Someone has done such an experiment: a fence is set up in front of a group of sheep. The leading sheep jumps over the fence, and the following sheep also jump over.

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Someone has done such an experiment:

A fence is set up in front of a group of sheep. The leading sheep jumps over the fence, and the sheep behind it also jump over.

The next scene is interesting. After the staff removed the fence, when the sheep behind walked to the original position of the fence, they still jumped over like the sheep in front.

This is the herd effect.

The herd effect refers to the fact that people are often influenced by the majority and thus follow the public’s thoughts or behaviors. It also refers to the herd mentality, commonly known as following the herd.

So how can we get rid of the herd mentality and achieve a more exciting life?

1. Don’t blindly follow the trend.

As the saying goes: if blindly follows the trend, everything will be in vain.

The phenomenon of following the trend has been around since ancient times. In ancient times, there was a story about learning to walk in Handan.

During the Warring States Period, there was a young man in Shouling of Yan State. He heard that people in the capital of Zhao State, Handan, had very graceful walking postures, so he wanted to learn from it. After he came to Handan, he saw that the people on the street walked very elegantly and showed grace in their movements.

The boy then imitated the pedestrians on the road. When others stepped with his left foot, he followed suit; when others stepped with his right foot, he followed suit with his right foot. But after a few days of learning, he couldn't learn it at all, and the more he walked, the more awkward he became, and his walking posture was even more ugly than before.

The boy thought: There must be something wrong with the way he walked before, and he needs to completely abandon it before he can learn a new walking posture. So he started learning to walk from scratch and practiced hard every day. Three months later, he still had not learned the Handan people's walking posture. On the contrary, he had completely forgotten his original walking method.

In the end, the young man completely forgot how to walk and had to crawl back to Yan Kingdom.

As a human being, you must not blindly follow the trend. Otherwise, not only will you not get the results you want and the recognition of others, but you will also be ridiculed.

2. Read more.

The ancients said: Books are like medicine, good reading can cure stupidity.

Since childhood, both teachers and parents have told us that we must read more. Because reading can enlighten the mind, read can understand reason, read can cure stupidity, and reading can change destiny.

books are also called "spiritual antidote" because they can help us solve our doubts. Many times, the reason why we fall into the pain of narrow-mindedness and become sad and entangled in every possible way is because we read too little. My knowledge and cognition are limited, and I don’t have enough wisdom to solve the problems in life, leaving me confused and helpless.

In fact, the most important thing for a person is not how much wealth he has, but whether he has profound knowledge, wisdom, and the courage to face the difficulties of life. Regardless of whether it is knowledge, wisdom, or courage, we can get it by reading more.

If we want to change ourselves, drive away confusion, and fight against mediocrity, reading more is one of the simplest and most practical ways for us.

3. Be confident.

Lu Xun said: No matter how "rumors" about , they can't scare me dumb.

If a person wants to become a better version of himself, he must be confident.

As the saying goes: I am born with talents that will be useful.

Each of us has our own strengths or weaknesses. It would be silly to blindly compare our own weaknesses with the strengths of others. In turn, we always compare our weaknesses with the strengths of others. It’s silly to make comparisons.

Only when we have enough understanding of ourselves, continue to use our strengths, learn to accept ourselves, and believe that we can achieve the end, can we be happy.

This can also avoid being brainwashed by others and letting others lead you. We must know that if we always blindly cater to others and follow the crowd, we will only become more confused over time.

I have heard such a story:

A girl was not ugly originally, but because she was extremely unconfident, she was always submissive. One day people around her said she looked like a pig. She was very sad and did not dare to protest.From then on, everyone gradually felt that she was easy to bully and began to say that she looked like a pig. In the end, she really turned into a pig.

4. Think rationally.

The ancients said: Think twice before you act.

Herd mentality is a relatively common social psychological and behavioral phenomenon. The popular explanation is that some people like to follow what others say and follow the crowd, and are not rational enough.

No matter what we do, we should think rationally before acting. You can't think that everyone thinks so, and you think so too, and everyone does it, so you just follow suit.

For example: Some people go to shopping malls and see some stores doing activities. Many people are buying without considering their practical value.

Another example: Some people see other people’s children attending various extracurricular classes, and they start to go out of their way to enroll their own children, regardless of whether the children are happy or not. Under the slogan never let your children lose at the starting line! Carrying out cramming education


We should think rationally before thinking about doing something, and then decide whether to do it or not based on the specific situation, otherwise the effort and reward will be difficult to be proportional.

5. Be your own master.

Even after countless hardships, I am still strong, regardless of the winds from east to west, north and south.

We must learn to be our own masters, be able to think independently, have our own opinions, and cannot be humble and cowardly or follow the crowd.

We must know that if we cannot think independently and have no opinion when it comes to people and things, then we will be mediocre and mediocre all our lives.

On the other hand, all successful people are relatively independent-minded, have their own goals, know how to plan, and have a correct understanding of themselves.

We must understand that the truth is always only in the hands of a few people, and most of the wealth in the world has always been in the hands of a few people. We can only succeed if we try our best to be a part of those few people, and only if we don't follow the herd.

hopes that no matter what kind of tests we encounter from now on, we can be the masters of our own lives and achieve a unique and wonderful life.