Introduction to the journal "Psychological Research" Former name: Psychological World (monthly 1993-2007) Journal cycle: bimonthly Sponsor: Henan University Domestic serial number: CN: 41-1393/B International serial number: ISSN: 2095-1159 Journal level: Provincial Excellent Jour

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"Psychological Research" journal introduction

Former name: Psychological World (1993-2007 monthly)

Journal cycle: bimonthly

Sponsor: Henan University

Domestic serial number: CN: 41-1393/B

International issue number: ISSN: 2095-1159

Journal level: Provincial Excellent Journal

Introduction to the journal

"Psychological Research" journal introduction, inclusion requirements, main columns, recommended collection

"Psychological Research" main columns

Including theoretical forum, basic research, applied research, school psychology research and other columns, which mainly publish innovative research reports, papers, reviews, etc. in various fields of basic psychology, development and educational psychology , and applied psychology .

The purpose of the journal "Psychological Research"

is to provide psychological researchers with a platform to publish academic research results and promote the development of the discipline of psychology in my country.

Introduction to the journal

"Psychological Research" journal introduction, inclusion requirements, main columns, recommended collection

"Psychological Research" readers

Those engaged in teaching, scientific research and management in the field of psychology, suitable for all levels and types of personnel who are concerned about the development of their own psychological quality , and is also suitable for junior college students, undergraduates, graduate students and other people in society who are interested in a career in psychology.

"Psychological Research" magazine was founded in 2008. It is a comprehensive psychology academic journal sponsored by Henan University and co-organized by the Personality Psychology Professional Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society.

Introduction to the journal

"Psychological Research" journal introduction, inclusion requirements, main columns, it is recommended to collect

"Psychological Research" inclusion requirements

 1. Article writing requirements The manuscript should reflect the latest progress and level in this academic field. The argument is clear, the evidence is sufficient, the data is reliable, the organization is clear, the title is consistent, and the text is concise.

 2. The title should be concise and to the point, accurately summarizing the main content of the article, and the number of words should be within 20 words.

 3. The abstract includes research purpose, methods, results, and conclusions. Chinese abstracts are limited to 200 words and must be accompanied by corresponding English abstracts.

 4. Keywords Keywords include 3 to 5, placed after the abstract.

 5. Use "1" for the first level of the title hierarchy, "1.1" for the second level, and "1.1.1" for the third level. Titles are limited to level three.

 6. Please use legal units of measurement, symbols and standardized nouns and terminology for letter symbols. The commonly used statistical symbols are as follows: the total number of samples is N, the number of samples is n, the mean is M, the standard deviation is SD, the t test is t for , the F test is for , the chi-square test is X2, and the correlation coefficient is . is r, and the significance is p. The above symbols are in italics. For pure decimals appearing in the text and tables, the o before the decimal point cannot be omitted, such as p=0.05, r=0.82. Except for the significance level p, other statistical data are rounded to two decimal places.

Introduction to the journal

"Psychological Research" journal introduction, inclusion requirements, main columns, recommended collection

7. Tables and illustrations use three-line tables, without vertical lines. The text used in the picture is No. 6 Song Dynasty . Illustrations should have good contrast and clear layers; microscope photos should have a length scale in the circle.

 8. References adopt the APA "author-publishing year system". Please refer to the APA Publication Manual (5th edition).

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