Soon after Li Shi ascended the throne, he experienced the Jingyuan Mutiny, Li Weiyue, Tian Yue, Wang Wujun, Li Na, Li Xilie and others rebelled, and Zhu Si invaded Chang'an and proclaimed himself emperor, which made his sensitive and suspicious personality even more serious.

2024/07/0302:21:32 psychological 1348

Historical books often say that a certain emperor was jealous, and that serious levels of suspicion were a sign of mental illness.

Soon after Li Shi ascended the throne, he experienced the Jingyuan Mutiny, Li Weiyue, Tian Yue, Wang Wujun, Li Na, Li Xilie and others rebelled, and Zhu Si invaded Chang'an and proclaimed himself emperor, which made his sensitive and suspicious personality even more serious. - DayDayNews

Tang Dezong Li Shi (stills)

Tang Dezong Li Shi's mother Shen Pearl has not been around since he was born. He lacks maternal love and feels insecure. His native family gave him a sensitive and suspicious character. Shortly after Li Shi came to the throne, he experienced the Jingyuan mutiny, Li Weiyue , Tian Yue , Wang Wujun , Li Na, Li Xilie and others rebelled. Zhu Si invaded Chang'an and proclaimed himself emperor. The bad things happened made his sensitive and suspicious personality even more serious.

Tang Dezong's paranoid personality was taken advantage of by Lu Qi and other treacherous ministers. According to historical records, "when he was the prime minister of Lu Qi, he had many jealousies because of his superior nature, so he alienated the officials because of his suspicions." Later, the imperial censor Zhongcheng Lu Qi took the position of prime minister, taking advantage of Tang Dezong's suspicion and suspicion, creating many suspicious incidents, eradicating dissidents and harming loyal people. Now let’s take a look at how the sensitive and suspicious Tang Dezong was used by Lu Qi from the murders of the important ministers You Pu She and Tong Ping Zhang Shi Cui Ning !

At that time, during the Jingyuan Rebellion, the rebels invaded Chang'an and supported Zhu Si as emperor. Because of the sudden incident, Tang Dezong fled in a hurry to Fengtian, Shaanxi Province (today's Qianxian County, Shaanxi Province). Some civil and military officials heard the letter and fled with Dezong, some did not know what was going on and did not run out, and some escaped later, and the situation was very chaotic. Cui Ning, the right servant, fell into the latter category and ran too late to catch up with Tang Dezong and others, so he arrived at Fengtian several days late.

When Cui Ning arrived in Fengtian and met Emperor Dezong of the Tang Dynasty, the emperor and his ministers were all moved with emotion during the adversity. According to historical records, "I was very happy and took care of my old age." At this time, Tang Dezong was not dissatisfied with Cui Ning's lateness and was very happy. The two had a pleasant conversation, and Dezong also cared for Cui Ning.

Cui Ning may have been too excited. When he returned, he said to those close to him: "The Lord is smart and brave, and he does good deeds, but he was deceived by Lu Qi, which led to this!" The news reached Lu Qi's ears, and Lu Qi set out to frame Cui Ning.

But Cui Ning is not wrong, how to deal with him?

At this time, Tang Dezong was in a desperate state and mentally fragile. He was most afraid that his ministers would follow Zhu Si and rebel against him! Because at that time, some ministers who stayed in Chang'an did surrender to Zhu Si. Lu Qi took advantage of Tang Dezong's suspicion of the ministers and began to plot against Cui Ning.

Just in time, something Lu Qi's confidant Wang Hong said made him take notice. Wang Hong and Cui Ning were together when they were running away. Cui Ning dismounted his horse several times to relieve himself. Wang Hong called Cui Ning: "Stop being so annoying. We have come so far. Do you still want to go back to Chang'an?" In fact, Cui Ning It's just frequent urination.

Lu Qi asked Wang Hong to complain to Tang Dezong: Cui Ning and I had urinated several times on the way to Fengtian, taking the opportunity to delay and wait. Tang Dezong's paranoia immediately came into play at this time, and he thought: is it, why did you go to the toilet many times on the road? There is so much shit and urine! Do you want to go back to Chang'an to find Zhu Si? People who are morbid and suspicious are prone to catching rumors, let alone someone saying bad things about Cui Ning now! Tang Dezong suspected that Cui Ning was going to seek refuge with Zhu Si!

It happened that Zhu Si, who was proclaimed emperor in Chang'an at this time, issued an edict, "If Zuo Cheng Liu Hun is in the same position, I would rather be Zhongshu Ling." It's over now! With Tang Dezong's suspicious character, he must be even more suspicious of Cui Ning's double-mindedness: Cui Ning had the intention of seeking refuge with Zhu Si by relieving himself many times on the road. Now Zhu Si has appointed you as Zhongshu Ling and promoted you to an official position, which shows that you There has been a connection for a long time! This is one of the cognitive methods of a suspicious personality - generalizing from a few points to the whole.

At this time, Lu Qi added a heavy weight to Tang Dezong's already extremely suspicious mentality: he asked Kang Zhan, the secretary of Shuofang, to forge a letter from Cui Ning to Zhu Si, saying that Cui Ning and Zhu Si were preparing to cooperate inside and outside and plot evil. . At this time, Tang Dezong had already concluded that Cui Ning was going to rebel! You went to the toilet many times on Cuining Road to delay time. Zhu Si made you prime minister, which means that you two are connected. You wrote to Zhu Si to confirm that you are going to betray me! This is the second way of cognition of suspicious personality - circular argument .

At this time, Cui Ning was unable to defend himself and was hanged in the palace by Tang Dezong.

If Li Shi were a broad-minded emperor like Li Shimin , he would not be suspicious of Cui Ning. Back then, someone told Li Shimin that Yuchi Gong was going to rebel. Li Shimin immediately found Yuchi Jingde and confessed his feelings, and the two became more trusting and respectful of each other. Lu Zhi Later, he wrote a letter directly stating the shortcomings of Tang Dezong's suspicious character. Unfortunately, it is easy to change the country and hard to change the temperament!

Rather than saying that the evil Lu harmed Cui Ning, it is better to say that the suspicious Tang Dezong harmed Cui Ning!

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