3 aspects + 2 basic points have laid the price foundation for the mental health assessment system. It is iteratively updated quickly, the medical and nursing usage logic is at the bottom, and the functions cover a wide range. More and more friends choose the Li Shoulong psycholog

3 + 2 basic points lay the price foundation for the mental health assessment system.

has fast iteration and update, medical and nursing use logic is the bottom layer, and wide functional coverage, which makes more and more friends choose Li Shoulong psychological testing software system.

" I used to use the mental health software for primary and secondary schools from xx company. They only gave me X thousand yuan (agency price). Why is it so much higher than theirs? " This is the question raised by Manager B of Nanning over the weekend. .

I encountered the same problem three times in a week or so.

From Teacher There should be no such thing as 3 aspects and 2 basic points in the industry, at least for a period of time. These 3 aspects + 2 basic points are enough to make Li Shoulong's psychological test software stand out, and the price is naturally higher

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[In the field of psychological quality assessment system , if brothers can’t solve it, they can come to us to solve it; if we can’t solve it, there is no need to run around in the country # Psychological Assessment System. # # Psychological Scale #

[Li Shoulong’s blog diary No. 1647, psychological assessment 2022-084]