01. Review of triple hidden walls. So far, Xiaoyao has shared with you the three hidden barriers that restrict our self-improvement: the nature of pursuing profit; emphasizing legal wisdom (over the mind); and "secondary decision-making" based on the "existing me".

01, Triple Hidden Wall Review.

So far, Xiaoyao has shared with you the three hidden barriers that restrict our self-improvement: the nature of pursuing profit; emphasizing legal wisdom (over the mind); and "secondary decision-making" based on the "existing me".

Because these three walls originate from 's nature (seeking profit-seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages), is affected and restricted by nature (emphasis on legal wisdom and light on the mind), which is concentrated in the "self-centered" habit or Habits tend to be (use "my existing" experience, likes and dislikes, and cleverness to replace thinking about things and make quick decisions - "second decisions"). Therefore, we usually do not notice the existence of these three walls, so Xiaoyao calls them hidden walls.

It is precisely because of the existence of hidden walls that we often get half the result with twice the result in the process of self-improvement through learning (self-study and learning from others), but it is often difficult for us to analyze the key reasons for getting half the result with twice the result, thus restricting us. Subsequent self-improvement.

Or because of the existence of hidden walls, we unknowingly find it increasingly difficult to accept changes and differences (changes and differences inevitably bring about "concerns about continued success and profit"), increasing the occurrence of potential psychological problems. May, and then gradually affect daily happy life.

More importantly, too often, the final result of "emphasis on law and intelligence" and "second decision-making" is full of contradictions. Although the decision has been made, it still cannot successfully achieve "seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages". (For example, decision-making: The weather is too hot, I don’t want to go to work. Contradiction: How can I make money if I don’t go to work!)

02. The first step out of the hidden wall

Previously, most of us (including Xiaoyao himself) , unaware of the existence of these three hidden walls. Now we know. If everyone can agree with (or at least not completely deny) these three hidden walls, then the next step is to get out of these three hidden walls. What to do with


Xiaoyao believes that at least some of us have become clear: the answer to this question should never be just "answers such as this or this", but should be "analyze, judge and evaluate this problem first" , and then find a way to solve this problem.” If your first reaction is the same, congratulations, you may have broken out of the second hidden wall of "emphasis on law and intelligence, and despise mind", and the "second decision-making" time is also extended. Indeed, we should no longer underestimate or even ignore the role of the mind!

03. Use wisdom to think

In fact, Xiaoyao has been helping everyone analyze these three hidden walls, striving to make everyone truly understand these three hidden walls, and then help everyone and Xiaoyao themselves get out of these three hidden walls. This is the process of helping everyone and Xiaoyao themselves improve their minds and use their minds. If we want to truly get out of these three hidden walls, we must face up to these three hidden walls and analyze and solve this problem starting from the three hidden walls themselves. The root of

's triple hidden wall lies in the nature of profit-seeking. The higher the desire for successful profit, the more attention will be paid to the profit method that seems to be most closely related to successful profit, thereby ignoring the analysis, judgment and evaluation of "profit" itself; The higher the level of desire, the more eager to make quick profits, and the more are willing to replace or even completely ignore thinking about the problem with "experience, likes and dislikes, and little cleverness" (although, we may have thought about it, but for most people For example, the time to think is probably measured in seconds). When attention and willingness are combined many times, the habit of "emphasis on legal intelligence and light on mind; making decisions in seconds" will gradually develop. The triple hidden wall can be briefly described as: The profit-seeking nature is used to . It is this "habit of profit-seeking nature" that restricts our self-improvement.

However, due to the influence of the "profit-seeking nature", it is not easy to accept the conclusion that "self-improvement is restricted", because it is a kind of self-denial. And the things "I" affirm often have the same subtext: success and profit.Therefore, here, Xiaoyao slightly changed the "habits of a profit-seeking nature" into " habits (tendencies) of a profit-seeking nature ". After all, the habit may not have been formed yet, but there is still room for self-improvement, and prevention beforehand is better than remedy afterward.

But, having said that, whether you have formed a habit or not, getting out of the hidden wall is the key. Otherwise, three steps forward and two steps back, or even one step forward and two steps back will inevitably happen from time to time.

04. The general idea of ​​getting out of the hidden wall

Okay, let’s get down to business.

After the above analysis, we should be able to talk about the issue of "how to get out of the triple hidden wall". Xiaoyao thinks like this: Since we are limited by the "habits (tendencies) of our nature to pursue profit," can we create a new way of pursuing profit and gradually develop new habits of pursuing profit according to it? How to change or even replace the "habits (tendencies) of profit-seeking nature", while at the same time promoting our self-improvement?

Seeing this idea, some friends may ask, it is habits that make us fall into the wall, but you still have to create habits. Will you get out of this wall and enter the other wall? To those who can raise such questions, Xiaoyao would first like to congratulate him. Because being able to ask this kind of question at least proves that you have started to think about the problem and started to understand the wall!

However, Xiaoyao also has to ask a question: Although the same name is a habit, how can this habit be the same as that habit?

Habits can be distinguished by good and bad. Good habits are undoubtedly helpful to people's self-improvement. Xiaoyao's suggestion that "we are limited by our own experience, likes and dislikes, and cleverness" does not deny the habits of each person that are generated by experience and likes and dislikes. Because most of us are incapable of self-evaluation. For example, some people gulp down their meals while others chew their meals slowly. Most people can evaluate the pros and cons of these two habits. Another example is the same way of memorizing words. Some people memorize them by letters, and some people memorize them by phonetic symbols. Most people can also evaluate the pros and cons of these two habits. Moreover, in the process of contact with the external environment, many people gradually develop their own unique good habits of adapting to the external environment. Xiaoyao is not trying to deny this habit. Of course, this does not mean that we should get rid of bad habits such as swallowing meals and memorizing words by letters. Because, Xiaoyao aside, everyone also knows what to do!

