Professor Li Minjin: The psychological distress in adulthood stems from the lack of psychological support

Many people find that when they reach adulthood, they are often troubled by some kind of psychological problem, which may even affect their life or work. For example, someone asked me why I don’t like contacting people? Why can you obviously do this, but always shirk when you arrange it for yourself? Why can't I get along well with others, and I don't know what to do when I encounter conflicts between people? Others told me that I don’t know why they are always anxious or worried about something.

In my opinion, these psychological troubles are often related to their past and even early years of experience. We seem to have no memories of some experiences, but our bodies will have memories. For example, someone told me privately: "Even though I interact with all kinds of people normally every day, in my heart, no one can approach me, and I don't want to get close to anyone. Sometimes my heart hates everyone who approaches me. ."

Later, I chatted with a person about this topic: People's early experience will become subconscious, which may not be understood by themselves, but it will affect the psychological activities of adulthood. So he talked about his mother telling something about his early years. He was sent to the kindergarten's kindergarten less than two months after he was born. Because his parents often work overtime, he sometimes spends more than ten hours in the kindergarten. Because there are too many children in the kindergarten class, they are all newborn babies, and the teachers can't take care of them. The children are wrapped in quilts and cannot change positions for a long time. Therefore, the children cried together. Every time his mother came to feed her, she could hear the crying of the children as soon as she walked to the gate of the kindergarten.

Many children suffer from otitis media because their tears flow into their ears when they cry. His mother was worried that his tears would flow into his ears, so she put cotton balls in his ears...Listen to him During this experience, I immediately understood the source of his resentment towards people. Although this experience happened within one year of age when there seems to be no memory, in fact he has this memory deep in his heart. He hates everyone because he was at the youngest. When he was most in need of care, the people who approached did not make him feel warm, comfortable and happy. On the contrary, they came here for a short period of time, but they left the voice of restraint and even going away after they left, so he was right in his heart. Human rejection and disgust have their roots.

When I researched the crime field, I found thatMany criminals have the psychological abnormality of , and they also have the background of lack of psychological support. Especially perverted criminals, that is, people with abnormal psychology, most of them have the background of lack of emotion, lack of warmth and attachment in early raising.

Under normal circumstances, the reason why a criminal commits a crime is mostly motivated to benefit himself from the crime. Such as getting money, getting sexual satisfaction, or taking revenge on people who have vengeance. However, some criminals do not have such common motives. His criminal behavior does not benefit him at all. If you ask him why he did this, he can't answer it himself. Some once replied, "I want to go out and do this when I can't sleep." Some say, "I want to go out and do this when I'm upset." This is a crime with an abnormal motive.

There are also crimes of abnormal behavior. A reporter once called and asked me: "At the scene of a murder, the upper body of the victim was stabbed with a knife over a hundred times. The criminal and the victim did not know each other. What kind of psychology was this behavior motivated?" The 28-year-old criminal told me: "When I'm fine, I think about how to smash the corpse..." It's creepy.

However, out of research needs, I have to figure out how this perverted motivation and perverted behavior occurs. Although psychological phenomena vary widely, as mentioned above, there are all traces to follow.

Later, I saw an English paper on the Internet, which talked about perverted murderers who often regarded the victims as "prey", and when they controlled the victims to commit the harm, they would only regard them as "objects." Under his control, a "person" is an "object" that can be disassembled and manipulated at will.

Combined with the cases I have experienced, I understand that when a person first comes into contact with the world, if he lacks the emotional companionship around him, accompanied by only a bunch of toys, and toys that can be dismantled, then his heart , What can satisfy happiness is objects without emotion. When they face the victim, they will not feel the emotions related to the victim, such as the pain of the victim’s family losing their loved ones, etc., and will only cruelly destroy them.

In fact, any abnormal psychology that appears in adulthood is not formed in adulthood.

Later, I found out by consulting a lot of materials, including interviews with criminals and investigating the relationship between criminal behavior and growth background,People who present abnormal crimes often have the experience of growing up alone during the period of being raised.

