What is the mentality of those people in the comment area who support "know three and act as three"? What is the psychology of these people? Are you so justified in intervening in other people's families and destroying other people's marriages? The comments in some videos today d

What is the mentality of those people in the

comment area who support "know three and act as three"?

What is the psychology of these people? Are you so justified in intervening in other people's families and destroying other people's marriages?

The comments in some videos today directly overturned my three views. I don’t know if they are the mistresses themselves and speaking from the perspective of the mistress, or if their mentality is so shameless and they don’t need dignity.

Originally, the wife caught the mistress with a marriage certificate and smashed the car in the street, and then the onlookers cheered for their support. As a result, some people's comments were shocking:

"Emotions are not prioritized, and the mistress is the one who is not loved."

"Real moral upbringing Just let it go if you don’t love it anymore. Holding on to a loveless marriage without letting go is an immoral manifestation of love.”

No one gets married for the sake of divorce. When you get married, you all want to grow old together!

It’s just that after getting married, some men fail to guarantee their loyalty to their wives and fail to take up the responsibility for their children. They have done something wrong in the first place. The mistresses also have no moral bottom line and lack of family upbringing. Birds of a feather flock together. Do those people in the

comment area teach their daughters to intervene in other people's marriages at will? Would you bless such a spurned relationship?

I don’t know what kind of family can raise such a child. Where are the etiquette, justice, integrity, and ? Where has the "civilization" in the core values ​​of socialism gone?

In addition, women in marriage are relatively passive, because they regard relationships as the most important thing in the world. If you have a job you love, close friends, and hobbies, even if your relationship changes, you won't be so passive. ! So, married female friends, please don’t forget to love yourself and be yourself.