Dear friends, I am Miao Baoping, a psychological counselor. Starting today, we will read together the book "Learn Something About Psychological Effects Every Day" written by Lu Fang. Today is the "Preface" chapter of the book. Foreword Mark. Twain once said: "The human mind is am

Dear friends, I am Miao Baoping, a psychological counselor. Starting today, we will read together the book "Learn Something About Psychological Effects Every Day" written by Lu Fang. Today is the "Preface" chapter of the book.


Mark. Twain once said: "The human mind is amazing. As long as you focus on a certain cause, you will surely make achievements that surprise you." "Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals." "Xian Ji" also wrote: "If you want to defeat others, you must first defeat yourself; if you want to criticize others, you must first learn to criticize yourself; if you want to know others, you must first recognize yourself." The foundation of all success comes from one's own Accurate positioning, no one is perfect, you can't be good at every field, even the great Einstein is a weak general in the field of literature. We don’t need to envy others. You can have what others can have, but the key lies in whether it is best for you. Only what suits you can you truly own.

Self-understanding is a lesson that every successful person must learn before he can carry out perfect self-management. A person with a strong sense of self-management can avoid many detours on the road to success. In real life, people always feel that they are only one step away from success. Only when they take that step do they realize that there is still a long way to go. Maybe you just missed success, or maybe you took a wrong turn at an intersection and had to watch others succeed.

Every role you play in life - friends, colleagues, bosses, subordinates, every field you engage in is inseparable from rules, especially unspoken rules. You can choose to be yourself, but you must know that the world is complex and changeable, society has its own specific rules, and there must be a certain law at work behind everything that happens. For example, success or failure in any aspect will not be accidental. That is to say, a cause will eventually lead to a certain result, and the occurrence of a certain result must have a specific reason. This is the famous "causal effect" in psychology. This profound and powerful law has different extensions and applications in various areas of life. This is the saying goes: "If you sow melons, you will reap melons; if you sow beans, you will reap beans."

Causal effect is just one of many psychological effects. This book will discuss the various psychological effects that exist in these fields and the hidden effects of these effects from the aspects of self-understanding, emotion management, interpersonal communication, workplace life, and spiritual cleanliness. The unspoken rules below allow you to get the answers you want in the face of confusion one after another. While helping you solve problems, it also tells you what to do. When you finish reading this book, you will find that these magical psychological effects are playing their respective roles all the time, and will become energy that you will use throughout your life, or even change your life. It is they that influence our behavior and life, and invisibly build this wonderful world.

In this world, there are laughter and laughter, but also sadness and sighs; there are times when we are coping well, and there are also ups and downs and hard years; there is the comfort of heaven, and the coldness of hell... But no matter what, we are still alive. After understanding the psychological effects introduced in this book, you may begin to understand life.

It should be noted that although the psychological effects introduced in this book belong to different categories, it does not mean that they cannot be applied in other fields. Each point of view can be understood at different levels. As long as you understand them, they are yours. We hope they will become life-changing treasures.


Why should we study psychological effects? Because human beings are not simple humans, and people are not simple people.In addition to our bodies being perceived by ourselves, what about our psychology? What is the relationship between psychological cognition, psychological phenomena and interpersonal communication? Do we need to understand and understand the psychology of others and the psychology of groups? Well, psychological effects can unlock some secrets and give you answers!

Psychological effect is a common psychological phenomenon and law in social life; it is a causal reaction or chain reaction in which the behavior or function of a certain person or thing causes corresponding changes in other people or things. Like anything, it has both positive and negative aspects. Therefore, correctly recognizing, understanding, mastering and utilizing psychological effects plays a very important role and significance in people's daily life and work.

The book "Learn Something About Psychological Effects Every Day" describes for us the origins and functions of more than hundreds of psychological effects. We have selected more than 160 of them for study, in order to help us continue to explore the vast ocean of psychology. As for Lost!

June 28, 2022