Link: Testianxia Psychological Network - Provides psychological counseling services and shares mental health knowledge (free psychological testing, psychological help) User A's reply: First try to solve the problems that make you feel depressed. Write down all your problems on pa


User B reply:

Make yourself more active in doing things that you think will bring you happiness and inner peace

User C reply:

If you are at home with your parents, talk to them. If you are unable to talk to your parents, talk to a trusted adult.

Stay active, find something you enjoy doing, and talk to your counselor. You may need a little therapy

I know it's hard but keep trying to find someone who can help you. You'll feel better. You will get through this

User D replied:

Gain a sense of self-esteem and do something productive. Put in work to distract yourself. Starting a family and starting a business is a busy time.

Buy some new clothes that seem to work for women and watch some inspiring movies. Get fighting spirit, overcome any obstacles and overcome difficulties.

is engaged in a hobby, a sport, a choir, a singer's dance group. Take some dance classes. Exercise and lose a few pounds. You'll feel better about yourself.

Taking night classes at a community college allows you to participate in some fun activities and meet people. Join a social group, a group of people who share similar interests.

Become a volunteer. Help others and feel good about yourself. You have some talent or ability to help others, or you can help others even if you have no special talent.

User E replied:

I have suffered from depression most of my life. There was a time when my depression "went away" and I didn't know how. My guess is exercise. I run every day, but I'm not too hard on myself. I congratulated myself for getting out there, as I ran I started eating better than before, a positive attitude, and having my dog ​​by my side helped me a lot. It's a rough start, don't be afraid of every second. It all got easier over time and that's how I got through it.

User F replied:

We all feel sad or depressed at times due to environmental issues. Ongoing depression is primarily due to a chemical imbalance in the body. It is recommended to see a psychological counselor.