Psychologists believe that everyone has a psychological tendency to self-deception. A joint survey by several well-known psychologists in the United States found that more than 90% of Americans feel that their driving skills are much higher than the average, and 94% of university

Psychologists believe that everyone has a psychological tendency to self-deception. A joint survey by several well-known psychologists in the United States found that more than 90% of Americans feel that their driving skills are much higher than the average, and 94% of university professors feel that their teaching abilities are much higher than the average.

What kind of psychology does the phenomenon of self-deception originate from? Many people think that deceiving themselves is to satisfy their own vanity, but psychologists don't think so. Psychologists believe that the psychological tendency of self-deception arises from people's desire to maintain positive and optimistic self-values ​​and outlook on life. In this way, self-deception is not as useless as many people think.

Some people define psychological suggestion as self-deception, but I personally don’t quite agree with this view!

We do not rule out that some people use psychological suggestions as a step back for themselves, but more psychological suggestions are still very rational. When we face a challenging thing, some of our first thoughts are: "Aren't you kidding? How can this be realized?" Some people will think so: "This needs to be done like this!"

The same thing, the psychology dominated by the first-time thinking Suggestions are quite different. This depends on each person's personality, stress resistance, habits, thinking patterns and many other comprehensive factors. However, it is undeniable that psychological cues will play a fundamental role in his decision-making. effect!

When we mistakenly put psychological cues at the forefront of our decision-making, many decisions are ideal rather than rational decisions! So at this time we have to pay attention, is our decision really correct?

Real life is complicated and ruthless. The information people receive includes both positive and negative information. Psychologists say that the human subconscious is the birthplace of emotions. If this person only thinks about good things, his aura will naturally be positive and optimistic, and good things will come to him. On the contrary, if this person only thinks about bad things, his aura will naturally be positive and optimistic. They will also be negative and pessimistic, and bad things will happen unexpectedly. This is how a person's psychology works.