The author of "100 Days of Self-Discipline, Overcoming Life's Blind Spots" Yang Xiaoxia pointed out that the simplest methodology for overcoming life's blind spots is "OHTT". OH: One Hundred Days (100 days) T: Two methods (2 methods) T: Three things (three things) · Why doing 100

"100 Days of Self-Discipline, Overcoming the Blind Spots in Life" Yang Xiaoxia

The author pointed out that the simplest methodology for overcoming the blind spots in life is "OHTT".

OH: One Hundred Days (100 days)

T: Two methods (2 methods)

T: Three things (three things)

·Why do it for 100 days

Habits have infinite power. Developing a good habit cannot be achieved through any shortcuts. It must take time and continuous training and accumulation.

Phase 1: Resistance - approximately 1 to 7 days

Phase 2: Instability - approximately 8 to 21 days

Phase 3: Burnout - approximately 22 to 30 days

Phase 4: Adaptation - About 30 to 60 days

The fifth stage: Identity period - About 60 to 100 days

It can be seen that if you continue to do something for 100 days, you will mentally identify with it and be empowered to do it. The meaning is to form a habit.

· 2 methods: recording and reviewing

Seeing is surrender. Using a recording method to present the process of developing our own habits can allow us to see what it is like to develop a habit, so as to "subdue" this habit.

There are three main ways to learn: learn from books the knowledge summarized by predecessors; learn from the excellent experiences of people around you; learn from your own past experiences and lessons.

The most important way to learn is to learn from yourself, and the best way to learn from yourself is to reflect and review. Reflect on your actions and check the results. Find out the rules and save them as knowledge and skills.

·Why do 3 things

The magic number "3". Research shows that humans are most likely to remember three items in terms of memory capacity. Set three things that you must do for yourself every day to make yourself more focused, because energy is limited.

These 3 things must be very simple and easy to do. Because simplicity is powerful and sustainable.

Record every day, present every day, review every day, and be aware of and improve in simple things. With one stroke of the sun, the sand can be gathered into a tower. It does not require much time or strong willpower.

uses this simple method to help you get through the blind spots in life and get out of the foggy forest.