Jiupai News noticed that in addition to sharks, the female Internet celebrity also filmed a video of eating 30 pounds of golden salamander, and said in the video that there are only a few golden salamanders in the country.

htmlOn July 14, a video of a Sichuan food celebrity blogger named "Ti Zi" suspected of eating great white shark was circulated on the Internet, causing controversy in public opinion. Jiupai News noticed that in addition to sharks, the female Internet celebrity also filmed a video of eating a 30-pound golden salamander, and said in the video that there are only a few golden salamanders in the country. In the video, he labeled "Artificially bred for consumption" in text, but many netizens still questioned whether it was legal to eat golden salamander.

The golden salamander purchased by internet celebrity. Source/Network

A staff member of the China Fisheries Association told Jiupai News that it is currently impossible to identify through the internet celebrity’s video whether the food he is eating is wild salamander . If it is artificially cultured salamander , it is edible. "Last year, the country re-issued a wildlife protection list. There is a note about the giant salamander in the protection list. Although it is a national second-level protected animal, only the giant salamander in the wild is protected."

According to " The List of National Key Protected Wild Animals shows that the protection scope of the second-level protected animal giant salamander (salamfish) is limited to wild populations.

The staff member also said that artificially cultured salamanders are generally larger than wild ones because artificially cultured salamanders are fed more promptly, while wild salamanders grow slower due to insufficient food in the wild. "Except for the wild giant salamanders that have survived for many years and may grow larger, the larger ones now seen are basically artificially fed. In the past two years, when the national policy was not completely clear, it was Food is not allowed, which has led to a backlog of salamanders in many farms, so it seems that the larger ones are more likely to be artificially bred. "

staff also said that the golden color of salamanders is a common genetic mutation. , is not unique to the rare giant salamander in the wild.

According to media reports, on July 15, the Nanchong City Public Security Bureau stated that it had received a report and the police had intervened in the investigation of the female Internet celebrity involved.

Jiupai News called the Nanchong Public Security Bureau in Sichuan. A staff member said that the police are still investigating. If it is found that the female Internet celebrity has committed illegal activities, they will be dealt with. The specific situation must wait for the police report.

Jiupai News intern reporter Ouyang Xiaofei

[Breaking news] Please contact the reporter on WeChat: linghaojizhe

[Source: Jiupai News]

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