The society criticizes young people a lot for lying down, being decadent, and not wanting to work hard. In fact, they don’t know that this is a kind of psychological “powerlessness.” I call it psychological “COVID-19,” and it is also widely spread. It is not easy to eradicate and

2024/05/2903:52:33 psychological 1760

The society criticizes young people a lot for lying down, being decadent, and not wanting to work hard. In fact, they don’t know that this is a kind of psychological “powerlessness”. I call it psychological “new coronavirus pneumonia”, which is also widely spread. , difficult to eradicate, and have some sequelae.

The society criticizes young people a lot for lying down, being decadent, and not wanting to work hard. In fact, they don’t know that this is a kind of psychological “powerlessness.” I call it psychological “COVID-19,” and it is also widely spread. It is not easy to eradicate and - DayDayNews

Weakness is failure, the psychological trauma caused by frustrated self-esteem, the high expectations of family members, the high demands of companies, and the high standards of marriage leave us with no place to settle. We can even play games and stop using our accounts. Contemporary young people have I was beaten so hard by society that I was not even allowed to surrender. The self-esteem that education had given me was rotten in the mud. How to get out of this state and make yourself more confident?

1. Find the meaning of failure and find support.

If you can find the value and meaning that you recognize from your failure experience, you will not stagnate. You also need to find those who support you, whether it is emotionally or financially. They can not only help you, but also give you confidence.

2. Goal planning exercise

Break down the big goal into several small goals, then examine the controllable and uncontrollable parts of the small goals, focus on the controllable parts, and enhance your confidence.

3. Take responsibility and admit your fears.

A person who is willing to take responsibility for what he does and facing his fears shows that he has grown. I used to do things on my own and got into trouble. My family fixed the loopholes, but I became less bold in doing things later. Then my family found a job. When I go to work, I am like a bereaved dog who spends the whole day in panic. I want to do what I want to do but am afraid of causing trouble for my family. If I don’t go to work, there is no hope. Two kinds of despair enveloped me. Later I realized that the loss caused to me by failure was far less than the loss caused by going to work, so I decisively resigned and left.

4. Define your own life

People's true freedom is not to be assimilated by this social trend. Society worships success, esteems money, and emphasizes group. Then I allow myself to be unsuccessful, not very rich, and allow myself to be alone.

The society criticizes young people a lot for lying down, being decadent, and not wanting to work hard. In fact, they don’t know that this is a kind of psychological “powerlessness.” I call it psychological “COVID-19,” and it is also widely spread. It is not easy to eradicate and - DayDayNews

Facing inferiority

Yang Li once said a famous saying, "You are so ordinary, why are you so confident?" In fact, this is a sick sentence. 90% of people in a group have low self-esteem. If you can be confident without having low self-esteem, you will have surpassed 90% of the people.

Inferiority is the first hurdle in human growth, and most people never pass this hurdle in their lives. Some people have missed promotions, missed love, and missed many opportunities because of low self-esteem. How to get rid of this?

1. Self-affirmation exercise

1. Take out 2 pieces of paper. Write the advantages on one page and the disadvantages and negative feelings on the other page.

2. Throw the one with shortcomings into the trash can, and use the one with advantages for analysis and optimization every day. Practice on praise from others 1. Recall the things that your friends, family, and colleagues have affirmed and praised you, and describe them.

3. Explain why others have such positive comments about you

4. How does this kind of behavioral quality benefit you? It may also help you in those aspects of your life.

2. Physical exercise

The body and mind are integrated. If your body is not strong, your willpower, endurance, and confidence will also be insufficient. You will not have the energy to complete various challenges, and you will get tired easily. Strengthening physical exercise is helpful for alleviating sub-health , anxiety and depression.

The society criticizes young people a lot for lying down, being decadent, and not wanting to work hard. In fact, they don’t know that this is a kind of psychological “powerlessness.” I call it psychological “COVID-19,” and it is also widely spread. It is not easy to eradicate and - DayDayNews

That’s it for today, Qidou continues to output solutions to problems, the next issue will be “What are some useful micro-exercises to relieve anxiety”

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