Imagine that an infant has just arrived in this world. When he is so unfamiliar and helpless, when he most needs warm embrace, cuddling shoulders, gentle comfort, and comforting humming, Wake up with no one around him. What’s more terrifying is that no matter how you cry, there is only deathly silence in the empty space except for his own voice. He is like a person who feels deprived. Sight, hearing, and even smell and taste are scarce. What is left is the hand that can move autonomously, and the sense of touch can be formed by grasping any object in the hand. The feeling of his hand becomes his only source of happiness. He must not be empty anymore. He will not let go easily when he grabs any "object". He wants to kill it slowly. This is probably because some perverted criminals will control the victim. Psychology and the source of performance afterwards.

I once met a 17-year-old boy who dismembered a 16-year-old girl by more than 100 pieces and then threw the body. I saw him just to understand his early experience. Sure enough, he is close to adult judging from his size, but judging from his psychological performance, you feel that he is completely immature, like a child who knows he has caused a big disaster but is at a loss. He kept his head down deeply, wishing to lower his head to the edge of the table, sitting there sobbing.

I saw him in this state instead of sitting opposite him like the interrogator, but sitting next to him. I want him to feel the way the adult at home talks to the child. I asked him, "What's your name?" He muttered with his head down. I didn't hear what he said. I said again: "You raise your head to speak, or I can't hear you." At this moment, he raised his head a little, and I asked: "Can you tell me about your childhood experience? Who brought you when you were a child? Who spends the most time with you?" He muttered. I can’t tell whether it’s "Uncle Quan" or "Auntie". The policeman next to me said: "He was talking about Auntie."

I asked, "Is Auntie relative?" He shook his head and said I don't know, I asked, "How long will Auntie take you?" He shook his head again, and the local police told me that he had been given away since he was born. Who is his parents? He changed hands several times after being adopted by others. He was called an aunt at the time for all women who took him. Later, through the introduction of the local police, I learned that maybe families were not rich at that time.There are several children in the family who didn’t want to raise one more, so he was finally sent to a restaurant, probably because the restaurant always has leftovers to feed him. But the restaurant couldn’t let him eat for nothing. Because he was too young to do a lot of work, he was assigned a job of peeling rabbits. He was responsible for peeling rabbits in the restaurant since he was a child.

He never loved or dared to talk. Judging from it, he was also very pitiful when he was growing up in a restaurant. He obviously didn't use bluffs to make people like him. He would certainly not say anything when he did wrong and would not apologize. Being silent sometimes made the owner more angry, so he left the hotel at the age of 16 and started to make a living by himself, and found a shop selling aluminum alloy doors and windows to work as a small worker.

At the age of 17 years old, his body has completed development, and it seems that he has begun to know the things between men and women. On this day, he was looking at the store by himself, and a 16-year-old girl came to see her classmate. The house nearby is a three-storey simple building erected by temporary board houses. There are about six rows with two or three doors in each row. Because there was no house number, the girl asked him if she didn't know which door to knock first. Without saying a word, he pointed to his door, and the girl walked inside and went upstairs. This door enters into a total of three floors, which are all houses of this shop: the first floor is the shop, the second floor is the house of the owner and his wife, and the third floor is the house of the owner’s son and his house. The boy knew that there was no one upstairs, so he quietly took a stick and followed him, and when he reached the third floor, he blocked the girl. The last stick beat her to death and dragged her into his room for one night. He didn't say exactly what he had done. The police found more than a hundred pieces of broken bodies after finding the body bag they had thrown. The criminal police told me that the method of broken bodies was to peel rabbits.

We later analyzed that his initial thoughts about this girl were curiosity, and wanted to contact or see what the girl was like. However, his growing up experience lacked the nurturing of humanity, the nourishment of love, and even did not have much memory of touching the female body when he was young. His curiosity or likes could not be expressed in a normal way, and in the end he used simple and violent means to make extremely abnormal behaviors.

Actually, I have seen many similar cruel crimes, and I have also seen the perpetrators. Starting from the investigation results of criminal psychology that everyone knows little about, I want to tell everyone that emotional upbringing can determine human nature, determine a person’s emotions, personality, and verbal expression, as well as affect his cognitive style and pro-social behavior. develop.
