Chapter 1, Section 1, Overview of Infant and Child Development (Meaning Development Stages, Stage Characteristics, Physical and Mental Development Trends, Physical and Mental Development Laws, Psychological Development Factors) 1. The meaning of infant and child development refer

Chapter 1

Section 1 Overview of infant and young child development (meaning development stages stage characteristics physical and mental development trends physical and mental development rules psychological development factors)

1. The meaning of infant and young child development

refers to the physical and psychological aspects of infants and young children during their growth. Regularly carry out the process of quantitative and qualitative changes, including both physical development and psychological development.

2. stages of infant and young child development

(1) Infancy (from birth to 1 year old, also known as the infant period)

(2) Pre-infancy (1 to 3 years old, or preschool period, equivalent to the nursery stage)

(3) Early childhood (3~6 years old, or preschool, equivalent to the kindergarten stage)

Small class: 3~4 years old (early childhood)

Middle class: 4~5 years old (middle kindergarten)

Large class: 5~ 6 years old (late childhood)

3. Age stage characteristics of infants and young children

1. The occurrence of neonatal psychology

{1} Unconditional reflex of newborn

Unconditional food reflex, unconditional defense reflex, unconditional orienting reflex, grasping reflex , Babinski reflex , startle reflex, tonic neck reflex, walking reflex, swimming reflex, etc.

{2}The emergence of conditioned reflexes and the occurrence of psychology: The emergence of conditioned reflexes marks the development of children's psychology .

2. Age characteristics of infancy (0~1 years old)

{1}Physiological development

The body develops very quickly, and the height and weight increase significantly.

Nerve fibers begin myelination , which is the maturity of the internal structure of the brain. An important sign of

nervous system development performance: cortical excitatory function is enhanced and cortical inhibitory function begins to develop.

{2} Movement development

The development of body and lower limb movements:

Children's movements develop in the order of raising their heads, turning over, sitting, crawling, standing and walking.

Development of hand coordination:

Instinct grasping at 3 to 4 months; Infant hand-eye coordination gradually at 4 to 6 months; Center of interest shifts to the object of action at 6 to 8 months; After 9 months, infants can complete tasks with the help of tools action.

{3} Psychological development

The development of parent-child relationship: mother-child interaction is the primary condition for the baby's psychological development;

The development of communication behavior: Around half a year old, the baby begins to actively interact with adults;

Cognitive emotion and speech development.

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