Wisdom can be divided into small wisdom and great wisdom. Small wisdom is based on scheming, while great wisdom is based on nature. People in the world tend to focus on small wisdom and ignore big wisdom. If you are dedicated to Xiaozhi, you may achieve temporary success, but you

wisdom can be divided into small wisdom and great wisdom.

Small wisdom comes from scheming, great wisdom comes from nature. People in the world tend to focus on small wisdom and ignore big wisdom. If you are dedicated to Xiaozhi, you may achieve temporary success, but you will inevitably fail in the end. Only by establishing yourself with great wisdom can you remain invincible forever.


In the Spring and Autumn Period, a magical turtle was caught by a fisherman, so the turtle entrusted a dream to Song Yuanjun, the monarch of the Song Dynasty.

That night, in his sleep, Song Yuanjun only saw a man with disheveled hair, peeping at the side door of the palace, and said to Song Yuanjun: "I live in a deep pool called Zailu. I am on an envoy to Hebo on behalf of the Qingjiang Water God. On the way there, he was caught by a fisherman named Yu Qie. "

When Song Yuanjun woke up in the morning, he thought of his dream at night and felt strange, so he asked someone to divine the dream.

The divination person said: "This is a dream given to the king by a magical turtle." Song Yuanjun asked the people around him: "Is there a fisherman named Yu Qie?" The people around him replied: "If there is a fisherman named Yu Qie, Yu Qie. "

So, Song Yuanjun ordered his men to summon Yu Qie to come to the court.

The next day, Yu Qie came to see Song Yuanjun. Yuanjun asked him: "What did you catch while fishing?"

Yu Qie replied: "I caught a big white turtle with a fishing net. The turtle's back was five feet long."

Song Yuanjun ordered Yu Qie Offer the white turtle. Yu Qie hurried home and presented the white turtle he caught to Song Yuanjun.

After Song Yuanjun got the turtle, he wanted to kill it several times and raise it several times, but he was always hesitant in his heart. In the end, he had to ask a fortune teller to make a decision.

The result of the divination was: "Kill this turtle and use it for divination. It is auspicious."

So, Song Yuanjun ordered people to kill the white turtle, cut out its intestines and the turtle shell I performed divination for a total of 72 times, and it worked every time.

Later, Confucius said with deep emotion about this incident: "This magical turtle has the ability to entrust dreams to Song Yuanjun, but it has no ability to escape from Yu Qi's net; its wisdom can reach the point where 72 divination times have not failed. , but cannot avoid the disaster of being disemboweled. From this point of view, there are limitations to wisdom, and there are things that wisdom cannot take care of."


Laozi said: "The good people in ancient times did not understand the people. , it will be foolish. "

If the way of heaven is extreme, it will be the opposite, and if it is profitable, it will be a loss. Those who like to boast about their talents will easily offend others; those who like to criticize others' strengths and weaknesses will easily attract resentment from others. This is what a wise man will not do.

A great wise man exhausts the profound principles of all things and investigates the nature of living beings. Therefore, his spiritual platform is clear and his mind is not clouded. Everything he does is consistent with morality and morality. He does not boast of his wisdom, show off his talents, or criticize others. Long and short, understand the truth, accept everything as it comes, neither arrogant nor discouraged. Judging from his appearance, he looks like a fool.

Therefore, the foolishness of a great wise man is to hide his wisdom. On the surface, he looks like a fool, but in fact he is not a fool.

It is precisely because "fish cannot escape from the abyss, and the sharp weapons of the country cannot be shown to others."

Therefore, A capable and wise person should use a foolish way to discipline himself; a knowledgeable and eloquent person should use a restrained and concise way to discipline himself; a strong and courageous person should use a fearful way. Self-discipline; people who are rich and powerful should be self-disciplined by taking the initiative to cut back; people who are kind and generous to the world should be self-disciplined by being humble.

Therefore, the moral appearance displayed by a virtuous person is often "the common people are enlightened, but I am alone in the dark"; "the common people are observing, but I am alone in the dull".

It’s rare to be confused!