual assaults by netizens, etc. When these incidents are reported, many parents will sigh and wonder, "What are these children thinking?" What, how could you do such a thing?" Many people liken the Internet to "water can carry or capsize a boat." The Internet does have its advantages and attractions, but if it is used improperly, it may also cost you something. .

The above briefly explains why the Internet attracts teenagers. We can understand that teenagers like the Internet because of its anonymous nature, the ability to gain a sense of identity from netizens, and the ability to provide information to satisfy curiosity. If you look for more literature and research, I believe you will see more information. After reading the above reasons, many parents may still wonder, "What's so fun about online games? What's the point of families on the Internet? Maybe no one has ever seen it, and they're still chatting so enthusiastically!" Regarding this If we have doubts, we have to think about the psychological aspects and needs of children’s excessive use of the Internet.