#新农人creation contest# Xiaoqin, a 23-year-old rural boy, came to Hangzhou to work and rented a single room at Chenguang International in Xiasha, Hangzhou, where he lived. Xiaoqin said that he has always had a living habit. Since he was a child, he has been used to sleeping with mo

2024/07/0217:37:32 news 1825

#新农人creation contest# Xiaoqin, a 23-year-old rural boy, came to Hangzhou to work and rented a single room at Chenguang International in Xiasha, Hangzhou, where he lived. Xiaoqin said that he has always had a living habit. Since he was a child, he has been used to sleeping with mo - DayDayNews

On July 11th, an unfortunate accident happened. At 11:30 noon, Xiaoqin was working outside. A friend told him that there was black smoke billowing from the window of the room he rented and there was a fire. When Xiaoqin found out, he immediately returned to his rental house and saw that the fire had been put out. The room of more than ten square meters was completely destroyed by the fire and was beyond recognition, making it uninhabitable. At this time, it was discovered that all his belongings were turned to ashes and washed away by the high-pressure water of the firefighters. He knew that his daily belongings were burned and the loss was nothing. However, there was not a single piece of 100,000 yuan in cash left on the bed, and there were no traces of burning. What to do? Who should Xiaoqin seek compensation from? According to Xiaoqin's reaction, he has reported the incident to the police station and the fire department, believing that the fire was not caused by him personally, but was caused by room safety issues. The homeowner should be responsible for the losses caused by the fire.

#新农人creation contest# Xiaoqin, a 23-year-old rural boy, came to Hangzhou to work and rented a single room at Chenguang International in Xiasha, Hangzhou, where he lived. Xiaoqin said that he has always had a living habit. Since he was a child, he has been used to sleeping with mo - DayDayNews

#新农人creation contest# Xiaoqin, a 23-year-old rural boy, came to Hangzhou to work and rented a single room at Chenguang International in Xiasha, Hangzhou, where he lived. Xiaoqin said that he has always had a living habit. Since he was a child, he has been used to sleeping with mo - DayDayNews

At present, after investigation by relevant parties, Xiaoqin has a habit of smoking, and there are still traces of cigarette butts remaining in the room. Xiaoqin said that he has a habit of smoking, but he can only leave after every time he finishes smoking and the cigarette butt has been extinguished. He said the cause of the fire had nothing to do with his smoking. There were also burning remains of wires in the room, and it was possible that the fire was caused by a fault in the wires. In addition, Xiaoqin could not find any cause of the fire, nor could he find any traces of burning of the 100,000 yuan mattress on the bed where he slept. Only the wire springs of the mattress were left, which could not be burned by fire. Things, other combustibles, no longer exist. The homeowner said that the equipment in the single room was in good condition and there had never been any accidents. No one is sure of the specific reasons at present. The truth will only be revealed after the fire department investigates clearly.

#新农人creation contest# Xiaoqin, a 23-year-old rural boy, came to Hangzhou to work and rented a single room at Chenguang International in Xiasha, Hangzhou, where he lived. Xiaoqin said that he has always had a living habit. Since he was a child, he has been used to sleeping with mo - DayDayNews

#新农人creation contest# Xiaoqin, a 23-year-old rural boy, came to Hangzhou to work and rented a single room at Chenguang International in Xiasha, Hangzhou, where he lived. Xiaoqin said that he has always had a living habit. Since he was a child, he has been used to sleeping with mo - DayDayNews

Now, Xiaoqin is worried that his 100,000 yuan in cash will be damaged by the fire. He doesn't know what to do? It is recommended that migrant workers working and renting houses in cities must pay attention to fire prevention and daily use of fire to avoid fire accidents. At the same time, you should also pay attention to electrical safety. When no one is in the room, you should cut off the power supply before leaving the room. Be careful not to store too much cash, gold and silver jewelry and other valuables in the rental room to avoid economic losses caused by theft and fire.

[The above are my own opinions. If there is anything wrong, please leave your valuable opinions in the message area and actively participate in the comments. We specially invite everyone to pay attention to rural areas and farmers in eastern Hubei and discuss rural issues together. The picture is from the Internet. Infringement delete. 】

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