It's not about working overtime 996 hours a day, nor about dealing with trivial things, but slowly becoming lonely. But slowly, after I graduated and started working, I realized that everyone is too busy now. No matter how good friends are, they all have their own lives. No one c

What is the status of adults?

is not working overtime 996 every day, nor is it dealing with trivial things, but slowly becoming lonely. The older you get, the more lonely you become. What should you do when you are at your lowest point with no one to talk to?

I remember when I just graduated, when I was particularly sad, I would find a few friends, buy some drinks, have a hearty chat on the playground or in the dormitory, and talk about my situation. You may get drunk every time, and you may not remember what you said every time, but you always feel relaxed and at ease afterwards.

But gradually, after graduation and working, I found that everyone is too busy now. No matter how good friends are, they have their own lives. No one can just put down what they are doing and come to you as soon as they don’t go well, like in the TV series. Comfort you and listen to you. More often than not, more things and grievances need to be swallowed and carried by oneself.

It is true that life is a lonely journey.

However, there are always times when we need support. I hope my emotions can be known; I hope my feelings can be cared about; I hope I will no longer list WeChat friends from top to bottom and continue to be alone; I hope someone can help me when I am desperate; I hope...

you can release yourself in your heart.

If you are unable to digest yourself, are in pain, or don’t know how to solve your troubles, and hope someone can help, then try Simple Psychology’s low-cost psychological counseling service. Its single charge for does not exceed 150 yuan for , which is very suitable for you who are new to psychological counseling or who are currently having troubles with emotions, work, relationships, growth, etc.

Of course, after seeing the price, you may also have some questions about whether it is legal, why it is so cheap, etc. I also hope to answer your questions through the following questions, help you overcome difficulties, and give you the strength to grow.

Simple Psychology's low-cost psychological counseling is provided by trainees of Simple Psychology Uni's gold medal course "Psychological Counselor Training Program", covering a special two-year long-term systematic training of theory + internship + supervision.

currently has a total of more than 800 student counselors providing one-to-one, low-cost psychological counseling . During the same period, each student consultant is limited to recruiting 2 visitors. With the one-on-one professional support of professional individual supervisors, they will accompany you through difficulties and give you the strength to grow.

Here is a summary of 5 frequently asked questions, hoping to help you better start this journey of psychological exploration:

Q1: Why the low price?

Simple Psychology's low-cost psychological counseling service is provided by student counselors who have entered high-level internships after nearly 2 years of systematic study and training. Under one-on-one professional supervision, they will listen to your troubles, help you sort out the problems, and provide interventional professional support and feedback.

Because the student counselors are in the internship stage of course study, they will charge lower psychological counseling fees.

Q2: Are the student consultants professional and reliable?

Although they are still continuing to learn, they have completed 350+ hours of psychological counseling theory and technology, including:

  • Psychological counseling regulations, ethics and other related basic knowledge.

  • Core theoretical knowledge of psychological counseling and practice of main psychological counseling techniques.

  • Knowledge and techniques of psychological problems and their main intervention methods.

  • ...

They intern under the supervision of professional group supervision and individual supervision:

  • In the past learning stage, they have accumulated more than 40 hours of helping experience with the support of supervision, including psychological hotlines and Pre-consultation.

  • Student consultants strictly carry out "one case, one supervision" when receiving cases on the platform, that is, each consultation will receive one-on-one guidance from professional supervisors to ensure the professionalism of the services provided to the greatest extent.

  • is currently participating in group supervision and continues to do group supervision regularly for at least 30 hours. (Supervisors are all trained in Germany, the United States, etc., have more than 10 years of consulting experience, and have accumulated more than 3,000 hours of case experience.Supervisors will provide professional support and guidance to students. )

Q3: How is low-price consultation carried out?

"Low-price psychological counseling" helps you understand the basic settings and functions of psychological counseling through conversation, and discusses the situation you are currently encountering with you through the collection of basic background information. During the consultation, the student consultants will also provide interventional professional support and feedback through the consultation knowledge and techniques they have learned, to help you better face the current problems.

  • Fee: 150 yuan or less (the price of each student consultant is indicated on the personal page)

  • Duration: 50 minutes each time

  • Frequency: Once a week (the specific time and frequency are agreed upon by both parties)

  • Format: face-to-face/video

  • If you want face-to-face consultation, you can give priority to making an appointment with a student consultant in your city for on-the-ground consultation. If there are no students in the current city, you can also choose the video format.

Q4: Can I make a reservation?

To apply for "low-price psychological consultation", you need to:

  • be at least 18 years old, have no history of taking psychotropic drugs, and have no suicidal intention or behavior;

  • are students who have clearly understood the "low-price consultation" and have entered advanced studies from the counselor training program The counselor provides psychological counseling services, and understands that the student counselor is currently in the course study and internship stage;

  • has the desire and motivation to understand and change himself/current situation, and recognizes psychological counseling;

  • is not "Simple Psychology Uni·Psychological Counselor Training Program" Current students;

  • can try their best to meet the frequency of once a week in terms of time, location and financial situation.

In the following situations, you can make an appointment with a student counselor to get help:

  • Feeling stressed due to events at work and life, and want psychological companionship and emotional counseling;

  • Full of curiosity about your own personality, emotions, interpersonal patterns, etc. , want more personal exploration and growth;

  • faces occupational pressure at work and wants to better manage stress and explore career development according to his own situation;

  • is confused about interpersonal communication, intimate relationships and other issues, and hopes to learn more Understand your own patterns better and handle relationships better.

It is not recommended to make an appointment with a student counselor in the following situations:

  • Those who have recently made clear and specific plans to commit suicide, harm themselves or others;

  • Those who have been diagnosed with severe mental illness.

If you are facing some confusion or problems, you might as well give yourself a suitable psychological consultation.

They are sincere and ready.

"Simple Psychology" low-price psychological consultation

Accompanying each other

There is a safe tree hole waiting for you

If you are ready

Click the original text to make an appointment 👇

Looking forward to meeting you