The habits that Xiaoyao talks about refer to the habits we have developed without knowing it, limited by the purpose of "putting ourselves first, pursuing advantages and avoiding disadvantages", and using our experience, likes and dislikes, and wisdom to replace thinking. , the habit of replacing the analysis, judgment and evaluation of problems, and then making direct decisions (before, Xiaoyao briefly described it as "the habit (tendency) of the profit-seeking nature"). The habit (tendency) of is the wall that restricts our self-improvement. What we should create is new ways to restrict the above habits (tendencies), and then develop "new good habits" that promote continuous self-improvement!

05. Analysis of unconscious profit-seeking habits

Speaking of this, I guess many friends already have their own answers (as long as it is not a "second decision"). I hope you don’t worry and listen to Xiaoyao’s analysis to see if the new methods and habits I analyzed are similar to yours?

Since the root of the problem lies in the nature of profit-seeking, we should still start from the "profit-seeking nature". Usually, the process of pursuing profits is divided into three stages: discovering profits-pursuing profits-successfully making profits. Xiaoyao will combine "the habit (tendency) of a profit-seeking nature" with the process of pursuing profit. Let's take a look at this process and think about whether you have similar experiences.

The first stage: discovers benefits - when the external environment changes, "I" call out those "convergent manifestations of benefits" (such as money, houses, cars, etc.) from the experience warehouse, and then combine them with the existing benefits Combining experience with likes and dislikes to quickly judge whether changes in the environment are pros or cons? If it is profitable? This is the so-called first stage - "the stage of discovering benefits".If you are indeed in these three walls, you are probably familiar with each link I analyzed, and the time spent in this stage is often measured in seconds.

In short, the process of people in the wall discovering benefits is often to find the expression of "convergent benefits" in the experience library, and then combine the experience, likes, dislikes and intelligence of "existing me" to find benefits. Carry out the process of judging by "seconds" and evaluating by "seconds".

So, in the profit-seeking second stage - the profit-seeking stage, how does the "habit (tendency) of the profit-seeking nature" combine with the profit-seeking process? Once

is judged by to be profitable in at the stage of discovering profits, or even evaluated by as "big" profit, "I" will call the existing methods in the experience library to pursue profits. This decision-making process can usually be measured in seconds.

However, what if the existing methods in the experience library are not feasible, or perhaps there is no successful experience in pursuing profits in the experience library? The desire for success and profit often leads "I" to find ways to obtain profit and apply so-called methods to pursue profit. (As mentioned above, learns the successful profit experience and implements . However, combined with the previous analysis, I believe most of us already know: the experience, likes and dislikes, and intelligence of being trapped in the "existing me" , this kind of learning that does not suppress or even ignores the "mind" often results in half the effort, or even counterproductive.)

Let us analyze the third stage of - the successful profit stage.

In the first stage, "I" have determined the "profit", and in the second stage, "I" have determined and implemented the pursuit method of "determined benefit". So in the third stage, the desire for success and profit often makes "I" ignore the role of the mind again, and limit the standard for judging and evaluating successful profit to "certain profit has indeed been obtained." For example, a person has his eye on a company and hopes to work in this company - profit; so he goes to the company to apply for a job - pursues profit. If he is hired - he succeeds in making a profit; if he is not hired - he fails to make a profit. (There is one thing to note here: the examples given by Xiaoyao are only to illustrate a certain corresponding situation. I hope all friends can understand and not generalize to prevent "second decisions".)

Although, most people listen to It has been said that "failure is the mother of success", but in the face of the common judgment and evaluation standard of "certain benefits have been obtained", the greatest value of this sentence may be the so-called "self-comfort" - —I didn’t succeed in making a profit this time, so I’ll try harder next time. I would like to ask, the form of profit in "my" eyes has not changed, the method of pursuing profit has not changed, and the criteria for judging profit have not changed. Will I be able to make a profit successfully if I work harder next time? I'm afraid it's also a last resort "second decision", right?

06, the introduction of new methods and new habits

Let’s make a summary. Under the influence of the "habit of profit-seeking nature", the three stages of profit-seeking are closely related to the "existing self": under the existing self, determine profit, determine the method of pursuing profit, judge and evaluate the pursuit of profit. Profitable results. Combining the aforementioned analysis, Xiaoyao summarized these three stages into sixteen words: Focus on me - Target the target (profit) - Try every means (pursue profit) - Profit directly (certain profit is indeed obtained) . Some friends may have discovered that these sixteen words are the "convergent profit-seeking method" that Xiaoyao once proposed. I'm afraid many friends have already developed this profit-seeking habit without knowing it.

How different is it from pursuing profit in this way (habit) and ignoring the role of the mind? Moreover, it will inevitably limit the role of legal wisdom. How to achieve the integration of benefit and wisdom? Continuous self-improvement is probably nothing more than empty talk! What to do with

? Create new ways, develop new habits!

Xiaoyao also put forward sixteen words for the profit-seeking method of "putting me first—focusing on the target—finding every possible means—direct profit": putting things first—grasping the main idea—exploding wisdom— —Multiple profits.


These sixteen characters are just a simple one-to-one correspondence, or do they have a deeper meaning? Interested friends can find the answer in Xiaoyao’s related sharing. [smile]