A young man was only over thirty years old, but he had been suffering from premature ejaculation for many years. He had been to many hospitals for treatment. However, after seeing doctors, almost all doctors believed that his premature ejaculation was caused by psychological fact

2024/06/2913:27:32 psychological 1761

A young man is only over thirty years old, but he has suffered from premature ejaculation for many years. He has been to many hospitals for treatment, but after seeing doctors, almost all doctors believed that his premature ejaculation was caused by psychological factors. Doctors of Western medicine mostly comfort him psychologically, and sometimes prescribe some sedatives and and so on, and ask him to take them; but the effect is not very satisfactory. Later, he went to a traditional Chinese medicine doctor for treatment. After understanding his condition, the traditional Chinese medicine doctor prescribed two medicines: Xiaoyaosan and vitamins. He also told him that this was a particularly effective medicine for treating premature ejaculation. After taking it, he would definitely be able to prolong sexual intercourse. More than 20 minutes. As a result, the patient's "premature ejaculation" that had troubled him for many years was soon cured.

A young man was only over thirty years old, but he had been suffering from premature ejaculation for many years. He had been to many hospitals for treatment. However, after seeing doctors, almost all doctors believed that his premature ejaculation was caused by psychological fact - DayDayNews

In fact, for the treatment of the above cases, the doctors of traditional Chinese medicine only gave strong psychological hints. As a result, the patients were convinced of the "miraculous efficacy" of the medicine and benefited from it. This also shows that his premature ejaculation is closely related to psychological factors. So, what are the main psychological factors for premature ejaculation? The vast majority of premature ejaculation is fundamentally caused by a low stimulation threshold required for ejaculation. The reasons for low stimulation threshold include psychological factors and ejaculation habit problems, all of which are related to ideological problems. The forms of expression are different, and they can be summarized as follows:

A young man was only over thirty years old, but he had been suffering from premature ejaculation for many years. He had been to many hospitals for treatment. However, after seeing doctors, almost all doctors believed that his premature ejaculation was caused by psychological fact - DayDayNews

Premarital sex: Some young people have sex before marriage. Due to nervousness, excitement comes quickly, and they ejaculate in a hurry, it is difficult to change the established ejaculation reflex after marriage.

Sexual intercourse is suddenly interrupted: Some people are unwilling to use contraceptive measures such as condoms and IUDs after marriage, and use the method of external ejaculation to prevent pregnancy, because both parties are very nervous and focus on spilling semen outside the penis, and the man's Being too nervous can easily lead to premature ejaculation.

Too few sexual intercourses: Some people are prone to premature ejaculation due to the tension of work, study, and life, or the couple living apart, or one spouse traveling for a long time, unable to have sexual intercourse for a long time, and have excessive sexual requirements. Some people are worried about premature ejaculation and deliberately reduce the number of sexual intercourses, causing sexual tension to accumulate, which in turn aggravates premature ejaculation.

Few interactions with the opposite sex, lack of sexual knowledge: Few interactions with women in social interactions, too restrained and shy with women, some lack knowledge of human nature, have a sense of mystery about sexual organs, and are prone to nervousness and fear, causing premature ejaculation.

Have a history of masturbation: Some people have a history of excessive masturbation. Although masturbation itself does not directly cause premature ejaculation, due to the fear of being discovered by parents or dormitory partners during long-term masturbation, they always want to end it as soon as possible, so they develop the habit of hastily ejaculating.

The relationship between husband and wife today is not harmonious: In families where the woman is the head of the house, premature ejaculation will occur due to excessive fear of the wife, excessive worship, strong inferiority complex, or potential hostility towards the wife. When a husband is dissatisfied with his wife, he often ejaculates quickly as an outlet for his sexual desire. In addition, sometimes the woman suffers from inflammation of the reproductive tract, which can cause pain during sexual intercourse, so the woman wants to end sexual intercourse as soon as possible, causing premature ejaculation.

A young man was only over thirty years old, but he had been suffering from premature ejaculation for many years. He had been to many hospitals for treatment. However, after seeing doctors, almost all doctors believed that his premature ejaculation was caused by psychological fact - DayDayNews

Poor living environment: If two or three generations live in the same room and have sex in a hurry, premature ejaculation is likely to occur.

considers himself " physically weak ": Some people attach great importance to the semen ejaculated during sexual intercourse. They are affected by the saying "one drop of semen, ten drops of blood" and worry that sexual life will damage the body. Excessive worry can cause ejaculation too quickly. Of course, over-indulgence can cause sexual dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

The above are all psychological factors. As long as the above respective reasons are solved, it will be beneficial to the recovery of premature ejaculation. In addition, organic factors can also cause premature ejaculation, but they only account for about 10% clinically. Therefore, psychological factors are the main cause of premature ejaculation.

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